Now it is Xia Yunxin who is on stage.

The song she wants to sing is exactly the sweetheart godmaster's, love you!

A familiar melody soon sounded on the stage.

As soon as Xia Yunxin spoke, the referee in the audience straightened his waist as soon as possible!

"If you suddenly sneeze.

That must be thinking of you.

If you are woken up by your phone in the middle of the night.

Yes! That's because I care..." Unconsciously

, the surrounding audience was accompanied by a brisk tune.

Everyone snorted along, and even the referee in the audience gently clapped their palms.

Generally, as long as the contestants perform on stage for more than half a minute.

The score will not be very low, but now Xia Yunxin's performance has exceeded one minute.

The referee didn't mean to stop yet, because he wanted her to sing the whole song.

"A little more.

Let me be willing.

Love you! A little more.

will slowly find out.

Because of you, let me be willing. "

Xia Yunxin really sang the whole song directly.



As soon as the song was finished, the judges in the audience stood up and applauded.

"Congratulations to this contestant, directly passed the audition."

In some of the better players, the referee has the right to let them pass.

You don't have to wait for the end of the game and then announce the list on the Internet.

"Thank you, the referees have worked hard!"

Bowing to several referees, Xia Yunxin walked down with a smile on his face.

There was no expression of joy on his face, and it seemed that he was selected by hand!

"Sister Xia, it's really still you who are powerful!"

They said that the game was down today.

Xia Yunxin was the only one who sang the whole song and directly announced the ranking to pass the audition.

"You guys can too!"

Being able to have such a big improvement was inseparable from Qin Mo's training for them a few days ago.

Everyone didn't expect that Qin Mo not only sang well.

So tough when it comes to mentoring others!

In a few days, the singing skills of the four people and the typhoon have improved to a certain extent.

Now if they want to improve, they must be guided by famous teachers.

And this improvement time is calculated in years.

And not like now, when the boss can do it in a few days.

"Below there are next contestants to perform their talents on stage!"

With the previous contestant, he was brushed down as soon as he came on stage.

Qiu Xianshan walked onto the stage with a smile.

"The quality of the contestants this afternoon is good, and there are several beautiful women who performed on stage!"

The first few were all very ordinary looking contestants, and now Qiu Xianshan appeared on the stage to introduce herself, and the eyes of the audience around her lit up.

"My name is Qiu Xianshan, the talent of the performance singing, the sweetheart godmaster, the first time to love."

As soon as he heard the song of this singer again, the referee in the audience looked very strange.

"What's going on today?

Could it be that this contestant saw the success in front of him, so he temporarily changed the song.

This is a big no-no when it comes to competitions, and if you are not careful, you will lose! "

They don't think there's such a coincidence, so it all comes down to a temporary change of song.

Several judges who originally had hope for Qiu Xianshan.

At this time, I couldn't help but shake my head: "Hey, it's okay!" "

Sister Xia, what's going on?"

"Yes, why did the referee shake his head at this time, could it be that Phantom Shan went wrong?"

The four people in the audience couldn't help but worry, but it was too late at this time, and the accompaniment before the song had already sounded.

"Gray day

, your

face has loved and cried, laughed and laughed, and after the pain, only goodbye

, my tears

wet my face

..." The

referee who originally lowered his head and spoke was ready to let the player off the stage in more than ten seconds.

But once again, they heard no less than the singing of the contestants in front.

"Could it be that the masters have all run to the side of the deep market?"

"Is the one named Xia Yunxin before, not surprisingly, he can enter the top 100 in the finals, and now there is a player of the same strength again, this..." The

judges in the audience are not only their current status duties, they are also beneficial.

For example, the area you are responsible for will be based on the basic bonus.

Based on the last hundred, for each additional player, they will have a little more prize money.

If you win the final championship in that region, the prize money will definitely be huge.

Now that such a player appeared again, how could the referee in the audience be unhappy, quickly raised his head, and listened carefully to the contestant's singing.

Like Xia Yunxin, the surrounding audience gave face and sang along with Qiu Xianshan.

"The first time I love someone, his bad, his good

, like a tattoo

on my chest, is an eternal mark

that follows my breath

until my heart stops."

At this time, time does not seem to exist with the judge, and time is allowed to pass until the contestants on the stage finish singing the whole song, and then they come back to their senses.

"Ahem, first of all, congratulations to this contestant, becoming the second person today to pass the audition directly.

I hope that this player will create brilliant results in the following competitions and achieve better results. The

audience in the audience did not object to the referee's result, but gave warm applause to Qiu Xianshan.

"It's not early, and I won't watch the games later.

Today is half of the tasks assigned by the boss. "

Gu Qing has just become an agent, and there is still a lot to learn.

Leading the team this time was also a grind, but there were no accidents.

If something goes wrong, what will she do as an agent?

These are all things Qin Mo wants her to learn.

"Sister Gu, this mall is so lively, let's not go back if we don't go shopping?"

Dong Yuanyu knew that next, he wanted to come out shopping as before.

There should be no chance, this time Xia Yunxin and the two, ended the game early.

There is still a little time left, so I can't help but shop around and buy something.

"Sister Gu, I also want to go shopping!"

Chun Yuwei said with a bitter face.

Three of the four people I saw were already and wanted to use this time to visit the mall.

"Okay, but you can't shop for too long, the boss is still waiting for you to go back to report the congratulations!"

Gu Qingyi could only agree at this time, but told everyone in advance that he could only shop for an hour.

That means you have to rush back before half past five, and it will take an hour to go back.

It happened to be dinner time, and tonight Qin Mo would come over to eat with everyone.

By the way, there are some things that need to be discussed with everyone.

"Don't worry, Sister Gu knows the proportions."

Looking at the four people, this is like a wild horse out of control, and began to walk up one brand after another.

They only look at it and don't buy it, and each family is completed within ten minutes.

Gu Qingyi, who followed behind, finally realized the horror of their women shopping.

The front foot has not stopped, and the back foot has to follow.

Rest on their own side and let them go shopping on their own.

How dare Gu Qingyi rest assured, now two of the four people have already attracted the attention of the people in the mall.

At that time, the entire mall was live broadcasting.

As long as they have time to watch, they are familiar with Xia Yunxin and Qiu Xianshan.

If you look closely, you will definitely be able to recognize it.

This just walked into a store, and someone immediately recognized Xia Yunxin.

"Hey, this is not Xia Yunxin, welcome, what do you need?"

"Miss Xia, your temperament has to wear the brand of our store, and it is too compatible with you!"

I wanted to visit this store, but the staff was too enthusiastic.

Always surrounded Xia Yunxin, it is a variety of recommendations.

I can almost say that the dead are alive.

"Sorry, we still have business!"

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