Time, half past six in the morning.

"Zhiyao, it's early!"

Washing and dressing neatly, Gu Qing also went to work with a smile.

As soon as I walked to the elevator, I saw Meng Zhiyao.

"Sister Gu, you are early!"

The two entered the elevator, Meng Zhiyao thought for a while or spoke.

"Sister Gu, what happened

last night..."

"Eh, what happened last night, why don't I know!"

Gu Qing also put on a puzzled look, but there was still a smile on his face.

"It's okay!"

Originally, I wanted to tell Gu Qingyi that I changed her clothes last night.

But looking at her now, she doesn't want to mention this matter herself.

Since this is the case, it is better not to mention it, saving everyone trouble.

"Work hard in the future!"

Out of the elevator, Gu Qing also patted her lightly on the shoulder.

What made Meng Zhiyao feel inexplicable, Gu Qing also changed a lot compared to yesterday.

If before, her whole person gave people a cold feeling.

Now, it seems to be melted.

"After the meeting after work, come back and pack your things and get ready to go."

Dropping an inexplicable word to Meng Zhiyao, Gu Qing also walked away.

"Boss, we're ready to leave today."

"Didn't you say you didn't leave until the day before the game?"

Qin Mo remembered that a few days ago, Guo Hexuan also proposed to let the team go to Yangcheng in advance, but in the end, Gu Qing did not agree, and this matter was over.

But now that she brought it up herself, what does it mean?

Now there are four days left before the race.

And Qin Mo was surprised that Gu Qing also seemed to have changed.

The whole person feels like he has been reborn.

"I've changed now, can't I, boss!"

Yes, even the tone of speech has changed, and it was not like this when talking to yourself before.

"Since everything has been decided, then you will watch and do it, I will only look at the result of this matter."

"Received, before the final, we are all outside for the time being, goodbye boss!"

This is Gu Qingyi early in the morning, looking for himself to talk about this.

After saying that, just leave.

"Who, early in the morning?"

When Ye Yin got up to go to the bathroom, he heard a sound at the door.

"It's Gu Qingyi!"

"What's going on?"

Ye Yin, who was still in the haze just now, as soon as he heard Gu Qingyi's name, the whole person came to his senses.

"It's nothing, come and say that their team will leave later, it's true, they didn't want to advance before, and now they have changed."

"Is it bad to have such employees?"

Hearing that it was a matter of work, Ye Yin breathed a sigh of relief.

But she didn't think elsewhere, this kind of thing is not a phone call to explain why she ran over and said it in person.

Not only Ye Yin couldn't think of it, but even Qin Mo was the same.

"Elder Guo, I agree with you!"

After going to work, Gu Qing also went over, discussed with Guo Hexuan for a while, and agreed with what he said the day before yesterday.

"Figured it out so quickly?"

In a team, you are afraid that someone will contradict you.

This person can also influence the final decision, and this is where Guo Hexuan is troubled.

But he didn't expect that it had only been a day.

Gu Qing also came to find himself and agreed with his opinion.

He was very happy!

"Could it be that Boss Qin came forward, shouldn't be, this matter seems to have been raised by himself, and everyone else wants to stay one more day before leaving."

Guo Hexuan thought for a while, and found that he still didn't know who said it, so he didn't get entangled in this matter.

"Guo Lao, I'm a newcomer, I don't understand anything, if there is anything wrong with what I do in the future, you can point it out to me, and you can criticize me fiercely."

Guo Hexuan could not have imagined that she would change so much.

The whole person became modest, and his attitude was still so low.

"Xiao Gu, did something happen?"

After all, Guo Hexuan has grandchildren and has rich life experience.

Seeing Gu Qingyi's situation now, it seems that only one situation can make people change.

That's when something big happened to her.

"It's okay! Guo Lao, why do you ask that?

This time it was Gu Qing's turn to be puzzled, and while talking well, why did Guo Hexuan ask an inexplicable word.

She had been paying attention to Gu Qingyi's expression when she answered.

The expression is very calm, and it doesn't look like lying at all.

Guo Hexuan thought that she couldn't figure it out herself!

If that's the case, that's a great event.

In the future, in some development directions, the band will not need to bother to explain to Gu Qing.

"It's okay, it's fine!"

"Then I'll go and inform, everyone pack up and leave in an hour?"

Before leaving, Gu Qing also consulted Guo Hexuan's opinion.

"Okay, just according to your meaning, I also have to go back and clean up!"

Gu Qing also changed, more than one person felt so.

The rest of the studio noticed it too.

Not to mention that she is a single beauty, and other single men must have hope.

"Strange, the day before yesterday was still so resolute.

It changed early this morning, and I thought I could leave one day less.

You can eat more food for one more day. "

That's why other people are willing to leave a day later.

"I heard about the Yangcheng store, and the food over there is also available!"

Compared with other personnel, Mengzhiyao still understands these things as a group of employees earlier.

"Meng Zhiyao, what you said is true?

But why do you comment on the Internet, everyone would rather come to the deep market.

Isn't there a big difference in taste! "

The other people in the studio are also in contact with Qin's restaurant for the first time.

This information is still obtained online.

"Why are you willing to come to the Shenzhen market, do you still need to guess?

The owner sits in the main store, and the guests will definitely prefer to run over here.

Usually when the boss is not there, the two apprentices in charge of the back kitchen are his two apprentices.

Tell you a secret, the real apprentice is over there in Yangcheng.

In terms of cooking skills, you still think that Yangcheng is not as good as the deep market? Meng

Zhiyao carefully shared it for everyone.

"So where will we live in the past period?"

"I hope to live near Tianxing City, so that we can go over and eat every day."

The two restaurants have their own advantages.

The accommodation conditions here in Shenzhen are excellent, but the office location is not good.

The office space over there in Yangcheng is very good, there is no accommodation.

Qin Mo could only charter a nearby homestay and simply decorate it.

Arrange for employees to live, so the conditions are compared with the Shenzhen market, and it is certainly not a grade.

That's why the band staff came over instead of living in the staff dormitory.

Instead, choose to stay in a hotel.

"Meng Zhiyao, or you go and talk to Agent Gu.

Choose to live in Tianxing City, please! "

Meng Zhiyao found that this is digging a hole for herself, why did she just tell everyone so much.

Now it's okay, let her go and give advice to Gu Qingyi!

But looking at the look of expectation in everyone's eyes, Meng Zhiyao was really embarrassed to refuse.

"Okay, I'll go, but I can't guarantee it!"

"It's okay, maybe Gu Broker forgot it before."

A few minutes later, Meng Zhiyao pushed open the door of Gu Qingyi's office.

"What's the matter, say it!"

"Sister Gu, when we went to Yangcheng this time, did we live around the branch?"

"I've arranged all this, don't worry!"

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