"Can Mr. Qin tell me who this master is?"

Guo Hexuan wanted to meet this master at this time.

"Elder Guo, you will definitely be able to see you in the future, now it is important to talk about business first.

I think so, in two days it will not be a competition with a bright moon star..."

Qin Mo simply put his thoughts on the meeting and said.

As for the Four Seasons, they didn't know until now.

The four of them don't need to worry about anything at all, and the boss has already deployed them in advance.

And what is in that book that can make Guo Hexuan look like this.

Guo Hexuan used to be a big man in the music industry, but he was the son of a pit father.

The once glorious family road is now in decline.

This time, I heard Tan Yushan say that there are bosses who need manpower.

He agreed directly without even thinking about it.

The seven people who came over this time were not a team.

But one thing is true, that is, these people have real skills.

It's just that he didn't meet Bo Le, can he show his talent on Qin Mo's side.

It can be said that it is the last chance of the seven.

Now it seems that as long as you grasp this opportunity, it is possible to take off directly.

The four looked at Guo Hexuan and were shocked in their hearts.

Although people are down, they are not accessible to small bands like them.

All this is the reason for the boss, and he and others can finally enjoy the treatment that only stars have.

"Gu Qingyi, what are you doing!"

Just as she was about to introduce her, she actually dozed off!

"Boss, why are you looking for me!"

Under Qin Mo's roar, Gu Qing was directly frightened and stood up.

"Why did you go last night, I didn't know there was a meeting today, it's not decent!"

Well, no need to explain, let's get down to business. As

soon as he saw that Gu Qing also wanted to speak, Qin Mo did not give her a chance to speak.

Directly change the topic, and then leave it alone, it is really lawless.

"Guo Lao, Gu Qing is also the manager of the Four Seasons Band.

She doesn't understand anything now, and the next time is hard for everyone.

Trouble can bring her out, what's wrong, don't give me face.

Just give me a hard punch on her, no matter how you say it, she is a graduate student of Shenzhen University.

This little thing should get started quickly! Gu

Qing also heard at the beginning that Qin Mo murdered himself in front of so many people.

Just as he was about to lose his temper, he heard the next sentence.

Suppress the anger abruptly.


Qin Mo hadn't said it before, just said that he was responsible for the lives of the four of them.

Now the boss says it in front of everyone, and that's official.

After that, I was the manager of a band, and the potential of this band...

Gu Qing didn't dare to imagine it, according to his own judgment just now.

The boss is going to play a big ticket, what complaints were yelled at by Qin Mo before.

At this time, what a lot!

As long as the work salary is improved, it is okay to yell at him every day.

"It's not long after this raise, and here again, then isn't my dream one step further!"

When I think of leaving the Shenzhen market, I have enough money for a down payment.

When he bought his first house, Gu Qing also giggled.

"Gu Qingyi, what are you doing again, have you heard the words seriously!"

Qin Mo found that this girl was a little abnormal today, and she dozed off as soon as she came.

Now he has been taught a lesson by himself, and still stands and giggles.

Don't call me stupid!

"Boss, I'm fine, resolutely obey the boss's arrangement!"

Seeing that everyone was looking at her, she quickly put away the smile on her face.

I can't get carried away, or I won't make the boss unhappy to change, and then I don't know who to cry to!

"Dream Yao!"

This one is obedient, and since coming in, he has been sitting up straight.

This Qin Mo shouted her name and immediately stood up.

"Boss, what are your orders!"

Seeing this, everyone couldn't help but nod.

This should be the momentum that Qin's restaurant should have, and the previous one must be something else.

"Guo Lao, in the future, Meng Zhiyao will be responsible for the life and living of the band, there is no problem with this, right?"

The bands are all girls, so the personnel arranged by Qin Mo are all women.

This is convenient, if you arrange a man to go in, it is not a mess!

"Thank you boss!"

Now I finally know what my new job is.

This job is even better than in the main store.

Meng Zhiyao values income, who does not know that the income of those stars starts with hundreds of millions.

Their own treatment is also related to the fame of the team.

"The contract between the two of you, Lawyer Huang will have a copy to sign for you later!"

Qin Mo arranged his side first, and the rest was to see how Guo Hexuan arranged it.

"Mr. Qin, we need a venue, which is the office location of the band in the future!"

"Elder Guo, how big a place you need, I'll arrange it for you!"

"The minimum requirements are more than 500 square meters, there are too many things that need to be arranged, employee offices, recording studios.... It's too late now!

Guo Hexuan ordered several in a row, as he said.

Five hundred square meters can be arranged, but it is very crowded!

"Boss, in this case, the competition of the Bright Moon Star seems very hasty!"

Others don't know how cumbersome it takes to start a band.

I thought there were songs, and the personnel were in place.

Unexpectedly the venue is also the most important part.

"Come with me and see if this is suitable!"

At this time Guo Hexuan said, the others had a hint of worry on their faces.

But only Qin Mo seemed very calm, as if all this had nothing to do with him!

"Is there anything else we don't know?"

Seeing Qin Mo walking out first, the people in the conference room were all confused.

Everyone looked at the people next to them, wanting to know the answer they wanted.

It's a pity that it's all the same situation as myself, and I know very little!

"Keep up, why are you still stunned!"

After walking out a few steps outside, he saw Ye Yin following him out.

Everyone else stood up, but it seemed like they couldn't turn a corner for a moment.

"Boss, wait for me!"

Immediately following behind was Gu Qingyi.

"It seems that I will suffer a little more today!"

The six barristers who did not want to move around, at this time, had to follow behind and turn around.

"Lawyer Tan, what are you?"

Watching the six people walking with the same frequency, Guo Hexuan asked curiously.

"Ahem, yesterday I walked too far at once.

I can't adapt for a while, and it's still sore! "

Now the six of them finally know what happened yesterday.

Seeing Guo Hexuan asking, he casually found an excuse to fool the past.

"Let's go quickly, see what medicine is sold in Mr. Qin's pot?"

The location they are now on is the second floor of the shop, and the main store of Qin's Restaurant is composed of two-story shops.

But now Qin Mo's purpose is the third floor, and he didn't go to the elevator.

Instead, take everyone up the stairs.

The popularity of Qin's restaurant has already driven up the nearby shops.

At this time, there are many pedestrians taking the stairs.

Everyone who passed by looked at Huang Mark curiously.

"Mr. Qin, did you mean it, there is an elevator and don't sit!"

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