"Ye Yin, are you really not going over together?"

"Aunt Ye, come with me, it was fun last time!"

"No need, you can come back early."

"Yes, your diet these days..."

Qin Mo was worried about this.

"Brother Qin, you didn't order Hetai.

Besides, now, I'm not as strong as I used to.

In the meals made with Tai, I did not have nausea.

So it's still you guys who go over, I can't leave the company. "

I remember last time, I just didn't go to the company for a day, as if something had happened.

I asked some people and everyone said it was okay.

However, she was sensitive and knew that something must have happened.

It's just that everyone chose to hide her.

"This CEO is really humiliated!"

In terms of work, Ye Yin didn't want to tell Qin Mo.

I can't do this little thing, which seems to be very incompetent.

"Okay, then you pay attention at home.

If it really doesn't work, call me and call me back for a few hours. "

The school is calling, this time Qin Mo does not plan to go with the school.

He wanted to take Shin Shin directly to the plane, so that it would be faster.

Before leaving, he confirmed with Ye Yin again.

"Got it, Shin Shin's things are also important, if you win the award this time, you may have the opportunity to enter the junior class."

While speaking, Ye Yin pushed Qin Mo out.

"Pay attention to your body!"

Getting into the car, Qin Mo was still not at ease.

"Qiu Wenxing, if you don't hurry up and send your boss to the airport, you're almost late!"

Before Ye Yin and Qin Mo, there was obviously a young man in front of him.

It was listening to Ye Yin, quickly started the vehicle, and left the dust.

Qin Mo still wanted to say something, but as soon as he spoke, he could no longer see Ye Yin's shadow.

"Cao Ceng, why doesn't Aunt Ye come with me!"

At the beginning, Ye Yin said yes to Qin Xinxin, and this time he went out with her.

But in the end, the breach did not follow.

"Aunt Ye has something to do, she can't come."

"Hmph, you adults are all deceiving people, Xinxin doesn't want to pay attention to the smelly dumplings!"

After speaking, Qin Xinxin turned his head and looked out the car window.

"Really ignore Dad."

"Ignore it!"

Shin Shin shook her head as she spoke.

"Hey, it seems that if Xinxin is sent to the teacher, Dad can only go back to accompany Aunt Ye."

When Qin Mo said this, he shook his head with a bitter face.

It seems that because her daughter ignored him, she acted very depressed.

"Cao Ceng, you want to go out?"

"Yes, Xinxin ignored me, I followed along, didn't that upset her, dad might as well go back."

In order to show authenticity, Qin Mo forced out a little tears.

If it wasn't for Qiu Wenxing seeing it with his own eyes, he really thought it was true.

"Cao Ceng, when did Xinxin say that he couldn't ignore you, it must be that you heard it wrong!"

When I think of not having my father by my side these days, I will have to go back to the hotel every day after the competition, and I can't go anywhere.

Qin Xinxin quickly grabbed his father's arm and began to be coquettish.

"Shin Shin didn't say that?"

"Yes, Shin Shin didn't say that."

"In this way, it must be that Dad heard it wrong, this is so tired from working every day, it will indeed be misheard."

However, this shoulder is still sore, and no one has massaged it. "

Oh, your shoulder is sore, isn't it, Xinxin will give you a massage."

While swinging her arm, Xin Xin leaned over and pounded Qin Mo's shoulder with her small hand.

"Isn't that better?"

"Heh, Xinxin is such a hammer, it turns out to be a little better."

Qin Mo didn't let his daughter stop, the two father and daughter hadn't been so close for a while.

"Really, Cao Xin, then press Xinxin!"

Hearing Dad's praise, and being able to help Dad.

Qin Xinxin felt that the bottom of his heart was more fragrant than eating duck legs.

"Yes, here, use some force!"

Qin Momi closed his eyes and thought to himself: "Little sample, Dad still doesn't believe that he can't cure you!" "

Well, now that Qin Xinxin was angry with her father, she finally became angry with her father.

The little head will definitely not be able to turn around now, and I don't know about it later.

An hour later, the father and daughter were already in their cabin seats.

However, Qin Mo did not choose first class, but economy class.

In terms of eating, Qin Mo is the best for his daughter.

But in other respects, there are limitations.

I don't want my daughter to experience and enjoy life too early, and when she can suffer, she definitely chooses to suffer.

"Zhuo, why don't you go and sit in front?"

The first two times I went to the capital with my daughter, I was first-class.

So now as soon as he changed his position, Qin Xinxin immediately saw it.

"It's also good here, why would Shin Shin ask that?"

"It's not good here, it's not as comfortable as before, and besides, you don't lack money, and you don't need much money to sit in front!"

Seeing her daughter's look of disgust, she guessed that she was really right.

Going out in the future is to hone her, otherwise you won't be able to suffer at all.

Look at her now, she knows now, the plane is like this in economy class.

"Shin Shin, dad's money is earned by himself, and do you know how many people can't afford to fly?"

Now it is time to give an example to the testimony, and when she grows up, it will be difficult.

"Isn't Chong Xin's money Xinxin's money?

And we are all a family, and what Cao Cao earned after that is not reserved for Xin Xin.

Now the dumplings make so much money, if not a little more.

How can it be spent in the future! "

It's good to be with her talent in mathematics.

I already have my own ideas for the digital aspect.

Daily contact with guests, residents of the community.

Everyone's evaluation of Qin Mo fell into Qin Xinxin's ears.

So she now knows how much her dad makes every day.

She also calculated by herself what kind of ability she wanted to spend money.

to spend the money Dad makes every day.

"It's not right for Xinxin to think so, the money earned by Dad will definitely be given to Xinxin in the future, but not now, when Xinxin grows up, he will know."

"But you make millions a day, if Shin Shin doesn't help you spend it, who else will help you spend it."

The conversation between the two fathers and daughters was quickly interrupted by others.

Because to the ears of others, these two fathers and daughters chirped crookedly from the moment they took their seats.

At first, I was barely able to accept it, after all, everyone was sick and could not afford to sit in first class.

But listen to how it tastes bad, this buddy bragged himself.

Even his daughter thinks so, what money is earned can not be spent.

You let me try it and see if I can spend it all!

And as a father, how can you lie to a child like this.

said that the money she earned, her daughter couldn't spend it if she wanted to.

"I said this buddy, bragging also has limits, making millions a day, this is all blowing to the sky.

You think you're Bill Gates, or an old horse! In

the eyes of this passenger, he can earn millions a year, he has to burn high incense, and he earns millions every day, that is, he can cheat his daughter.

"Hmph, you're the big badass, don't you say that about me.

Shin Shin is very upset, you apologize to me now.

And that you can't earn it yourself, doesn't mean you can't do it. "

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