"How's that, do you still want to go shopping?"

A few people were frightened by the warm clerk's hospitality, so they made an excuse and fled!

"No, it's better to go back, save the time Guo Lao asked!"

The big and small things in the band are all Guo Hexuan is responsible for.

A few days have passed since the audition ended, and the first preliminary round was held in Yangcheng.


Beep ——, vibrate!

Qin Mo, who had just finished working in the back kitchen, picked up his mobile phone and looked at it.

There were more than a dozen missed calls, all of which were made by one person.

"What is this Gu Qing doing?"

Qin Mo knew that she was working on the third floor today, and she wouldn't come down to find him for something urgent so close, as for so many calls.

"No, let's go see what's going on?"

At this time, the mall is almost closed, and there are not many customers inside.

Passing by, I only ran into a few scattered guests.

Qin Mo went up the stairs to the band studio and just went up to the third floor.

Just see the sign of the Four Seasons Band.

Push open the door and it's brightly lit inside!

"Hey, why does it smell of alcohol, are you eating a late-night snack?"

But thinking about it, Qin Mo felt that it was impossible.

Where is there a better place to have a late-night snack than to go to the second floor!

And not the slightest sound was heard.

But the further you go inside, the stronger the smell of alcohol becomes.

When he reached the door of an office, Qin Mo stood still.

Because he knows where the smell of wine spreads from.

This was Gu Qingyi's office, which made Qin Mo even more strange.

So gently push the door forward, it is easy to open.

The door was unlocked, and as soon as it opened.

The pungent smell of alcohol came to the nose.

"Here it is..."

On the only couch inside, there was now a half-lying person.

Wearing a black professional suit, he has a pair of slender long legs.

Black stockings are worn on top.

A red face, and drunken eyes.

There are a dozen beer bottles on the ground messy, as well as a high-grade liquor bottle!

She is Gu Qingyi, Gu Qingyi who is drunk by herself!

Strange though, what's going on?

What about the rest of the studio?

Why was she left alone in the office?

If I guessed correctly, the studio will not be after six.

Guo Hexuan and they are all off work, but it's ten o'clock now.

Gu Qing was still in his office.

The main thing is to get drunk, and where did all this wine come from.

Qin Mo also probably guessed that she was in a bad mood.

If you want to find someone to drink, it's no wonder that after six-thirty, you call yourself.

It looks like she hasn't even eaten dinner.

"Hey... Gu Qing also woke up!

Qin Mo reluctantly stepped forward to wake her up, and she lay like this.

He was ready to fall asleep, except for what he said when Qin Mo came in.

Coupled with the cold air conditioner turned on inside, you may get cold if you are not careful.

Shaken by Qin Mo like this, Gu Qing also slowly opened his intoxicated eyes.

Looking at Qin Mo, who was dangling in front of him, he opened his mouth and was about to speak.



a mouthful of pungent liquid erupted from Gu Qingyiying's small mouth.

Directly put the floor next to the sofa and spray it into a mess!

Qin Mo fortunately dodged in time and did not spray on him.


Looking at the messy office, now add to the unpleasant smell of vomit.

Qin Mo's face suddenly darkened.

"Sometimes, don't drink if you can't drink!"

Looking at the messy office, it can take time to clean up.

"Excuse me, boss!"

After vomiting once, Gu Qing was also a little sober.

Looking at Qin Mo, who had a black face in front of him, he quickly apologized.

"You wait for me, don't throw up again."

Qin Mo was now temporarily not wondering why she was drinking.

The first thing to do is to quickly send her back to the dormitory, and then clean up the place.

But on their own, I don't know when I will be busy.

There are also two people who are seen by others at this time.

Even if there is nothing, after many people's mouths, it may change its taste in the end.

Heard by Ye Yin, it was really impossible to jump to the Yellow River!

"Meng Zhiyao, where are you now, hurry up and bring me to the studio."

I just returned to my dormitory and was about to take a break before taking a shower.

The phone rings, pick it up and see that it is the boss's phone.

"Could it be that the boss is angry about this?"

I shouldn't have done this just now, don't make the boss angry, open yourself, the conditions are so good now!

With changes in work, Meng Zhiyao finally has her own single room.

"This is what I dreamed of, I thought I just dared to think about it."

"Die and die, do it all!"

For Gu Qingyi's order, she couldn't refuse, after all, she was now in charge of her.

"Boss, what's going on?"

Hurriedly ran out of the dormitory, and in only one-third of the usual time, he ran to the studio.

As soon as he entered Gu Qingyi's office, the first thing was that the smell inside made it difficult to breathe.

Even if the air conditioner inside is turned on to the maximum, the windows are open.

The smell is still so strong!

And the ground....

This is Gu Qingyi's spitting!

When it was over, I said I couldn't bring her wine!

You should have been aware of this problem at that time.

"Boss, I know it's wrong!"

Should reject her, the big deal is to be blamed by her, it is better than being scolded by the boss.

"Tell me, do you know?"

As soon as she ran over, she admitted her mistake, obviously in this matter, she was involved, maybe she was still an accomplice!

"Boss, I don't dare to bring wine to Sister Gu!"

It's all this time, and to explain again is quibbles.

Or hurry up and admit your mistake with your boss and strive for frankness and leniency.

"I didn't ask this, what's going on with her, why is she so drunk?"

Hearing that the boss didn't blame himself, Meng Zhiyao couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"Boss, I really don't know this!"

"Well, it's also for nothing to ask you.

Hurry up and call a few people to come and clean up this place.

What is this like, a good office to do this. Reconfirming

that the boss was not responsible for himself, Meng Zhiyao quickly took out her mobile phone to dial the number!

"Boss, you wait a minute, I'll call."

At this time, the cleaner of the restaurant had already left work.

These jobs are done by nearby residents, so the only way to find someone is to be an internal employee.

"Xiao Wu, are you in the dormitory?"

"What's going on, Sister Meng?"

"It's good, quacks and lakes for emergencies!

Quickly call a few good sisters, come to the third floor of the restaurant

, remember to bring a bucket rag,

and detergent.

Don't ask so much, come over now, urgent! Seeing

that the boss seemed to be impatient, he glanced at Gu Qingyi lying on the sofa from time to time.

At this time, she seemed to be asleep!

You can still do this, leaving a mess and going to sleep on your own.


Soon, four women hurriedly ran in carrying buckets.

As soon as he saw Qin Mo inside, he immediately stood up and said hello.

"Wait for the hard work, clean up this place!"

Qin Mo looked at the four girls, and he didn't even have time to breathe, so he said hello to himself.

With a smile on his face, he ordered softly.

"Okay, boss."

What the boss ordered, that can be done well, that is, no matter how dirty and tired it is!

"Meng Zhi Yao, you send you back with me."

After speaking, Qin Mo picked Gu Qingye up under everyone's gaze.

"So light!"

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