"Yo, this brainwashing is well done.

How not to do that job! What

the passenger didn't expect was that this little girl's mouth was so powerful.

"And I want to apologize to him and daydream."

If it weren't for the fact that you were a child, I wouldn't have pumped your big mouth. The

passenger made a fierce face towards Qin Xinxin to scare her.

"How can such a big person still think about children.

Besides, what my daughter says, it's not your turn to point fingers.

Why don't you know she's telling the truth, and you don't want to sit here and roll me off. Qin

Mo himself was reluctant to say his daughter, and now that outsiders dare to say Xinxin, he must not be happy.

"Oh, my temper.

You let me go down first, okay, take out the ticket money.

I really don't want to sit with some braggart. The

passenger stood up at this time, at least one meter and nine meters tall, no wonder he spoke confidently.

Qin Mo looked at the time, the plane had not taken off yet, but it was also very fast.

Unexpectedly, the other party raised their opinions, and if they didn't realize him, they were really sorry for him.


Qin Mo beckoned to the flight attendant not far away.

Seeing a handsome guy calling himself, the flight attendant immediately ran over.

"This passenger, there is something you need our help with."

"Beauty, I want to ask, can I still get off the plane now?"

"Yes, but it will take off soon, guest, do you have something urgent to go down!"

The flight attendant misunderstood, thinking that Qin Mo wanted to get off the plane.

"I'm sorry, it's not me, the one opposite!"

Qin Mo pointed to the opposite side, and the stunned passenger said.

This passenger couldn't imagine that Qin Mo really didn't want to get off the plane at this time, and he had to hurry up for a meeting.

At this time, if you go down, the work may be yellow.

"Don't scare yourself, more than a thousand tickets, not just give to people.

He must be scaring himself, and besides, he is not alone.

When the time comes, it will be a big deal to pull other colleagues along. The

passenger looked around at four people, all colleagues from the same company.

"Alone, the other party is still possible, I don't believe in four more people, you can still be awesome!"

In order to pretend to be this forced, it costs more than five thousand, is it worth it!

"What's going on with the guests, if you want to get down, you have to hurry."

"The guy on the other side said he didn't want to be in the same cabin as me.

If someone gives him money for his ticket, I will get off the plane immediately.

I want to ask if I can fulfill this wish now, beauty. "

Hearing this, this is the first time a flight attendant has encountered this kind of thing.

I don't know for a moment, nodding or shaking my head.

At this time, another flight attendant came over, and she also noticed that something was happening here.

"Economy class is a lot of problems, a bunch of poor ghosts."

While walking over, he blamed.

"What's the matter!"

Although I was very reluctant in my heart, I had to deal with it.

Soon the flight attendant finally came over and made a decision.

"Since they have all negotiated, then follow each other's wishes."

I thought it was something, it turned out that some people were just pretending, but that young man is really handsome, but it's a pity that his brain is not good!

"I'll give you one thousand five now, hurry up and give me down."

Qin Mo took out a small backpack of his own, ready to take out the money from it.

"Sorry, we're five people!"

Seeing that Qin Mo really wanted to take the money out, the passenger immediately mounted his colleagues.

"How do you regret it, or admit it!"

Seeing that the other party casually pointed to the four passengers, Qin Mo said disdainfully.

"Take out the money of the five, and we will go down!"

"Brother Wang..."

"Don't say it first, I'm responsible for something, what's wrong, there is no money?"

After seeing that he had pulled his colleagues into the water, Qin Mo was stunned for a moment, he thought that the other party was afraid, and he couldn't help but start mocking Qin Mo.

As for Qin Mo, he couldn't imagine that these four people were really the other party's people.

Hearing the other colleague speak, thinking that the other person does not agree.

But he couldn't think of this person, he really wanted to do it with himself to the end.

Directly carry things down and stop colleagues from talking.

"Since you want to play, then I Qin Mo will accompany you and see how you die!"

From the expressions of the other party's colleagues, he could guess.

These people must be in a hurry, otherwise the expressions on the faces of other colleagues will change at this time.

With a worried look, he had already told him that Qin Mo wanted to know the answer.


A crisp sound sounded in economy class.

Draw the attention of others.

I saw the big handsome man holding a stack of red bills in his hand.

The sound just now came from the slap on the palm of the hand.

"More than five thousand, I'll give you six thousand, get off the plane now, don't stay here to get in the way!"

Thinking that Qin Mo had no money like them, wouldn't he be looking for death.


Watching Qin Mo tear open the seal, count it casually, and take a small stack at the top.

Give the rest of the money to the first flight attendant.

"Beauty, trouble you to take it to the other party, I won't go over, save the dirt of people!"

This sentence is really loud enough to hit the face, I just don't know if the other party hurts!

"Guest, you don't have to waste money!"

The flight attendant couldn't imagine that the handsome guy in front of her was really rich.

Just when he opened the packet, he glanced at himself.

There are several more pieces inside, all the same as this one.

The person who carried forty or fifty thousand cash with her, she did not believe that the other party would be poor.

The second flight attendant, who had just not walked away a few steps, heard an exclamation behind her.

Quickly stopped and turned to look.

Just when he saw Qin Mo dashingly unsealing the seal, his eyes lit up.

Hurried footsteps sounded.

She turned and hurried back.

"Let me do this!"

When he took the banknote in Qin Mo's hand, his finger scratched on the palm of his hand.

At the same time, both eyes are discharged towards each other!

I thought the other party was handsome before, which was a pity.

Now knowing that Qin Mo was a rich man, he immediately changed his attitude one hundred and eighty degrees.

This is society, this is reality!

"Ladies and gentlemen

, welcome to airline XX,

flight XX by XX


The plane will take off soon.

There are now cabin attendants conducting security checks.

Please sit down and fasten your seat belts..." The

flight attendant took the money and was about to walk over.

There was a shout from the captain of the cockpit, this is the plane is about to take off.

At this time, it is no longer possible to get off the plane.

"Handsome guy, I'm sorry, the plane is about to take off, please collect the money!"

When he handed the money to Qin Mo. She was deliberately keeping her body low.

The beautiful scenery below the neck was all revealed under Qin Mo's eyes.

"Ahem, thanks!"

Taking the money, Qin Mo still politely replied.

I thought that this flight attendant's figure should not be natural.

If it is, it is also too exciting.

"Handsome guy, if you don't understand anything later, you can come to me, I will definitely satisfy you, and my name is Jimenglan!"

This is a flight attendant, and before leaving, she said her name.

At the same time, someone couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

He couldn't think that the other party really took out the money, if it weren't for the plane to take off, he wouldn't know how to get off today.

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