"Qin... Sir, next time we... Drink again! At

the entrance of the winery, the four old men were drunk.

If it weren't for someone next to him, he would have been sitting on the ground.

"Manager, please send them home!"

For wineries of their size, there are full-time drivers who are responsible for sending some drunk guests back.

People spend tens of thousands of yuan on you, and you are still reluctant to pay a few hundred yuan for oil.

For Qin Mo's order, the manager quickly nodded in response.

"Mr. Qin, we will definitely send the four elders back safely."

Even without Qin Mo's orders, the manager would do the same.

It was the boss who called in person.

It's a pity that there is still none, all completed the boss's explanation.

This time, the other party's meal money, the boss said to be free.

But the manager didn't expect that Qin Mo would go out in advance to settle the account before he came.

"I hope the boss doesn't blame it, otherwise this month's bonus will be ruined, which is 10,000 yuan."

I always saw that after all four of Zhang Lao got on the car.

Qin Mo and the others began to go back.

"Let's go, let's go back too!"

"Zhuo, Xinxin wants you to hold it!"

At this time, Qin Xinxin ran over, and the whole person hung on Qin Mo's lap and coquettish.

"Mr. Qin, let's go back first!"

When Qin Mo picked up his daughter and walked in front, he found that Qi Hanhai went back to the hotel with him.

"They're not going back?"

"Xiao Xia came to the capital for the first time, saying that he wanted to visit the night of the capital, and the others were not worried, so they all followed out, so that people were safer."

After watching Qin Mo kill the four old drunkards alone, he was still like a nobody.

The others had to shock Qin Mo's amount of alcohol.

At that time, it was probably calculated that Qin Mo drank four wines alone, which was eight catties of liquor.

Even if you drink eight pounds of water, you will feel a little uncomfortable.

But Qin Mo didn't do anything at all, just a little rosy face.

The school teacher found that as he contacted Qin Mo for a long time, the more confused he became.

What kind of parent this is, almost all the merits are concentrated in him.

"Xinxin, why didn't you just go out shopping with everyone?"

"I'm not going, there's nothing to go to, and Xinxin is full, I don't want to move at all, I just want to go back to sleep." Dad, Xinxin is so sleepy! As

if afraid that Qin Mo wouldn't know, she yawned several times in a row.

"Let you not eat so much, but you don't believe it, now your stomach is uncomfortable!"

Qin Xinxin lay in Qin Mo's arms, one hand around his father's neck, and the other hand kept rubbing his bulging belly.

"Who made them make something so delicious!

Although it is compared to what it does, it is still a bit of a gap.

But these are all things Shin Shin likes to eat.

If it weren't for the fact that she couldn't eat, Shin Shin would like to eat more. Qin

Xinxin put his own gluttony and the responsibility on the chef.

This made Qin Mo cry and laugh, it seems that if he eats fat in the future, the first person to blame must be himself.

"Mr. Qin, your amount of alcohol is really powerful.

Drinking in the future must definitely avoid you, otherwise you don't know how to get drunk!

When he came back, Qi Hanhai couldn't help but sigh.

"I'm not taking advantage of my youth, and I don't really have anything.

Well, I see that Principal Qi you are also tired, rest early, and I have to trouble you tomorrow.

"Mr. Qin, these are all should, then I won't bother you and rest first!"

After returning to the hotel, the two separated and went back to their rooms.

This hotel is run by the school, and the accommodation is not bad.

There were more than three hundred or so a night, and Qin Mo had no opinion on this.

No matter how bad the hotel was before, he didn't reopen a better one this time.

"Early, everyone, go to breakfast first, and then we will go to the examination room."

Even outside, Qin Mo still got up at six o'clock in the morning.

Early in the morning, go out for a run in the neighborhood and come back in an hour.

He counted the time, everyone was about the same, and they should all wake up at this time.

Sure enough, as soon as she returned to the room, Xin Xin had already got up, wiping her hazy eyes with her hands.

"Dad, you got up so early again, did you go out for a run?"

Now the movement on Qin Mo's body is soaked, and he knows why to go at a glance.

"Yes, Xinxin's little lazy pig doesn't get up to exercise, you see it's getting fatter and fatter."

"No, why do you wake up so early in the morning."

Shin Shin is still a child, and she needs to get enough sleep to grow taller! When

Qin Xinxin heard her father say this, she definitely wanted to exercise by herself.

Hurriedly moved out a reason, and this reason Qin Mo could not refute it.

"Shin Shin, how do you know this?"

This is definitely not what I told my daughter, I can't wait to exercise every day.

"It was Aunt Ye who said it to Xinxin, you have an opinion about this, or I'll talk to Aunt Ye!"

"No need, since Xinxin wants to find Gao Gao, then sleep more!"

"Dad change clothes first, Xinxin quickly got up and brushed his teeth and washed his face!"

"Got it, it's really verbose, Xinxin will do it herself!"

Now Qin Xinxin is in the period of rebellion, the more you manage, the more you say.

She went the other way with you, and Qin Mo also knew this.

But every time I see it, I can't help it, and I feel comfortable when I say it.

When my daughter washed and dressed neatly, she went down to the lobby on the first floor.

Everyone is already waiting below.

"Mr. Qin, the hotel doesn't have breakfast, how do you go outside?"

It turned out that everyone was waiting for him in the lobby, just to go together, the hotel cafeteria to have breakfast together.

In the country, there are more than three hundred rooms, and there is still breakfast.

However there was not much choice for breakfast, barely able to eat.

"Going out to eat, I booked all the places.

It's near the exam room, and I also applaud the car!

Qin Mo didn't give everyone a chance to refuse, and after speaking, he took Xinxin's hand and walked out.

"Headmaster, what should I do?"

The staff looked at him expectantly.

"What else can I do, you don't know Mr. Qin's personality.

Hurry up and keep up, hey!

We don't come out to work, but to enjoy. "

Everyone followed closely behind, and two cars were already parked at the door.

Qin Mo and his daughter had already sat in one of them.

"Let's all get in the car!"

It's half past seven, and there's still an hour and a half before the start of the game.

That is, they have an hour to eat breakfast.

That's plenty of time.

When I arrived at the refreshment building, I found that the examination room was across the road.

"Xinxin, drink more porridge, don't eat greasy things for breakfast!"

Seeing her daughter reach the table, she was the first to reach out.

Go straight to the fritters, which is a Cantonese breakfast specialty.

Almost every refreshment house is sold.

The way to eat is very simple, dip a little hot porridge.

One bite, it's fragrant!

However, this thing can not be eaten more, it is not good for the throat, and it is okay to eat it once in a while.

If it weren't for the others, Qin Mo wouldn't have ordered this.

But he didn't like his daughter eating this.

"Cao Ceng, Xinxin likes to eat this, if you don't eat it now, I'm afraid that I won't play well in the next exam!"

"Well, you can only eat this!"

"Hehe, thank you Dad!"

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