"Yes, now I can say a word, let the little girl give me a hug!"

After waiting for the distance, Ye Yin spoke in a tone.

It feels a little goose-slippery!

"What kind of vinegar are you eating!"

I was just wondering where to find a suitable candidate.

Just saw Meng Zhiyao, didn't I want to give her a chance.

"Why are the other employees so happy when you call her name?"

Ye Yin now looks at the employees in the restaurant, all kinds of beautiful women with characteristics.

Feeling the pressure for a while, Qin Mo was among the beauties every day.

In the long run, will he change his mind!

"Because there is a saying circulating among employees, as long as any employee is suddenly named by the boss, then he will definitely be promoted and raised!"

This was also not long ago, Qin Mo just knew.

But he didn't have much resistance to this.

Employees have hope, and that's a good thing.

As a boss, you will definitely also magnify the thoughts in their minds.

It's not going to be the kind that kills employees' hopes and discourages them.

"This is the beginning of the unspoken rules!"

Upon hearing this, Ye Yin couldn't help but sigh.

"Ahem, don't confuse me with everyone else."

Looking at the teacup in his hand, fortunately he didn't drink it just now, or he was almost choked.

"What do you think, it's not serious all day long, you'll know why!"

Before Qin Mo could continue, there were hurried footsteps outside the door.

"Boss, I'm sorry, we're late!"

Under Ye Yin's gaze, Xia Yunxin, Dong Yuanyu, Qiu Xianshan, and Chun Yuwei walked in one after another.

It wasn't the first time she had seen the four, she had already seen it at the last party.

It's just not as close as it is now.

"Sister-in-law, hello!"

Seeing the beautiful woman sitting next to Qin Mo, the four quickly walked over to say hello.

For Qin Mo's situation, the four of them had already learned about the store and other employees yesterday.

So now I recognize Ye Yin at first glance.

"It's still early, have you all had breakfast?"

"The boss just came over after eating!"

"That's good, all sit down, the six of them haven't arrived yet!"

Qin Mo beckoned the four of them to sit on the side.

"Is this drunken after-effect so big?"

It's been almost a day!

"Brother Qin, what are you talking about?"

Until now, Ye Yin didn't know who he was waiting for.

"Boss lady, the boss is talking about the six lawyers who drank yesterday."

Xia Yunxin saw the doubts on Ye Yin's face, and quickly helped answer.

"Lawyers, or six, what kind of battle are you engaged in, asking for so many people?"

Unless it's a big company, so many lawyers are needed.

But Qin Mo just set up a band, and a lawyer was enough.

"Miss Ye, you are also there!"

A person who Ye Yin was familiar with walked in.

"Lawyer Huang, why are you so free today, sister-in-law?"

Ye Yin looked outside for a while, only to see five men walking in.

"This time I didn't come to eat, I came to work for your Big Brother Qin!"

Huang Mark put on the appearance of a beater, and pointed at Qin Mo with a helpless look and said.

"Lawyer Huang, what are you doing?"

When I watched the six people walk in, they were all limping.

"Ahem... It's okay, let's get down to business first! Speaking

of shame, how could Mark Huang let Ye Yin continue to ask.

It's a shame to think about it, six big men drink and drink.

In the end, I don't even know why my legs are so sore and numb.

That's where the shame comes in!

"Big Brother Huang, what about the people you contacted?"

Qin Mo remembered that yesterday, they had called a professional to come over.

But I haven't seen it yet, so I can't help but ask.

"Almost soon, Mr. Qin is not alone, it is a small team coming over, there are a little more people!"

Tan Yushan then remembered that he had said that there was only one person before.

Hurriedly spoke to Qin Mo in advance.

"Since this matter is entrusted to you, I don't need to worry about anything else, you just need to do it well."

"It's still Mr. Qin's cheerfulness, and it's comfortable to work for you."


Beep ——, vibrate!

At this moment, Tan Yushan's mobile phone rang.

"As soon as this is not said about Cao Cao, Cao Cao will appear, I will go out to pick them up!"

"No need, you let them be there at the front desk, I'll let people bring them in!"

Seeing that Tan Yushan was about to go out, Qin Mo just wanted to call Meng Zhiyao over again.

"Then there is Mr. Lao Qin!"

At this time, Tan Yushan also did not want to go out to pick up people.

Wouldn't it be a shame to walk out like this!

"Hey, hello, this is Qin's Restaurant, how can I help you?"

"I'm Qin Mo!"

"Boss, I'm sorry, I don't know it's you, what's the matter?"

At this time, the boss personally called the front desk, and he must have been looking for her.

"Is someone coming to you now, saying that Lawyer Tan invited you over?"

"Yes, boss, there are seven people at the front desk now."

"You leave the work at hand to the other colleagues, and now bring these guests to the conference room."


, is there a problem?"

"No problem, I'll come over now!"

Meng Zhiyao couldn't imagine that happiness came so quickly, and it was only a long time before the boss came to her.

"Xiaojin, the front desk work will be handed over to you first, the boss has something to do with me!"

During working hours, the front desk usually has two employees.

"Sister Meng, you hurry up, remember us in the future!"

For a colleague who is about to become his boss.

At this time, only to curry favor, not to offend.

"Several, please come with me."

Meng Zhiyao walked in front to lead the way, taking brisk steps and smiling.

"These young ladies, sure enough, your Qin Family Restaurant is different!"

The seven people who followed behind, including men, women and children.

They walked into Qin's restaurant for the first time, and before they had just seen online comments, and people around them respected them.

I finally saw it today!

If you are not mistaken, the bigger surprise is that you can finally eat a meal here.

This is hard to buy outside!

"That's of course, now the rich people in the upper class, some of them have to eat at our place every day.

You don't know how much to spend with us one by one!

"I don't know, how much can the beauty tell us?"

In front of these guests, as soon as she mentioned Qin's restaurant, Meng Zhiyao felt proud, and her mouth continued to boast.

"More than 1.2 million!"

Even when he said this number again when he knew it, Meng Zhiyao was shocked for a long time.

Some people's world really can't be figured out, people's food money for a month.

It will take more than ten years, or even decades, to earn it yourself.

"No, if it's so expensive, wouldn't it cost tens of thousands of meals a meal, so we really can't afford it!"

"It seems that the previous idea has to be extinguished, I can't imagine that the consumption here is so high."

No wonder it is so respected by those rich people, it is simply a stove that burns money. Under

the leadership of Meng Zhiyao, everyone walked into the conference room.

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