"Xiao Xia, you went over and brought Xinxin back!"

This time it was more leisurely than the last one.

Sitting in the private room, drinking tea and chatting, waiting for Xinxin to come out.

"Strange, why is it so long, I saw the two come out five minutes ago!"

Ten minutes, should be back.

But so far, no one has been seen.

"Yes, it's just on the opposite side, up to five minutes to walk."

To cross the street is to pass through a flyover, and you can't see the overpass at the location of the box.

Probably a hundred meters ahead, just around the corner.

"It should be Xinxin naughty, where did you drag Xiao Xia?"

Qin Mo knew his daughter's nature, and once she was naughty, she would not be in tune.

"I'd better call Xiao Xia first!"

Qi Hanhai looked at the time, and it was already half past eleven.

Although there is no competition in the afternoon, you still have to eat and rest at noon.

Toot toot...

Take out your mobile phone and find out your niece's phone, and Qi Hanhai dialed it.

After a few beeps, the opposite side hung up the phone.

"What is this Xiao Xia doing, I really don't understand things, and I don't answer the phone at this time."

Looking at the phone that was hung up, Qi Hanhai blamed.

Then call Yao Xiaoxia's number.

But this time it was always busy.

The phone beeps urgently.

"No signal, or shut down?"

There are only two phenomena in this situation.

"Could it be that the phone just ran out of battery?"

"It's impossible to have no electricity, when Xiao Xia was playing with his mobile phone just now, I still saw that there was half of the battery!"

Luo Mingjun just said what he thought, but was immediately denied by Bian Xixue.

"It should be the phone dropped and picked up by someone else.

Or if it is stolen by others, it will be possible.

Otherwise, how to get through just now, the next one will not be able to get through.

"It's almost lunchtime, let's go down and take a look."

At this time, Qin Mo didn't know why he suddenly became uneasy in his heart.

He walked ahead and settled the account.

Now I don't want to wait, find my daughter first and talk about the rest.

"Don't let anything happen!"

For his niece, Qi Hanhai is still relatively relieved.

It is impossible to take students around at this time.

There are also leadership colleagues here, and parents of students are waiting for her to return.

If something really happens, it's a good thing that becomes a bad thing.


Everyone came out of the casual shop and looked at both sides of the road.

Neither of them saw the figures.

"Let's go over there first."

Qin Mo pointed to the flyover around the corner.

The two of them are coming back, and that's the way to go.

"Strange, where did the two of them go?"

Walking to the overpass, Qin Mo looked around condescendingly.

"I'll call again and try!"

At this time, everyone noticed that the situation was a little bad, and something was really going to happen!



The hurried voice sounded at this time, which made everyone's mood worse.

"What's that...?"

Standing tall, as long as the line of sight is good, you can see more things.

Qin Mo was now on the overpass, looking down an inch down.

Just as he was about to give up, he saw a pink object on the side of the road.


Running fast, a few jumps have already descended the overpass.

"This won't be true..."

Qin Mo held it in his hand, a pink hairpin in a daze.

"Isn't this Shin Shin's hairpin?"

Bian Xixue, who usually plays with Xinxin the most, just came over.

He immediately recognized who the hairpin in Qin Mo's hand was.

"Why did Shin Shin's hairpin fall here?"

The others looked at the hairpin in Qin Mo's hand with a look of disbelief.

Qin Mo took the hairpin and thought for a while, and began to observe the surrounding environment.

Soon he stared not far away, at the door of a store.

"Mr. Qin, did you think of something?"

Seeing Qin Mo's current expression, Qi Hanhai was most worried now.

The person in charge of the team this time is him, and it is also his niece who lost people.

"Come with me!"

Putting the hairpin in his hand into his pocket, Qin Mo walked towards the store.

"Keep up!"

Qi Hanhai didn't know Qin Mo, what was going to do next?

But now you have to listen to him, because everyone is panicking right now.

Only Qin Mo remained calm, and this calmness made people feel afraid.

"Who's the boss here?"

As soon as Qin Mo walked in, he went straight to the counter, why was he looking for the boss?

Do you want to ask, has anyone seen Shin Shin?

However, with the location of this store, you should not see the location just now.

"I am, what's the matter with this guest?"

When the boss saw Qin Mo's appearance, it didn't look like he was buying something.

But seeing that he was handsome, the lady reluctantly replied.

She is also a person who loves beauty, and with Qin Mo's current appearance, it is a killing of old and young.

"Lady, the monitor outside was installed by your shop, right?"

Qi Hanhai, who came over, finally understood what Qin Mo was going to do.

How come there are so many people on their own side, no one has discovered this.

"It's video surveillance in my store."

"Then it's all open today!"

At this time, Qin Mo's mood suddenly became tense.

"It's always on, what are you going to do?"

Just now Qin Mo looked calm, and the proprietress was not nervous.

Now as soon as he saw Qin Mo's expression, he unconsciously took a step back.

"Can you show me something?"

Without the staff, Qin Mo had no power to view the video surveillance.

Unless you can get the consent of the hostess, it is an infringement of other people's rights.

"I'm busy right now and don't have time to leave for a while.

You see there are so many guests here, I still have to do business.

You better wait for fewer guests to come back! "

Since everyone in Qi Hanhai has followed, now the door of the store is about to be blocked, and the lady has a little ugly face when she sees this situation.

"Lady, how can you agree, there is a very urgent matter on my side."

Seeing that the proprietress did not agree, Qin Mo began to get anxious.

Now is the time when every second counts, and you know the results sooner.

Then Xinxin may suffer a little less sin.

Now Qin Mo was almost certain that his daughter's disappearance was definitely not a good thing.

"Don't you see that I still want to do business, don't block here, or I'll call the police."

The proprietress suddenly roared at Qin Mo.

Originally, seeing that you are handsome, I will tell you two more words.

I didn't expect to make an inch!

The guests saw so many people around the door and stopped shopping.

Some passers-by even stopped to watch to see what was going on.

"You're going to do business, aren't you, how much money can you make a day?"

Qin Mo didn't bother to be polite with the other party, and he said all the good things himself.

But people just ignore themselves, and waiting is not the way.

Now that the other party values money so much, it will be easy to do.

"Ten thousand a day!"

"Wow, just this broken shop earns 10,000 a day, then mine doesn't have 100,000."

There are many onlookers, who open shops and do business.

It was obviously this lady who deliberately exaggerated the number.

"Earn 10,000 a day, right?"

"That's right, don't stop me from doing business, just the kung fu I just talked to you, I earned a few hundred yuan less."

"WeChat arrived, 70,000 yuan!"

At this time, the voice of collecting money sounded in the store!

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