"Brother Qin, you can still compose!"

Inside the elevator, Ye Yin suddenly asked a word.

"How do you know? Did you just enter the study? Seeing

Ye Yin nodding, Qin Mo continued.

"Zhuo, Xinxin has just entered it!"

"So did you take away a few blank pieces of paper?"

At this time, I finally understood why there were a few pieces of white paper.

"You are so sure that we took it, not that you yourself misremembered."

"How can I not remember what I wrote myself, give it to me when I go back next time, and I will work overtime tonight!"

Today, Qin Mo was busy for an afternoon, and then he heard that the evening was even busy.

Ye Yin became curious.

"Brother Qin, shouldn't you want to participate in the Bright Moon Star?"

Seeing that he was so nervous about this, he had to work overtime to rush out.

It just so happens that the primary election of the Bright Moon Star was held recently.

"No, I have nothing to do when I'm full!"

Now these shops are enough to keep themselves busy, and what competitions to participate in, isn't this looking for abuse!

"So why study these?"

Ye Yin also didn't expect that Qin Mo not only sang well, but also composed music.

Could it be that Big Brother Qin is all-powerful?

"Some time ago, what Du Xinghai said meager about, you should know."

When Qin Mo said this, he did not continue.

"Does this have anything to do with them?"

He didn't participate in the competition, which made Ye Yin guess, and he really couldn't think of it.

"I'm going to start a band!"

"You want to use the band to take revenge on Du Xinghai, Brother Qin, you don't have a fever, right?"

It's not that I don't believe him, it's just that people are now famous.

There are tens of millions of fans alone.

Now you tell me that if you want to beat people with a band that has just been formed.

"Could it be that this band is also well-known?"

"No, pure newcomer, or just disbanded, and has not even stepped through the door of the entertainment industry!"

It's good not to listen to Qin Mo, but now listening to him say this makes Ye Yin even more confused.

"Brother Qin, you must be joking!"

Ye Yin hurriedly walked over and put his hand on Qin Mo's forehead.

"It's not hot, the head is not burned out, how can you think that these are unreliable?"

"Aunt Ye, what's wrong with Cao Ceng?"

Hearing the conversation between the two, as well as Ye Yin's operation just now, Xinxin also asked with concern.

"Your dad dreams during the day, okay, don't wake him up, let's go play over there."


The elevator descends to the first floor and the elevator doors open.

Ye Yin took Qin Xinxin's hand and walked out, ignoring Qin Mo behind him.

"Is this not believing in yourself?"

Qin Mo looked at Ye Yin who was walking away, and he was talking very seriously just now.

Why don't you believe what I said, this Du Xinghai can be so terrifying in their hearts?

"Hmph, I don't believe it, with my Qin Mo's current financial strength.

Plus eight golden songs, can't pry his status, that's a strange thing. Originally

, he just wanted to accompany Du Xinghai to play with his attitude, but now Qin Mo began to get serious.

"Bright Moon Star Competition!"

At this time, the thoughts in Qin Mo's heart changed.

Thinking of this, he took out his mobile phone, edited a message and sent it.

"Say that you want to accompany us for a walk, why can't you come!"

Ye Yin, who was still walking in front just now, didn't know when he had stopped.

Just saw Qin Mo take out his mobile phone to send a message, so he snorted coldly at him.

"Okay, don't be angry!"

This time is the most important period, pregnant women can not be angry, otherwise they will move the fetal gas.

"It's all my fault, I just thought of something, sent a message to my subordinates, it won't be like this in the future!"

Qin Mo hurriedly trotted over and held Ye Yin's arm.

"You are like this too, you are afraid that others will not know that I am pregnant, right?"

Seeing that Qin Mo cared so much about himself, he said so.

In fact, the heart has already blossomed.

The two had been together for a while, and Ye Yin always felt that something was wrong.

Now that I think about it, it turns out that there is still their own child between the two.

The reason for the phenomenon of resistance is that this is too sudden.

She wasn't ready for it herself.

It's like one day, when you go to the hospital for a normal check-up.

Tell you, girl, you're pregnant.

This feeling of shock is understandable.

What's more, now this matter is on her.

"What are you afraid of, who else here doesn't know, Ye Yin will be my Qin Mo's person sooner or later."

Qin Mo did not help her because of Ye Yin's refusal.

Instead, he took a big and a small hand and walked around his own neighborhood.

But soon, Qin Xinxin, the child king, couldn't stay idle.

After seeing a few children in front of him, he ran faster than anyone.

"Cao Ceng, Aunt Ye, Xinxin won't bother you, I'll go play with the children."

After speaking, Qin Xinxin let go and ran over.

"Remember, don't bully other children!"

Qin Mo saw his daughter who was still running fast just now, and heard himself say this.

The pace couldn't help but slow down, looking back reluctantly in response.

But in his heart, he thought: "Don't bully them, what's so fun, one by one, like children."

"Brother Qin, you said that when the time comes, our children, do you like Xinxin?"

Looking at Xinxin, who had already run to the pile of children, Ye Yin asked worriedly.

This little nizi can't be changed, don't you see?

This one ran over and snatched other people's toys.

There are also children who have been snatched toys, since they dare not rob them again.

There was no crying either, and turned around to find other toys.

This Qin Xinxin's majesty in the community can be regarded as established.

Hearing Ye Yin ask like this, it was that she had an idea.

I want this child, or I wouldn't have asked that.

"Yes, how sensible Xinxin usually is, you don't know.

And she snatched people's toys, and returned them in no more than a minute! The

two of them just stood still, and it didn't take long.

Sure enough, Qin Xinxin gave the toy in his hand back to the child.

But soon another child suffered.

"Keep walking!"

During this process, the other children did not quarrel and fight.

It shows that other children are willing to play with their daughters, but Shin Shin is a little more naughty.

Of course, this is all the reason why Qin Mo usually walks around with the residents of the community.

Every month or so, he would organize the inside of the community.

When the residents of the house come out to party, he is responsible for the food side.

The rest is up to everyone.

As long as this kind of good thing is at home, none of it is leaked.

"Brother Qin, do you want our children to be male or female?"

As Ye Yin walked, he put his hand on his abdomen and stroked it.

A smile appeared on his face that only a mother had.

"Both boys and girls are good, now we are not bad, it is better to have a few more!"

"Hmph, nasty, give birth to a few, you are treating me like a sow."

But I heard that giving birth is very painful, and after giving birth, women are prone to aging!

Brother Qin, if I really get old, will you like others again!" "

Once a woman is pregnant, she thinks a lot in terms of ideas.

There are many worries and they are particularly sensitive.

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