"Mr. Qin, long time no see!"

"Principal Qi, this time you will lead the team?"

Before Qin Mo came, he knew that the person who came over this time must have Ji Hanlin.

When he saw clearly, this time came over the staff after.

All were acquaintances, except for one who did not know.

In other words, this time, there is one more than before.

"Since they are all acquaintances, it will be easy to do, everyone pack up, and I will treat you as usual!"

Qin Mo did not give everyone a chance to refuse, and everyone also knew what kind of character he was.

"Well, this time it's going to fight the local tyrants again!"

"Brother Qin, I don't know when I will have time to go out at night!"

Luo Mingjun couldn't forget the last harvest, which was close to the equivalent of a year's salary.

"It depends on the situation, if there is nothing else, go out tomorrow night!"

"Xiao Luo, these Mr. Qin will arrange it, hurry up to eat, they are all starving to death!"

"Yes, what are you in a hurry, it's important to eat first, Xinxin and sister go!"

Bian Xixue took Qin Xinxin's hand and walked out.

When the others saw it, they followed behind and walked out.

"Mr. Qin, where to eat?"

Qi Hanhai followed Qin Mo, but his position was slightly behind.

This shows respect for each other, after all, he is only a little older.

Last time, I also got a little benefit from others.

"This time, just casually, I checked the information on the Internet when I came over.

There happens to be a restaurant nearby, and the reviews are very good.

This time we got there, not far, just walk. "

When I heard that the hotel was nearby, the most active people were newcomers.

"Then what are you waiting for, hurry up!"

This is a woman about twenty-five years old, and she looks a little like anyone.

"Yao Xiaoxia, what a system!"

Under Qi Hanhai's roar, Yao Xiaoxia quieted down.

At this time, Qin Mo knew why those were familiar, it turned out to be similar to Qi Hanhai.

They should be relatives, and they didn't pay attention to this Qin Mo.

Who people arrange to come over, these are none of their own.

"Mr. Qin, I'm sorry.

My niece came out with me for the first time, I don't understand things, please don't be surprised.

This time, I wanted to take her out to see the outside world.

Qi Hanhai apologized to Qin Mo.

However, when he apologized, Yao Xiaoxia looked very surprised.

This is the first time I have seen my uncle apologize to others, and I am still about my age.

I originally thought that this time I appeared, with my uncle there, I didn't dare to say anything to others.

It seems that unlike what he thought, the most important position here is this young man.

"Got it, Uncle!"

Yao Xiaoxia was reluctant to admit his mistake, and at the same time stared at Qin Mo fiercely in the back.

At this moment, Qin Mo looked back at the back.

Frightened, she quickly diverted her gaze.

"This is also too sensitive, just look at it!"

Seeing this situation, Yao Xiaoxia did not dare to look at Qin Mo again.

But that doesn't mean she doesn't ask others about him.

This Luo Mingjun is the best target, everyone is the same age.

On top of that, he's still single.

A beautiful woman came up to chat with you, and you are still not happy?

"Luo Mingjun, can you tell me.

What's going on?

Why does everyone respect him so much, not because his daughter is a genius? Yao

Xiaoxia put all the credit on Qin Xinxin.

"You don't know Mr. Qin?"

Luo Mingjun looked surprised, as if he had heard international news.

"Who is he? Is it famous? Do I need to know him?

Three questions came out of Yao Xiaoxia's mouth.

At this time, Luo Mingjun knew.

Working at the Third Primary School in Shenshi, there are still people who don't know Qin Mo's name.

He casually went to the school and brought out a little fart child, and he knew Qin Mo's name.

"I'm obeying you, Miss.

You better use your phone first, check it and then ask me.

I don't even know how to explain it to you!

Luo Mingjun wanted to talk about Qin Mo's situation, but he didn't know where to start.

Finally, let her directly check on the Internet, these are still the best to see with her own eyes.

The regeneration movement that I said has no effect at all.

"Okay, I'll go online, but I want to see what can make him so confident, even my uncle flatters him like this!"

"What are you two grunting in the back, we won't come out to find you again when we can't find the way."

Bian Xixue, who was walking in front, looked at Luo Mingjun and the two who slowly fell behind.

At this time, they were about to turn a corner.

If she hadn't stopped, Bian Xixue suspected that the two would definitely call when they waited.

There are two forks in the road in front of you, and if you are not careful and have no one to show the way, you must be going wrong.

"Here, wait for us!"

Seeing that they had fallen hundreds of meters, the two hurriedly caught up.

"What are you doing, I really don't want to call you, you are not active in eating, what else can you do!"

The relationship between several people is good, and as soon as this comes, Bian Xixue laughs.

"Big news, she doesn't even know Mr. Qin!"

When Luo Mingjun said this, Bian Xixue looked at Yao Xiaoxia as if she were an alien.

"Hurry up, the place to eat is right now!"

Bian Xixue looked at the hotel not far away, this is the small hotel that Mr. Qin said.

There were four greeters standing at the door, still beautiful women.

Whose small restaurant hired four beautiful women to stand guard.

I don't know if I can afford to pay the money I earn.

"It seems that today, you can eat again!"

"Hurry up and follow, what Mr. Qin said in the future, we just think about going to a high place, it is probably right!"

"Welcome, do you have an appointment!"

As soon as everyone reached the door, the welcome voice sounded in unison.

This quality is really high, not comparable to small places.

"Yes, my surname is Qin!"

It turned out that when he came over, Qin Modu had already booked the hotel.

"It's Mr. Qin, I'm the manager here, please over here."

This is a big customer, a reserved box, but they spend the most expensive here.

The man who was still entertaining other guests just now immediately walked ahead with a smile on his face to lead the way.

As for the other guests, then leave it to the subordinates to entertain.

Compared to distinguished guests, ordinary guests stand aside.

"Mr. Qin, this is your box!"

"Wow rub! It's also too luxurious!

Yao Xiaoxia saw such a scene for the first time, and was immediately stunned by the arrangement in the box.

Quickly left the others and was the first to rush in.

At this time, it was too late for Qi Hanhai to hold it.

"Mr. Qin, I'm sorry!"

"It's okay, come out to eat.

There is not so much politeness between us.

Just like before, and I've already ordered some meals.

If you want to eat, add a little more! "

People who came here before knew about the consumption of this kind of place.

So I didn't really continue to order, and hurriedly politely pushed back.

"No need, Mr. Qin just order it!"

"If you don't order, I'll do it!"

After everyone was seated, the manager brought the recipe to everyone.

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