"It's just for you, come and sit first, I'll introduce you!"

At this time, Qin Mo should go to the back kitchen to prepare.

But considering that the Four Seasons Band is not familiar with the inside.

I'd better stay first and let everyone say hello.

He just went to get busy!

"Mr. Qin, are there many people?"

Xia Yunxin began to think that he was just eating with Qin Mo, but now he was just watching outside.

This pattern is not small!

"It's okay, it's all some friends, you will deal with each other often in the future!"

Qin Mo did not explain the situation now, but only gave a cryptic reminder.

If the other party is smart enough, maybe they can really guess some.

"Guys, this is the Four Seasons band, and they're all beautiful women.

It's still my junior sister, so I can't bully when I'm not there!"

As soon as he walked into the box, Qin Mo was the first to introduce Xia Yunxin to everyone.

"They are Xia Yunxin, Dong Yuanyu, Qiu Xianshan, and Chun Yuwei!"

For the names of the four people, Qin Mo still remembered it now and said it accurately.

"These six big brothers are the top figures in the legal industry!"

They are Huang Ma, Ke Yuanwei, Tan Yushan, Cang Xiangwen, Huang Haoran, and He Gaolang.

Qin Mo introduced the four people one by one.

"The four sisters are good, since they are all Mr. Qin's junior sisters, they are also our junior sisters, everyone says yes!"

Just after talking about forming a band, Qin Mo found four people.

The six immediately understood that this was the core of what they would build in the future.

From the appearance alone, it can be regarded as qualified.

"You guys sit first, I'll go and prepare, at most half an hour!"

"Gu Qingyi, you come and chat with them, I'm afraid the atmosphere will be embarrassing!"

After coming out of the box, Qin Mo called Gu Qingyi.

Simply told her about things, now the restaurant, it seems to be able to come in handy, just Gu Qingyi, everyone else has been assigned to Yangcheng.

"Boss, don't worry, Four Seasons Band, they are all my senior sisters, no matter what aspect, I really contribute!"

Say it's half an hour, not a penny is no less.

In such a short time, Qin Mo completed thirteen dishes.

One of the soup stocks, borrowed from the back kitchen, was seasoned by him again and cooked for another half hour.

Compared with the two, there is already a clear gap.

"Mr. Qin, you come to sit in this position!"

As soon as he brought the broth over and put it down, Qin Mo was immediately pushed to the main seat.

"Everyone is acquaintances, and they are so polite!"

"It's not polite, it's courtesy.

First, you are the boss and we are the employees.

There is also Mr. Qin's home field, so no matter from which angle you look at it, this main position is Mr. Qin! "

It is worthy of being a barrister, Tan Yushan analyzed it one after another.

"Okay, don't be polite, this soup is not good when it is cold, everyone come to a bowl of soup first!"

Hearing Qin Mo's order, the two waiters who had been guarding the side.

Hurriedly walked over and served everyone a bowl of hot soup.

"This is the delicacy made by Mr. Qin, just smelling it makes people have a great appetite!"

"You four haven't eaten here, so you need to eat more later!"

With Qin Mo's joining, soon everyone was chatting together.

For Gu Qingyi's appearance, everyone could not imagine that there was such a beautiful woman beside Qin Mo.

Originally, one Ye Yin had surprised everyone, but now there was another one.

If you count the four people next to the table, could it be that Qin Mo is a source of attraction for beautiful women?

If you don't explain it, the beauty is getting bigger and bigger!

"Everyone eat more, Mr. Qin rarely cooks once in person!"

While persuading everyone to eat, Gu Qing also took advantage of the time to pour wine for everyone.

Squeezed to Qin Mo's side and asked, "What's going on today, boss?" She

didn't know anything other than knowing that the Four Seasons Band was her senior sister.

Because everyone hasn't discussed this topic yet!

"Go back and sit down, you'll know later, if you do this again, everyone will eat up!"

The temptation of food, whoever is a little reserved at this time, will not be able to eat.

"It's delicious!"

At the beginning, Xia Yunxin and the four of them saw so many bigwigs at the same table.

Don't dare to let go of your hands and feet, every dish is tasted shallowly!

This taste is particularly uncomfortable, facing a table of food.

It wasn't until the big guys started drinking that the four could finally eat without restraint.

"Why are you all sitting, do you still have to accompany a few of our masters to drink!"

Seeing the four people sitting at the dining table with only promises, even Ke Yuanwei couldn't look at it.

"What kind of nonsense, they are singers, how can they drink.

Don't listen to Brother Ke, just concentrate on the food! "

It was at this time that the whole scene came to a climax.

The previous constraints seem to be released in this instant!

"Boss, can you tell me what's going on now?"

Gu Qing is still not dead, and this secret is not known for a while.

It's like ants in your heart, it's all uncomfortable!

"You know what the four of them did before!"

Qin Mo glanced at the four people who were competing for the gourmet Dong Yuanyu.

"You know, it's not a small band, it's just performed in the local business of Shenzhen City!

Wait a minute, boss, is our Qin Restaurant going to have an event recently? Once

the business performance is linked, Gu Qing also gives himself an answer in his heart.

"Your thoughts are still very narrow!"

"Why not, is it possible that the boss wants to enter the entertainment industry?"

Gu Qing was just casually sarcastic.

"Yes, that's exactly what we think, the four of them are the core of this time!"


Gu Qingyi, who had just drunk a sip of soup, heard this answer.

Taken aback, I couldn't help but spray the soup out of my mouth.

Fortunately, the direction she faced was not the table, otherwise this table would suffer.

"I can't stand such a little news, I still want to carry a great cause in the future!"

Facing Gu Qingyi, Qin Mo really didn't know what to say.

Discerning people can see that this girl has taken a fancy to him.

It's just that she controls it well and there is no entanglement.

She must know about Ye Yin's existence, otherwise she would have thrown herself into her arms a long time ago!

But teasing her from time to time is also a pleasure in life.

"Okay, don't tease you, it's true!"

Even if Qin Mo said it seriously at this time, Gu Qing still didn't believe it.

"Boss, you said that you are a chef, and it is not good to do your catering business well.

Go to the entertainment industry at this time, don't dislike the water there is not turbid enough, right? "

No matter what, in Gu Qingyi's impression, the entertainment industry is not good.

Otherwise, with her posture, she would have chosen to take the idol route.

This is true, she Gu Qing also sings, ordinary people are not comparable.

During the school, I don't know how many scouts came to the door.

The threshold was about to be trampled, and she still did not agree.

Just because of a bad impression of the entertainment industry.

"Four senior sisters, I have something to ask you!"

Seeing Qin Mo's answer, Gu Qing also found the four people next to him and asked.

"Supervisor Gu, if there is anything, just ask!"

Seeing Gu Qing also come over, the four of them slowed down the speed of competing for food.

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