"Mr. Qin, now people also have it.

The rest is to think about what route to take.

There is also the need for a professional to guide.

Otherwise, just us laymen, can it really work? Mark

Huang quickly sorted out a list of things that needed to be done now.

"Leave the professionals to me, but Mr. Qin, the price spent on poaching people is not cheap!"

Tan Yushan took care of finding someone.

"If the Yushan brothers make a move, then there will be no problem in this matter.

The rest is the main thing, songs and the like, I don't know if there is a suitable person? When

he said this, Mark Huang did not continue.

But looking at everyone, he really can't help with this.

I don't know a composer in the entertainment industry.

At this time, the six people were silent, and everyone found that they thought too easily about the problem.

This is not the first question is stumped.

And this is the most important point, if you want to make a name for yourself, you must have a good song.

Instead of the kind of song with a short lifespan, it is a golden song to put it bluntly.

"Don't worry about this, just leave it to me!"

Seeing that everyone was stumped, everyone did not boast about Haikou at this time.

Qin Mo was very satisfied, and everyone could not solve the problem.

When it comes to him, it's not a problem, just go back and think about tonight.

Qin Mo felt that the previous lottery skill finally came in handy at this time.

Speaking of the lottery, it seems that I haven't drawn a lottery for a long time.

"How about trying it now?"

After hearing their answers, everyone was in a state of shock.

The six people couldn't think of a problem they couldn't solve, since Qin Mo had a way.

Is it a knock on the door with money, this is not certain, it is really possible.

"Mr. Qin, are you sure there is no problem with this?"

"Don't worry, how can we joke with our own money!"

Qin Mo gave the six people an affirmative response.

"Since there is no problem with this, let's move on to the next topic."

At this time, Qin Mo was no longer needed.

"Then draw a prize and try your luck."

In the last draw, the points required for each draw were 50 million.

If you are not mistaken, it will definitely rise this time.

However, you only need to open the lottery list in your mind.

"No, two hundred million once!"

Seeing the points required for the new lottery, Qin Mo was really taken aback.

According to this law, in the next lottery, wouldn't it be more than 500 million.

Maybe there will be more.

"Tens of billions of points, it seems to be a lot, if it goes on like this, maybe there will be no more than a few times, then the lottery system will not be used in the future?"

Qin Mo was quickly taken aback by his own analysis.

I started with a system, and if there is no system.

Can you achieve more in other areas as before?

"Forget it, why do you think so much! Now the skills are enough to study by yourself, or draw the lottery first! Qin

Mo used up 200 million points and began to start the turntable lottery.

This time the turntable has changed again.

It seems that every time the draw points change, the draw wheel also changes.

"Congratulations to the host for drawing early childhood education expertise (full level)."

"Congratulations to the host for pumping a strong body (ten percent in all directions), without a good body, how can the host stand at the top of various industries!"

Seeing the new knowledge that appeared in his mind, Qin Mo's face instantly darkened.

"What is the situation?"

The latter one is still within the acceptance range, in the blink of an eye.

He seemed to feel his body, constantly strengthening.

However this should be an illusion, with previous experience.

This improvement requires a certain process.

Now depressing, you give me a professional knowledge in early childhood education.

Do you want me to be a full-time nanny, or a confinement sister-in-law or something?

If before that, this is indeed a good career.

In big cities, the minimum monthly salary starts at 20,000.

Let some students who have been reading hard for decades be eclipsed!

"Forget it, with the urine of this system, it must have its effect."

Qin Mo was no longer entangled in this issue, and at this time, everyone in the box had already finished the discussion.

"You're all done?"

He looked at the six people with a puzzled look and said.

"Yes, it's been half an hour, and everything can be said.

Just saw that you slept so soundly that you could fall asleep while sitting.

Mr. Qin, usually pay attention to the combination of work and rest! When

he said this, a meaningful smile appeared on everyone's faces.

This is a mystery that only men understand!

"It's not..."

Qin Mo was about to say if it was when they fooled themselves.

I accidentally saw the watch on my hand, and it was really half an hour.


The surprised expression on Qin Mo's face, this is really a misunderstanding.

Everyone thought that he was guessed to have this expression.

"Mr. Qin, youth is capital, but it must also be moderate!"

Mark Huang walked out first, and what he said made Qin Mo not know how to answer.

"Indeed, with Mr. Qin's current conditions, there is everything you want, but what Big Brother Huang said is the essence!"

"I'm not as old as Mr. Qin, but I'm also a person who came over, and I can fall asleep while sitting, so I need to pay more attention."

"Once a night is really a good thing, but I don't know if it will be overdone!"

"Mr. Qin has such a property at such an age, but remember that the water flows for a long time!"

Each of the six people walked out of the box, and they said something to Qin Mo meaningfully.

"No, you guys..." This

time the misunderstanding was really big, mainly the beautiful women around him.

It must be in the speculation of the six people, this draw is really rotten!

"Next time must be at everyone's time!"

Qin Mo couldn't have imagined that this would be the case, obviously he only felt that less than a few minutes had passed.

But when he opened his eyes, it was half an hour later.

"Forget it, they can think whatever they like, as long as they don't say it!"

If you say it, no one will believe themselves.

Otherwise, how do you explain the behavior just now, this is not the first time.

The first few times did not doubt this, if someone took a seat against the standard.

Then he can't run away from overindulgence every night!

"Really let others know, then this black pot can only be your back!"

Now who doesn't know, Ye Yin is already the boss's real girlfriend.

It's time to register and get a license!

"Where are you guys going!"

Qin Mo only remembered at this time, it seemed that the result of everyone's discussion, he still did not know.

Hurriedly ran out after him.

Compared with the previous six people, they all walked in the east and west.

And Qin Mo, who caught up from behind, was the same as a normal person.

It's not at all like you've drunk alcohol, or more than two pounds into your stomach.

"I said a few of you, does anyone know where to go?"

After watching a few people come out, they began to spin in circles.

If you don't come, you may fall asleep on the ground when you are tired of walking.

At that time, another piece of hot news appeared in the Qin family's restaurant.

Six top lawyers in China, from all over the world, came to Qin's restaurant for dinner, drunk huddles to lie on the ground to keep warm!

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