"Go, why are you still stunned?"

Seeing Qin Mo directly hugging Gu Qingyi, everyone was stunned.

But soon there was no fuss, and he wanted to bring Gu Qingye back to the dormitory, as if there was only the boss's way.

As for letting others hug, the woman can't hold it, and if the man is it's better to let the boss come.

Qin Mo bent down, passed one hand through Gu Qingyi's legs, and passed the other hand through her armpits, and directly hugged her.


This is the first time to pick up Gu Qingyi, and last time he just held it.

He couldn't imagine that Gu Qingyi's weight would be so light, which was completely different from seeing it with the naked eye.

At close range, Qin Mo smelled the pungent smell, with a trace of body fragrance.

His brows couldn't help but furrow slightly.

But fortunately, the fragrant body fragrance on Gu Qingyi's body shocked his spirits, and he was not smoked down by the smell of vomit.

This is not the time to dwell on this.

"Keep up!"

Shouting a stunned Meng Zhiyao, Qin Mo strode forward.

The reason why he called Meng Zhiyao did not need to waste his tongue to explain when he was seen by acquaintances.

Letting Meng Zhiyao take out the key from her pocket and open the door, Qin Mo directly carried her to the sofa.

Under Meng Zhiyao's eyes, take off her shoes.

Looking at Gu Qingyi, who was already drunk, Qin Mo frowned.

"You go and prepare some warm water!"

"Okay, boss!"

Hearing Qin Mo's order, Meng Zhiyao hurriedly walked to the bathroom.

Now she just wants to make Qin Mo forget about the previous events through these performances.

"The owner water came, and towels!"

Seeing Qin Mo take matters into his own hands, Meng Zhiyao did not say anything at this time, but just stood by and did not speak.


Qin Mo let out a sigh and shook his head.

Grab a towel and soak it in hot water and start cleaning her face and vomit from her clothes.

"This..." Seeing

a place where he couldn't do it, Qin Mo's arm suddenly froze.

He raised his head and glanced at Meng Zhiyao and said.

"Leave you left, I'll go back first."

If you can, wipe her body and change into pajamas.

By the way, can you help Gu Qingyi to the bed later?

Qin Mo, who was about to leave, stopped.

He glanced at the distance between the sofa and the bed and asked worriedly.

"Boss, there is no problem with this, I have been strong since I was a child!"

After speaking, he did not forget to give Qin Mo a bicep comparison.

"Are you really all right?"

"Boss, these are all small problems!"

"Okay, that's hard work for you, remember not to have this situation in the future."

Seeing that there was nothing to do, Qin Mo turned around and walked out to close the door.

Half an hour has passed since the restaurant closed, and I believe that Ye Yin has long been waiting for him to return.

Without staying too long, Qin Mo left, leaving Meng Zhiyao alone to be busy inside.

"Whew, finally escaped!"

Hearing what Qin Mo said later, Meng Zhiyao knew that he was lucky this time.

The boss did not pursue his wild man, but he also warned her not to repeat such a thing.

"There can't be a next time, and next time I'll tie her up!"

Now that Meng Zhiyao knows, offending Gu Qingyi, it's a big deal to be scolded usually.

But if you offend your boss, you won't have a job in minutes.

If it's just ordinary work, love it!

But now this job must not be lost!

"I really don't know Sister Gu, what are you unhappy about now!"

Meng Zhiyao did not envy other people's salaries.

However, Gu Qingyi's treatment is an open monthly salary of 60,000, which is more than double his own.

Even the car boss matched her, and besides, Gu Qing was only a recent college graduate.

With such treatment, what else is unhappy.

While grunting to himself, he took off Gu Qingyi's clothes.

"The appearance is excellent, now the body is so good, the heavens are really unfair!"

Looking at Gu Qingyi's figure without clothes, Meng Zhiyao was a little jealous at this time.

Touching his own Great Plain, he shook his head with a wry smile.

"If I have this condition, I can't wake up laughing from my dream every day!"

Meng Zhiyao took a towel and dipped it in warm water.

He touched Gu Qingye's whole body.

When I just took off my clothes, I took off all my underwear.

"Okay, Sister Gu get a good night's sleep, wake up tomorrow, and everything can be crossed!"

Put on pajamas for Gu Qingye, Meng Zhiyao packed up her things, and then closed the door and went out.

At this time, it was already eleven o'clock, and I hadn't even showered myself.

"I don't know Xiao Wu, what's wrong with them over there, call and ask first, save time running back and forth."

Rubbing her sore wrist, Meng Zhiyao took out her mobile phone.

"Xiao Wu, what happened to the cleanup you guys over there? Do I need to go over now?

"Sister Meng, don't come over, we just finished busy and are about to go back!"

Hearing the other party say this, Meng Zhiyao didn't ask more.

"Then hurry back, it's not early, I'm bothering a few sisters tonight!"

After thanking her, Meng Zhiyao hung up the phone.

She didn't know that it wasn't done there, but some of the vomit stained areas were difficult to wipe clean, and it would take a little time.

"Xiao Wu, we are not busy, why did you just tell Sister Meng?"

"Sister Meng is now the leader, do you want the leader to come and help us?"

Hearing Xiao Wu say this, the others shook their heads one after another.

"And the boss is also in this matter, why does Sister Meng only call a few of us familiar and don't call others over, can you see any problems from these?"

The others shook their heads again.

"Okay, hurry up and work, just as Sister Meng said, go back early to rest."

It seems that this Xiao Wu is an understanding person, but she did not explain it to everyone.


"Oh..." I

don't know how long it took, Gu Qing also woke up in a burst of headaches.

As soon as I woke up, I felt my lips were particularly dry and I just wanted to drink water.

"Hey, when did I put my thermos cup here?"

Looking at the thermos cup on the nightstand, she remembered that it was placed outside.

"Squeak..." With

his hands supported on the bed, Gu Qing also sat up first, picked up the thermos cup and unscrewed it.

"Gollum..." Extremely

thirsty, she didn't even think, so she picked up and drank it fiercely, until the thermos cup was at the bottom, and extended her tongue to lick the edge of the water.

After drinking the water, Gu Qing finally sobered up.

"This water is still warm, who poured it for himself or put it next to it?

And who brought himself back to the dormitory, this room can be seen as their own.

"It won't be..."

Finally, Gu Qing also remembered who he had called.

Could it be that the boss brought himself back?

The mind was sorted out at once, and Gu Qing also hurriedly checked his body.

At first, she just touched her hands under the covers, but soon her expression changed.

Obviously the feel is different, this dress is not right!

Frightened, she quickly lifted the quilt and took off her clothes to change into pajamas.

"This..." quickly

took off his pajamas and checked it, and there was no underwear underneath.

But just check it carefully, there is no abnormality on the body.

While breathing a sigh of relief, he sighed.

She didn't know what she was thinking in her heart now.

Rejoice or disappointment!

"Did he really take off the clothes?"

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