"Mengzhiyao, where are you going?"

After she brought the guests in, turning around and about to go out, Qin Mo quickly called out to her.

"Boss, I want to stay too?"

Meng Zhiyao pointed to her nose in surprise and said.

Even if she didn't know, what were these guests here for.

But just by looking at what everyone is wearing, I know that it is definitely not comparable to myself.

The lowest can throw themselves off, a few streets away.

"Yes, sit down!"

Qin Mo raised his hand and slowly pressed down.

"Who else hasn't arrived?"

Qin Mo looked around the conference room and asked.

"Wait, boss, and me!"

A pleasant female voice came from outside.

Under Ye Yin's surprised gaze, a beautiful woman no less than her ran in.

The rapid breathing made her chest shake up and down.

"Who is this beauty? How come you haven't seen it before?

Ye Yin looked at Gu Qingyi vigilantly and sat down in a position.

At this time, it was not to ask Qin Mo a question, she had to wait until no one asked it properly.

"Guys, I'm sorry, I'm late!"

When his breathing calmed down, Gu Qing also got up and apologized to everyone.

"Okay, everyone is here, let's have a meeting.

First welcome seven guests to join our team!

After speaking, Qin Mo took the lead in applauding.



"Lawyer Tan, you introduce me!"

Under Tan Yushan's introduction, Qin Mo was very satisfied.

He considered that things were very comprehensive and did almost everything.

A band structure is built for yourself!

"I'm going to show you something next, because it involves trade secrets.

An agreement needs to be signed, I don't know if the seven have any opinions.

After Tan Yushan's introduction, Qin Mo continued.

As he spoke, employees had already handed out a document in front of the seven.

"Everyone, you take a look first, if there is no problem, sign it, of course, if you don't agree, it's okay, just make a friend this time!"

The seven people were curious to pick up the files on the desktop, and before they came over, they had not heard Tan Yushan say this.

Could it be that this trip may have run for nothing, if this is really the case, then Tan Yushan has really become more and more unreliable recently!

"Non-disclosure agreement!"

See not a harsh condition, just a confidential document.

One of them couldn't help but ask.

"Yes, because what I will show you later is the chip in the formation of our band, so it is still safer to have this confidentiality agreement."

For the doubts of the seven people, Qin Mo briefly explained.

"There is no problem with this, we can sign it!"

Among the seven leading old men, Guo Hexuan was the first to sign his name.

With the first leader, the next six people did not hesitate to sign.

"Since everyone has signed, then look at the contents of these documents and give your answer!"

This time was different from before, and the staff took out a small book.

There are about a dozen pages thick in the book.

"This is?"

Guo Hexuan took the book and asked suspiciously.

"Elder Guo, please take a look first!"

A confident smile appeared on Qin Mo's face, obviously telling everyone that all the secrets were in this small book.

"Okay, then let's take a look first!"

Looking at the book in hand, it should be printed out by yourself and made simply.

Guo Hexuan also wanted to know inside, what could make the other party sign a confidentiality agreement in advance.

"This is..."

turned the first page, just after the first glance.

Guo Hexuan was immediately attracted by the contents inside, and his mouth grunted from time to time.

He seemed to be humming an unknown ditty.

The other six were even more surprised when they saw this situation.

Because it was the first time they saw Guo Hexuan like this.

Look at a small book, as for being so fascinating, it is not a peerless song!

"Wait... Peerless tunes... Shouldn't it..." Thinking

of the confidentiality agreement just signed, combined with Guo Hexuan's expression now.

The six people suddenly felt that the weight of the book in their hands was rapidly increasing!

At this time, the six people quickly turned the first page.

They are all professionals in this area, so they are fascinated at first sight.

Soon the entire conference room became dull, with only seven people humming a ditty.

Others sat drinking tea, or looked at the seven curiously.

Time passed quickly, and before I knew it, it was half an hour.

The first to return to his senses was Guo Hexuan, who gently covered the book at this time.

It seems that from this second, the book in his hand has become a peerless treasure!

"Mr. Qin, I think this trip is worth it now!"

Guo Hexuan looked at Qin Mo and couldn't help but let out a sigh.

"Elder Guo, you have passed the award, what do you think of this book?"

Qin Mo didn't directly say inside, it was the twelve songs he had just made.

There will be time to talk to them about this later.

Now the main thing is how to put the band together!

"It's worth a thousand dollars!"

As he spoke, he gently stroked the book.

"Elder Guo thinks so, then I will rest assured that the team will be handed over to you!"

"I don't know what kind of band Mr. Qin wants to form.

There is also the candidate, do you need us to introduce it to you?

Guo Hexuan also thought that the band was not yet available.

And the songs in this book, no matter who gets it.

As long as it is not a dou who cannot be supported, the future achievements will definitely shock the music scene!

That's why he wanted to introduce a few people to Qin Mo and stuff them into this band.

"Elder Guo, we already have a candidate.

Xia Yunxin, the four of you, didn't get up to say hello to Guo Lao. Hearing

that there were already candidates, Guo Hexuan's expression was a little low.

But he quickly recovered, and he figured it out.

Such a good tune, how could Qin Mo not select a good person in advance.

I still think too naively!

"Hello Guo Lao, we are a four-season band..." The

four of them introduced their basic situation to everyone.

After hearing the introduction of Xia Yunxin's four, Guo Hexuan was even more shocked this time.

"These songs are all created according to the four of them, who is this master!"

By Guo Hexuan's surprise, some good songs, if you meet the best match for it.

Then the effect it shows will be several times better than before, or even more than ten times.

Just now, Guo Hexuan was still thinking about finding a few disciples.

After a period of training on your own, you don't need two years to sprint to the first line of singers.

At this time, Qin Mo told him.

Twelve songs, created by a big guy for the four women in front of him.

The time to rush to the top line of singers is no longer two years.

Most likely, only half a year will be enough.

When he thought of this, he finally couldn't help but laugh out loud.

"Haha... I didn't think that I, Guo Hexuan, also have today! "

It's exciting to think about it, and I only used half a year to lead a first-line band.

"Mr. Qin, seriously, this time I think even if you don't give money, I will take this job!"

At this time, even if Qin Mo chased him away with a knife, he would not leave.

This is an opportunity to make a name for yourself in the entertainment industry, how can it be easily given up.

"Elder Guo, don't worry, I should give you a lot of reward!"

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