When the manager passed by her, Yao Xiaoxia took the recipe and opened a page casually.

Then there was no more, and she was stunned.

Looking at the price above, his arm began to tremble slightly.

Others seemed to have guessed that such an outcome would occur, so they were not surprised at all.

"Ignore her, let her accept the beating of society!"

"What, a few thousand dollars a dish, this doesn't mean that a few dishes are my monthly salary!"

For Yao Xiaoxia's surprise, everyone only cared about chatting, and no one paid attention to her.

"Why are you ignoring me?"

See everyone sitting firmly on the fishing platform, for the sky-high menu.

There was no surprise at all, it was obvious that she alone did not know.

"Forget it, I'll go out and buy something!"

Seeing that everyone ignored him, Yao Xiaoxia walked out angrily.

"Xiao Xia, this place is not as good as the deep market, go out and be careful!"

Qi Hanhai watched her walk out angrily and said something with concern.

"Uncle, I know, I'm not a child!"

"Manager, don't add dishes!"

Seeing that everyone did not mean to add meals, Qin Mo asked the manager to go out.

"Everyone wait a bit, our back kitchen will serve the food as quickly as possible!"

"You guys sit down first, I'll go out and listen to a call!"


Beep ——, vibrate!

Just took out my phone and was about to contact someone.

That's when the phone rang.

At a glance, it was Zhang Qianlei's call.

"Mr. Qin, you're not interesting enough!"

As soon as he spoke, he blamed Qin Mo.

"Elder Zhang, you are?"

"Last time I came to the capital, don't tell me.

I didn't say this time, if I didn't want to make me a friend.

My apprentice came over twice and didn't see me once!

"No, Elder Zhang

, you listen to me..."

"You listen to me first, can you?"

"Well, you say!"

No way, the age of the people is there, or the masters of their daughters.

This face must be given!

"Where are you guys now, send me the location!"

"We're getting ready to eat at Crown Winery!"

"It just so happens that I haven't eaten yet.

Let's go over and have a few drinks with you.

And I brought a few friends over, you don't have an opinion, right?

Zhang Qianlei spoke, not giving Qin Mo a chance to refuse, he had no chance to object.

"No opinion, we haven't eaten yet, so let's order a few more appetizers and wait for you to come over."

Zhang Qianlei's appearance, if you don't want to drink tonight, you can't run away.

The few good friends he was talking about, you don't need to guess to know that they are old drunkards.

It is strictly regulated at home, and only outside there is an opportunity to drink.

This time, he must have come out under the banner of seeing Xinxin.

"Wait for us, come over in half an hour at most!"

After hanging up the phone, when Qin Mo walked back, he saw that something seemed to have happened at the door.

Looking around at the liveliness, I thought that I would have to hurry when Zhang Qianlei and the others waited.

He didn't want to go over to see what was going on, so he turned around and prepared to go back.

But a familiar voice came.

"Don't touch me, I don't know you!"

This is not Yao Xiaoxia's voice, how can he encounter trouble everywhere he goes.

If it is someone else, you can ignore it, but this matter cannot be ignored.

However, he did not rush recklessly, but first went over to see what was going on.

This world is really small, what man did not meet on an airplane.

He once made fun of his daughter, and he was surrounded by four colleagues.

Could it be that he rushed over to accompany the young man in front of him to molest women?

Just by looking at it, Qin Mo knew what was going on.

This time without hesitation, he walked directly over.


Forcefully slapped the young man's hand that grabbed Yao Xiaoxia.

"Lying groove, who are you!"

Being suddenly attacked by Qin Mo, there was a sour numbness on the back of his hand.

The young man hurriedly shook his arm, trying to reduce the pain in this way.

"Who am I, I haven't asked you yet, do something to my friend!"

Seeing Qin Mo appear, Yao Xiaoxia quickly hid behind him.

Only at this time did she feel that Qin Mo was a little reliable.

Seeing her Yao Xiaoxia is difficult, being able to stand up is a master!

"Damn, it's your friend, and I said it's my friend?

The kid told you, don't be nosy about everything.

This is not good for yourself! The

man he met on the plane before also recognized Qin Molai at this time.

He walked up to the young man and said something in his ear.

And while speaking, both of them glanced at Qin Mo each.

"Boy, I heard that you are very horizontal!"

No matter where Qin Mo went, everyone would be very jealous when they saw his appearance.

"I originally thought that I was Chen Shao, and I was already crazy.

I can't imagine that today I met a person who is crazier than me and likes to smash people with money!

This method may work for others, but it won't work for me.

This time I'd rather see what you can do with me!

Chen Shao walked directly to Qin Mo's side, only to find that he was half a head shorter than the others.

This made him even more unhappy, even if he was handsome, even his height was taller than himself.

"Damn, I'll make you grow taller, let me look up at you."

After walking in front of Qin Mo, Chen Shao suddenly kicked over.


he suddenly moved, and no one around him could think of it.

Looking at the one who was still smiling just now, I never thought that it was a knife hidden in a smile.

At this time, Qin Mo only needed to hide to the side to avoid it.

However, behind him stood Yao Xiaoxia, if he dodged.

This kick will definitely kick her body, wouldn't it be to save people and become harmful.

"Find death!"

In the face of this kick, ordinary people can't dodge.

It's a pity that the person he is going to kick is Qin Mo, so he can only be blamed for being unlucky.

Now the best way to do this is to hit it hard.

Just raise your foot slightly and quickly kick on the opponent's ankles.


A miserable cry sounded on the empty street.

Attract the eyes of passers-by.

Under everyone's gaze, a young man let out a scream.

He stepped back until he sat on the ground.

Holding one foot in both hands and wailing.

"It's killing me, why are you still stunned, if you want this business, give it to me!"

The five people who were originally standing still, when they heard this sentence.

It was a little heartwarming at first, but it didn't rush straight up.

"What happened, I'm responsible!"

Seeing that these people were all bear-like, Chen Shao knew what they were worried about.

At Chen Shao's words, the man on the plane was the first to come out.

Seeing someone take the lead, the other four followed.

The main thing is that the company is handed over to them, and this business is too important.

When it is done, bonuses are indispensable, and promotions and salary increases are possible.

In the face of this temptation, how can they resist.

Besides, even if something happens, someone will block it in front.


Watching these people really want to beat up one person for the sake of profit.

Fortunately, the person I met today is myself, and if it is someone else, it is a different situation.

"Since you all have no scruples about making a move, then don't blame me!"

"Stinky boy, if you don't want to be beaten, squat down for me."

A few people still have some scruples, just in that situation.

Chen Shao couldn't kick anyone, and he injured himself.

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