"We know it's not the way in the past!"

Qin Mo and the clerk who came over watched the six people who had been spinning in circles.

At this time, there were no other guests on the side.

So Qin Mole watched them make ugly appearances.

He remembered that before his lottery, the six were still a little sober.

Unless in half an hour, drink a few more bottles.

No wonder when I came out, I saw some extra wine bottles on the table!

"Boss, just let everyone go!"

Usually, Qin Mo has a good attitude towards employees, and several employees found the situation here.

Curious came over and asked.

"They drink more, just so they exercise and sweat, so it's better for the body."

After fifteen minutes, Qin Mo felt almost the same.

Some guests had already noticed this side, so they called a few employees over.

"A few of you help the six to the dormitory!"

Looking at the six people who were helped away, Qin Mo's heart was relieved.

"When you wake up, you will feel two calves, why are they so sore!"

"I'd better get the song out first!"

It's already the end of the month, and next month will be even busier.

So you have to hurry up and arrange all the work for this month.

"It seems that I didn't accompany Xinxin for a while, and after these few busy days, I accompanied my daughter out at the beginning of the month!"

Before I knew it, it was almost the end of the year, and I seemed to have done a lot of things.

It's as if nothing has been done yet!

"Why did you come back so early today!"

As soon as I opened the door, I saw my parents on TV.

"Shin Shin fell asleep?"

"She still has to go to school in the afternoon, so she has to wait for you to come back before she sleeps?"

I can't see you all day long, and there is no time for the shop to be so close to home.

If it's farther away, wouldn't it be harder to wait for you to come back for a meal.

Wang Lanhui looked at her son and couldn't help but blame two sentences.

Hearing even his parents say this, Qin Mo also felt that he should spend more time with his family.

"Yes, yes, what the two elders said is very much, I will pay attention to it in the future, and I will be busy after this period of time!"

By the way, I don't cook at night, you guys go to the store and pack it.

I still have some work to do, so I need to calm down.

No interference from the outside world! After

telling his parents, Qin Mo walked into the study.

"Really, work as soon as you come back!"

Watching their son walk into the study, the two just grunted in a low voice.

I didn't really say it in the past, and I also knew that as the business got bigger.

The less time you spend with them, the more it comes at a price.

"What kind of song should I choose?"

Now Qin Mo is a professional composer, and the knowledge he needs in his mind has been turned over.

Constantly flashing before his eyes, he was absorbing useful information.

"Do you want to reinvent a route, or follow them before?"

Now in front of Qin Mo, there are two paths.

The first is that the Four Seasons Band takes the pure route.

As for the other, it is definitely the opposite.

With hot as the main line, the corresponding songs are all hot types.

"Damn, I almost forgot the band name.

Four seasons, that is not spring, summer, autumn and winter.

Why should I get tangled in one direction, it is better to develop comprehensively!

Qin Mo, who was thinking seriously for a while, saw the name of the band on the paper in his sight.

Like a flash of thunder, a flash of light passed through my mind!

Once you have an idea in your heart, you have to take action.

I saw that Qin Mo first closed his eyes and kept recalling in his mind.

The first song, he came up with a spring-related tune.

As he pondered, countless melodies kept flashing in his mind.

But he didn't intercept all of them.

Instead, it is thought to be related to the thoughts in the mind, along with the pen and ink on the right hand.

Falls on top of white paper on the table.

People who don't know still think that he has been sitting in a daze.

If notice the pen on his right hand.

Will be found every once in a while.

His wrist swung rapidly, and black notes appeared on the white paper.

The notes are irregular, but irregular.

One in the east, one in the west!

Time passes imperceptibly!

Half an hour, or an hour.

Qin Mo, who was sitting quietly in the study, could not feel the passage of time!

At this time, the door of the study was gently opened!

Reach in a tiny head!

It's a little girl!

"Chop, what are you doing?"

The little girl was Qin Xinxin, who had just taken a nap.

As if I heard a noise coming from inside the study, I opened the door.

Just saw Qin Mo sitting in front of the table.

She was about to walk over and shout when Wang Lanhui appeared behind her.

"Xinxin, well, dad is working, don't make a noise!"

Wang Lanhui took Xinxin's arm and slowly walked out.

Shut the door.

As a mother, she also sees the problem.

Qin Mo really had important work.

Otherwise, when Xin Xin walked in just now, Qin Mo would definitely notice it.

But since she pulled her granddaughter out, her son did not react at all.

I just sat still, facing the white paper on the table.

It is no longer a blank paper, Wang Lanhui just looks at it from a distance.

It's all covered with symbols!

Because the distance is too far, coupled with old age, the line of sight is not good, so it is normal to see clearly.

"Grandma, what are you doing!"

Seeing that he entered the house and called his father, but did not respond, Qin Xinxin quickly asked Wang Lanhui.

"Dad is doing important things, wait for Shin Shin to come back from school and play with Shin Shin!"

"Okay then!"

Qin Xinxin hadn't gotten along with her father for a few days, and just wanted Qin Mo to send her to school.

Hearing my grandmother say this, I could only pout.

"What grandma said is true, dad won't go out today!"

"Grandma, what you said is true?"

"When did grandma lie to Xinxin!"

As soon as I hear that after school, I will come back and see my father.

A smile appeared on Qin Xinxin's face.

"Brush your teeth quickly, or you'll be late again!"

Now Qin Xinxin has become a celebrity in the school, who does not know that she is the first place in the primary school group of the national mathematics competition.

Next month, I will participate in the junior high school competition as an elementary school student.

She is famous, even with the Shenzhen City No. 3 Primary School.

Some related parents, before the semester is over, turn their children around.

As for those that don't matter, you can only apply until the end of the semester.

Most of the results that can be achieved are related to my own talent.

Teaching is only a very small part of this.

These parents are also aware of the reasons, but psychologically.

Let them pass this and get the first place in the country.

If any of you dare to say that the quality of people's lessons is not good, you can get me the first place, or the second place.

Not only parents in Shenzhen City have this idea, but also other cities in China.

The third elementary school, the quota for next semester, is full at this time.

Even some who could not grab a place began to look for parents who went to the third primary school.

"I'll give you money, give me the school quota, and I'll help your child find a good school."

These phenomena abound, and many parents have succeeded.

Most importantly, the local area has also increased its support for the third primary school education resources.

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