"Silly girl, do I Qin Mo look like this kind of person!"

"If it were a boy, what name should we have?

And will he be as smart and naughty as Xinxin's sister?

If you give birth to a girl, you should pay attention to the code of behavior from an early age.

I can't be like my sister, I want to be a lady..."

As the two walked, Ye Yin began to talk to herself.

Start planning ahead for your life after having children.

Qin Mo didn't say anything, just took her hand and quietly listened to her heart.

"By the way, I almost asked you, really want to divide the entertainment cake?"

When Ye Yin calmed down and recalled this incident.

Only then did he remember that Qin Mo didn't care what he did.

So far, all success.

That is, he said to start a band.

He really wants to enter the entertainment industry, and then talk about his own singing ability.

Even Du Xinghai, who is a superstar, is not an opponent.

From this point of view, Brother Qin's composition ability should not be bad.

Otherwise, he would not have a plan, and he would still have to implement it.

"Seriously, you don't believe it!"

Hearing Ye Yin ask this question, Qin Mo replied with a wry smile.

"That's for sure, no one will believe you if you say it.

A restaurant industry suddenly wants to enter the entertainment industry one day.

You still have to build it yourself, you say it, everyone thinks you are joking! "

Qin Mo's cross-industry is not an ordinary cross.

There is no connection between the two.

Also, just because you can sing doesn't mean you'll be able to get a foothold in the entertainment industry.

"Then Big Brother Qin, what are your plans now?"

At this time, Ye Yin really believed it.

From doubting to curiosity, wondering how Qin Mo operated.

"I've already found the band and now live in our staff dormitory."

"Found it so quickly?"

It turned out that Qin Mo was not only a preliminary plan, but had already reached the implementation stage.

"And the team is almost formed."

Qin Mo's words dealt her another blow, and the personnel had been found before.

And the logistics team is similar, the most important link.

It's the tune, and he's starting to create it now.

"What you said before, shouldn't it be that you can work overtime tonight to get out all the songs the band needs?"

Ye Yin doubted, a good tune.

Look at the autobiographies of those famous composers, which one is not precipitated over a period of time.

Finally, it burst out, and a famous song was born.

"Can't say it's all done!"

Qin Mo's next words made Ye Yin couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, fortunately, he was not a demon.

"But the pieces are almost finished tonight, there are eight in total, and the only words left are the words!"

They didn't wait for Ye Yin to let go of the previous breath.

In the next second, Qin Mo's words made her almost choke on the air.


"Brother Qin, you say it again, I didn't hear clearly just now?"

"I said I could get the tune done tonight, which was slow, wasn't it?"

A wave of invisible pretense emerged from Qin Mo's mouth.

But this made Ye Yin unable to find a reason to refute it.

People are not proud!

I also blamed myself for being too slow!

"Yes, your speed is indeed a little slower, it is better to complete even filling in the words tonight."

"No, the music and the lyrics are not the same.

This also requires band members to come over, according to their characteristics.

Fill it step by step, so that it has vitality!

Looking at Qin Mo's expression when he spoke seriously, Ye Yin couldn't help but indulge in it.

I just like his serious look, I just love it to death!

"Wait, you just said they, the members of this band are all women?"

"Yes, they are all women, about the same age as you, what's the problem?"

Qin Mo looked at Ye Yin with a puzzled look and said.

"No problem!"

Answering, Ye Yin thought that he would take a day off tomorrow.

Stay with him and see what this band is.

Can let Brother Qin help like this.

Now Qin Mo is not a small person, and his every move will attract everyone's attention.

If at this time, the news of his formation of a band spreads.

At that time, he will even need the opportunity to publicize.

Major websites and netizens on the Internet have helped him publicize in advance.

"How many tunes do you plan?"

"Eight songs, all tailored according to the characteristics of the four of them.

They represent the four seasons of the year, and interestingly, they also have their names.

"How many are eight songs, you can complete them in one night, and the quality can be guaranteed?"

And the band you mentioned, I can almost guess.

It's the Four Seasons Band, these four girls are very desperate.

There are no scandals and the like, and I have always stuck to my heart!

After knowing that it was the Four Seasons Band, Ye Yin's face was worried.

This time to step back with a charming smile on his face.

"Weren't you worried about something just now!"

Qin Mo couldn't help but tease Ye Yin.

"You're just worried, you're busy all day.

Which woman will like you, that is, I will fancy you!

"How about I go to work tomorrow and accompany you to meet them?"

Qin Mo could not have imagined that Ye Yin would be so concerned about this matter.

"Is the company okay lately?"

Now that Ye Yin's first CEO has taken office, it is not to rectify for a period of time.

There are also batteries for high-end mobile phones in the current domestic market.

It has all cooperated with the new Tianci material company.

The stock price is one price a day, and it does not sit at this time.

There must be many young people, such a huge profit, which one is not red!

"It's okay, it's all arranged.

I found that sitting in this position, I didn't have to do anything.

It's either a meeting or a signature, it's too dry and tasteless, it's okay to go to work one less day!

For Ye Yin's request, Qin Mo couldn't refuse.

Besides, it's not a matter of not seeing people, one more person to go.

Maybe when the time comes, one more piece of advice may be given!

"How, what did she say?"

Back home, Qin Mo had just come out of the bath.

At this time, Ye Yin was already resting in the room.

Wang Lanhui came out sneakily, grabbed Qin Mo's arm and asked.

"There should be no problem, you said that both of them are a lot older.

And it's the same as a child, how did you come up with a needle to prick?

Fortunately, Ye Yin did not resist this matter, or such a good daughter-in-law would have run away.

When the time comes, it's you who jump off the wall in a hurry, don't do this next time.

If we want, we will plan ahead!

Qin Mo said a lot, I don't know if Wang Lanhui listened to it.

However, when she heard that Ye Yin wanted this child, a smile immediately appeared on her face.

At this time, what her son said, she kept nodding in agreement.

"Mom knows, during this time, you don't toss at night, be more careful!"

Before leaving, Wang Lanhui's words almost caused Qin Mo to hit the door.

He understood what his mother meant.

"You know, really, I've been worrying all day long!"

Qin Mo nodded in response, and walked into the study.

If you go on, you don't know what will be said.

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