"Xinxin, Grandpa Tan called you.

It's not past yet, how to teach you usually, so rude! Seeing

Tan Honghou shouting his daughter twice, not only ignored it, but also twisted his head to the side.

Qin Mo looked at his daughter's face and looked very unhappy.

"Grandpa Tan, Xinxin was wrong just now, so I apologize to you!"

Just after a martial arts practice, the people around him looked at themselves.

Let Qin Xinxin be a little floating, so he ignored Tan Honghou and shouted her.

In normal times, she would not be like this, making people's mouths sweeter than honey.

This is why Qin Mo is very angry, and every time he gets carried away.

"Shin Shin, this is not right with you.

In the future, when the elders call you, remember to answer.

Otherwise, it is very rude, how the teacher usually teaches you.

Is it to say that impolite children, everyone does not like it! "

Seize an opportunity, Qin Mo will take this opportunity to educate his daughter.

"Dad, Shin Shin remembered."

Seeing that Qin Mo did not continue to teach himself, Xinxin was a childlike nature.

After Tan Honghou made her laugh, let her forget her previous unhappiness.

"Mr. Qin is serious, Lao Zhang said how good you are.

So far, no young man has matched you.

At first, I didn't believe it, but now after seeing Shin Shin.

Only then did I find that it was my own narrow vision, and I asked Mr. Qin not to be surprised!

Tan Honghou looked at Qin Xinxin, and the more he looked at it, the more he liked it.

A little envious, why she is not her own granddaughter.

As a scholar, none of his descendants can inherit his knowledge.

It's either business or politics, what a sad thing.

Tan Honghou is also a mathematician, which makes him like Qin Xinxin even more.

There was an idea in his heart, I don't know if Qin Mo would agree to say it.

"Old Tan, didn't you say that you don't have a suitable heir, how about you look at Xinxin?"

Or the old guy understands himself, Zhang Qianlei said what was in his heart.

"Is this really okay?"

Tan Honghou looked expectant and glanced at Qin Mo next to him.

As long as Qin Mo doesn't open his mouth here, it's useless to think about it no matter how beautiful he is.

"As long as Shin Shin is willing, I have no opinion!"

In Qin Mo's opinion, her daughter already had a master, and it wouldn't hurt to have another teacher.

And this teacher is still very awesome, the honorary principal of Huaqing.

"Mr. Qin, you agreed!"

Tan Honghou could not have imagined that it would be so easy.

The biggest roadblock is gone, if Qin Xinxin agrees, then his wish for many years will have a chance to come true.

In his opinion, children are easy to coax.

See what she likes, it doesn't take long to succeed.

Maybe in the next second, she will recognize herself as a teacher.

"Xinxin, are you willing to be Grandpa Tan's student?"


Qin Xinxin glanced up at him and saw Tan Hong with a smile on his face.

The next second, the expression is stiff, and the expression is very ugly!

"Haha, Old Tan, you are also too anxious, at that time, I grinded for a while before agreeing, you have to be mentally prepared to fight a protracted war."

At that time, it took many months for Xinxin to come to the capital before agreeing.

Now seeing Tan Honghou so anxious, he wanted to accept this student immediately.

He thought of Qin Xinxin too simply, this was a little clever ghost.

Don't see the benefits, don't spread the eagle!

"Why don't you want to?"

"Grandpa Tan, why is Xinxin willing?"

Tan Honghou was returned to the same way by Qin Xinxin's words, and he was directly stunned to death!

At this time, he looked at a few old friends around him and wanted their support.

It's a pity that everyone doesn't seem to understand what he means, so they picked up the wine glass and drank it with the person next to him.

"Come on, it's rare to be happy today, and those who are okay will drink more."

Tan Honghou really wanted to ask Qin Mo for help, but people just said it.

Don't interfere with your daughter yourself, you want to be my daughter's teacher.

You have to see if you have the ability to take her.

Otherwise, there is no need to talk about it!

"Old Tan, are you out of rut? Let's talk about this later, or drink the bar first! Gu

Yangyao raised the wine glass in his hand and shook it towards Tan Honghou.

He just had the idea of taking an apprentice and seeing such a good embryo.

How could he not be moved, but after seeing Tan Honghou deflated.

Put this idea down for now, as Zhang Qianlei said.

This matter is still considered in the long run!

If you can't do it for a day, then a week!

If it doesn't work for a week, it won't grind for a month.

It's really not a month, and the iron rod can be sharpened into a needle in a year.

Don't rush now, maybe it will cause children to rebel.

By that time, it was useless for Qin Mo to come forward.

If the child does not really want to learn well with you.

"Yes, drink first!

I forgot what the purpose of coming here was this time.

Next time, I didn't have this opportunity, so I finally convinced my wife at home. "

Now the four of them are no younger than when they were younger, and their respective wives limit their drinking.

It's hard to come out, for people who drink.

If you don't drink enough, how can you be worthy of the stomach.

"Well, this time, I'll definitely knock down the three of you lees."

In Qin Xinxin's body, they can only be blamed for being unlucky.

The resentment in the heart is vented on them.

"Who is drunk this time, maybe yet?"

For what Zhang Qianlei said just now, everyone was a little convinced that Qin Mo's amount of alcohol was very good.

But I don't know if I can drink Tan Honghou.

The five began to gather in piles and began to put together wine.

Qi Hanhai and them, while watching the five people drink, while tasting the food.

I finally have the opportunity to eat this delicacy, and this time I will definitely eat full.

I didn't see Yao Xiaoxia, and now his mouth is full of oil.

Holding it in his hand, the bowl is piled up, and his eyes are not off the table.

"It's also so delicious, I finally understand why you were so happy to come back last time."

Yao Xiaoxia attributed everyone's love of business trips to the food in front of them.

"Uncle, next time you have this opportunity, you must call me."

For a person who does not even have a salary of 10,000, now has the opportunity to eat, and there are hundreds of thousands of delicacies at a table, how excited it must be.

"Sure, as long as you don't cry bitter."

Long-distance business trips, coupled with no subsidies, many people are reluctant to come out.

Every time you come out it's a Sunday, which takes up your time off.

How can everyone be willing, as for the bonus mentioned earlier.

This is thanks to Qin Xinxin's blessing to get it.

With other students from their school coming over, at most, they are playing soy sauce, and they want to win prizes and get prizes, don't dream!

Now Yao Xiaoxia is fancy to be able to eat food, which is also with Qin Mo by his side.

If any of them don't follow, take the funds they bring out.

It's good to be full, but I want to eat a good meal.

"Luo Mingjun, you guys ate here last time?"

Yao Xiaoxia was curious, the last time everyone came over, what kind of food did they eat?

"Not here, but we ate authentic Beijing roast duck!"

"Roast duck in Beijing, I've always wanted to eat it!"

"You may not know that the roast duck we ate in Beijing is not sold in the market, and I can still taste the taste now!"

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