Under the surprised gazes of the onlookers, Qin Mo took out his mobile phone and walked to the store.

Everyone still thought that when they were making trouble, people's mobile phones were scanning the QR code for payment.

Then he said: "You are 10,000 a day, I will package for the next week, and now I can watch surveillance video!"

"Why, now regret it, who just said that he made 10,000 a day?"

Seeing the boss standing there motionless, Qin Mo also began to get angry.

"Handsome guy, please don't be angry, my mother-in-law is not sensible, you come with me!"

At this moment, a male voice came from inside the store.

It didn't take long to appear in front of Qin Mo's eyes, a middle-aged man who had been ravaged by the years.

The belly is bigger than the sixth month of pregnancy, and when I run, my belly swings up and down.

"Please deflate, soon, just ahead."

The middle-aged man walked towards the store, looking back from time to time to say something.

It means nothing more than an apology or something.

The young man in front of him knew at a glance that it was not easy to mess with.

Only his mother-in-law is still stupid, and everyone gives money.

Don't hurry up and take people over, if you don't be at home today.

Isn't this 70,000 yuan wasted, but it took me a long time to earn it.

I really thought that as his mother-in-law said, his store was a gold store.

Earn 10,000 a day, that's still dreaming.

"Wait a minute, there are a lot of things in it, you need to clean it up!"

After opening a small door, the middle-aged man asked everyone to wait outside.

Small shops like this can install video surveillance.

The host is generally placed in the corner, because it is rarely checked and monitored throughout the year.

In some stores, the monitors are left in the corner for a long time.

Moisture factors, resulting in the display not being usable, are very common phenomena.

"Let's help!"

Looking inside from the small door, there are a lot of things piled up!

If you rely on a middle-aged man alone, you can't finish moving in half an hour.

Seeing this situation, Luo Mingjun and others stood up.

They know that time is of the essence now.

"How embarrassing is this!"

Middle-aged men, looking at these people, each of them is a Sven.

It's really impossible to let everyone do manual work.

Besides, I took so much money from others.

But seriously, let him in this physique, finish moving the contents.

Wait for enough choking, put a few words on the lips, and get out of the way.

Five minutes later, the utility room finally cleared its way.

"I'll do it myself!"

After seeing the monitoring monitor inside, Qin Mo refused the middle-aged man's help.

Walk inside and see that everything is fine with the monitor.

Qin Mo couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief if something went wrong with this.

And how much time to waste.

For these, Qin Mo was very familiar.

According to the time calculated by yourself, quickly look it up on it.

In less than two minutes, Qin Mo stopped.

Keep your eyes fixed on the monitor.

If anyone was in front, you could see that his eyes were about to spew fire.


He took out his phone, took the picture and walked out.

"Mr. Qin, have a clue?"

Seeing Qin Mo come out, the others asked one after another.

But at this time, Qin Mo's heart was extremely depressed.

I don't want to speak, for fear that if I speak, I won't be able to control myself.

"Don't ask, see for yourself."

Ji Hanlin glanced at the fixed picture and gently patted Luo Mingjun.

"This..." Everyone

who saw the picture was speechless at this time.

The middle-aged man also squeezed in after him and took a look.

Seeing the picture on the monitor, he finally understood why the handsome guy was so anxious.

If you change to yourself, you will be like this, and you can't even compare to yourself.


The middle-aged man seemed to have thought of something, and quickly ran out after him.

When I returned to the store, I saw that the handsome guy was on the phone.

What she was worried about was about to happen, and her mother-in-law was walking towards the people angrily.

"Stinky mother-in-law, what are you going to do, stop for me!"

With his own physique, it was too late to step forward and stop it.

The middle-aged man could only roar loudly towards that side.

Being yelled at by the middle-aged man, the proprietress was stunned.

Looking back, he looked at Zhengqi kicking and running towards him.

"Good fellow, you're trying me to enforce the family law.

Married for so long, he yelled at me twice today. Seeing

the middle-aged man running over, the proprietress forgot that she wanted to trouble Qin Mo.

He also roared at the middle-aged man.

At this time, Qin Mo and the others had already walked to the door.

He was still on the phone: "Elder Zhang, then trouble you, I will send you the license plate number now." Qin

Mo originally called Tan Honghou with this call.

It's a pity that after drinking that night, there was no opportunity to exchange numbers.

"Mr. Qin, what's next?"

Qi Hanhai saw him finish the call, and then came over and asked.


When Qin Mo spoke, the whole person seemed very calm.

In fact, his heart was extremely angry, waiting for the moment when it exploded.

"Okay! , Lao Wang, after so many years of marriage, you dare to yell at me now, don't you want to live it. After

seeing Qin Mo and the others go out, the middle-aged man who caught up stopped.

Walk slowly.

"Fuck! Today's day of exercise is almost more than the previous year!

But before he could catch his breath, the lady came over.

Twisted directly in his ear and roared at him again.

"It hurts, let go!

What the fuck are you going to do!

Is it that I usually put up with you, and I have been so lawless.

Do you really know what those people were doing?

Do you know that people's backgrounds are not big?

There are people who just gave us so much money.

You still want to get in trouble with people, and if I don't stop you, you still want to keep this shop open. "

In the impression of the middle-aged man, he can casually take out 70,000 yuan.

I don't feel distressed at all, this person is either rich or expensive!

It's not something that a small citizen like himself can provoke, and besides, the attitude of the people at the beginning is very good.

If it weren't for his mother-in-law, maybe he would be paid more than he is now.

Through the surveillance footage, he knows what the other side is going to do!

That's looking for someone, and at the feet of the Son of Heaven, this kind of thing continues to occur.

Those people don't want to live anymore, such a thing.

If people find someone, come to the door to thank you when the time comes.

That's either 70,000 yuan now, or it was disturbed by this stinky mother-in-law.

"You guys are waiting here!"

At this time, Qin Mo walked towards the side of the road and stopped a taxi.

"What is he doing?"

Qi Hanhai and the others, I don't know what Qin Mo is going to do when he stops the car?

And soon the driver on the car got out of the car with a smile.

When he closed the door, he bowed several times towards the cab.

"Why does Mr. Qin want a car?"

I couldn't guess, so I could only step forward and ask.

"Luo Mingjun, go over and see if Mr. Qin needs help."

Qi Hanhai asked Luo Mingjun to go over and ask about the situation.

"What's wrong, what did Mr. Qin say?"

Soon, Luo Mingjun ran back.

"Mr. Qin said that you are waiting here, he will find someone himself, by the way, I will also follow."

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