"Do you know why the boss is looking for you?"

"Supervisor Gu, you are not mistaken, you said that Mr. Qin came to us.

We remember it clearly because there was no place to live.

That's why I'm bothering your boss! For

Gu Qing's question, it made the four people confused.

If Qin Mo personally came to them, how good it would be!

"You don't know either?"

Seeing the expressions on the faces of the four, it didn't look like a fake.

Gu Qing also didn't believe Qin Mo's reply just now.

"Hmph, I won't say this, do I want to hide the golden house!"

But it's not right, how to say, it is also yourself to hide!

In Gu Qing's depression, the past half an hour.

The few bottles of good wine that Qin Mo took out also fell into everyone's stomachs.

"Okay, all eat and drink, it's time to get down to business!"

After Mark Huang went out, wash his face and sober himself up.

Back at the table, start talking.

Of the six lawyers, he is the majority.

After all, without him pulling the thread in the middle, there would be no dinner today.

Besides, for those who can get money and taste food.

This kind of good thing, everyone is happy to do.


Hearing Mark Huang say this, the four people who were still eating.

Quickly swallowed it in his mouth, and almost choked.

Xia Xinyun was curious, isn't it just eating, there are other things?

"Mr. Qin, you shouldn't have told them yet!"

At this time, the six of them could also see it.

Qin Mo did not tell the party about this.

However, for this kind of good thing, I believe that after the four people know it, they will definitely agree.

They've been in the industry for so many years.

It should be known that there is no one behind to support and want to be famous by their own efforts.

It's really hard, and even if there is, it's not the four of them.

"I definitely don't know, you see the four girls looking confused!"

Hearing that this matter was also related to the four of them, Xia Xinyun's face was full of doubts.

From time to time, the minds of the four people echoed: "What's going on?

"Don't tease people, say it quickly!"

Seeing that several people were still joking, Gu Qing couldn't help but say.

"Could it be that what the boss just said is true?"

The six bigwigs in the legal profession all said that this matter was related to four people.

Wouldn't that mean that the boss didn't joke with himself before.

Can the restaurant industry enter the entertainment industry across industries?

"Four girls, you guys sit down now!"

In the process of just eating, everyone also knew that the four people were unemployed.

This time he came to Qin Mo.

I am afraid that when I hear such a good thing fall on my body, I will make indecent actions with excitement for a while.

"Lawyer Huang, it's okay, you say, we can endure it!"

So far, the four people have not reacted, what people said is a good thing.

And the four of them thought it was a bad thing!

"Look at it, let me say, what scared a few little girls into people!"

Seeing that Huang Mark didn't say that it was okay, the four of them became even more nervous.

Tan Yushan quickly interrupted him and said it himself.

"Four girls, don't be nervous, this is a good thing!"

He first said a word to calm the emotions of the four people.

Sure enough, hearing these words, Xia Xinyun and several people had nervous expressions on their faces and slowly relaxed.

"That's right, Mr. Qin wants to prepare a band to play.

But when I think about it, there is no suitable person.

At this time, your appearance allows him to see hope.

So I don't need to say more about what you should mean!

Tan Yushan said very tactfully, and at the same time highlighted Qin Mo.

At this time, Qin Mo thought of them.

The four would not really think that he really couldn't find the right person.

Instead, I wanted to push the four of them out from the beginning.

"What you said is true?"

Sure enough, after hearing the news, the four jumped up in surprise.

Qiu Xianshan almost knocked over the bowls and chopsticks on the dining table.

The other three were in similar moods, covering their mouths and saying nothing.

When they were most desperate, someone stepped up and pushed them.

This push is not an ordinary push.

Who is Qin Mo?

In the food and beverage industry, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is at the forefront.

With his assets, even if it is a momentary fun.

Their future achievements are also more promising than following the previous boss.

After a team has strength, it meets a gold owner.

It's hard not to be famous!

"Of course it's true, or you and us old men, watching you drink to relieve your boredom?"

Tan Yushan didn't know why, he always liked to tease four people the same age as him.

"Mr. Qin!"

Now the only thing that can call the shots is what they call the big money.

"What they said is true, but I don't know what you guys think?"

Qin Mo quietly watched the four of them make a decision, if one of them disagreed, then this matter would be as if he had not said anything.

"Boss, you're really here!"

At this time, Gu Qing also got up and walked over.

As for the four of Xia Yunxin, they were still in shock.

They never imagined that one day they would be so lucky.

According to the introduction just now, the six lawyers present could know that Qin Mo was playing a lot this time.

In other words, it is bound to make them a famous band.

And not just lip service.

"Can we really?"

When the opportunity really came, the four began to doubt whether they had this strength.

"Are we worth Mr. Qin's investment?"

"Aren't you afraid that you won't be able to return your blood when the time comes?"

"Then we can't afford to sell us then!"

Each of the four couldn't help but ask.

"The four of you will put a hundred hearts, adjust the best mentality, and when the time comes, when everything is ready, it will be you who debut again!"

Mark Huang came into contact with this kind of business for the first time and felt very interested.

Six top elites in the legal industry came to escort people to set up entertainment companies.

No one believes it.

"What questions do you have, now ask together!"

Qin Mo saw that the four people had finally calmed down before entering the topic.

"Mr. Qin, the name of the band?"

For the name Four Seasons, it is based on the names of four people.

This makes people think of the names of the four whenever they see the band name.

Or vice versa.

"The name is still Four Seasons!"

Hearing that there was no change, Xia Yunxin couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"In that case, then I have no problem, Mr. Qin, you ask the three of them!"

Seeing that it was finally his turn to ask a question, Dong Yuanyu quickly picked up.

"Mr. Qin, I didn't have no requirements, but will I eat here in the future..."

said Dong Yuanyu, and slowly lowered his head.

In the end, the voice can only be heard by herself.

Just because when she said that when she ate, everyone's eyes were on her.

This girl does not care about treatment, but cares about food, can it be a foodie.

"My question is simpler, that is, now they are all staying, is it bigger, and if four people live in it, it feels smaller!"

Chun Yuwei likes her current residence very much, and the only thing she is dissatisfied with is as she said.

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