"Then you have to be careful!"

"I know, it's me going to follow with myself!

Soon there were relevant staff members coming over.

Mr. Qin said, trouble the principal, you stay and cooperate!

Luo Mingjun didn't finish speaking, so he quickly ran back.


The taxi honked a horn, this was Qin Mo chasing Luo Mingjun to hurry up.

"Sit down!"

Luo Mingjun got into the co-pilot, Qin Mo asked him to put on a seat belt, and threw his mobile phone to him.

"Show me the way!"

As soon as I grabbed my phone, people on the side of the road heard a shrill sound.

A taxi that has just stopped on the side of the road is like an arrow off the bow.

Quickly disappear in front of everyone.

"This person doesn't want to live, does he, drive like this in the city!"

Looking at the disappearing taxi, the surrounding pedestrians scolded.

Some enthusiastic people have already taken out their mobile phones to call the police, and the speed of this car is definitely more than 120.

"Mr. Qin, there won't be a problem driving like this, right?"

Bian Xixue knew that Qin Mo was concerned about his daughter, but he was obviously speeding when he drove like this.

"Don't be stopped!"

In the capital, if someone dares to drive like this in the city, they will be noticed in the next second.

There are heavenly eyes everywhere, you are not driving like this to provoke, what are you doing?

"Headquarters, I just received a call from an enthusiastic citizen here, saying that someone is racing a car!"

"The license plate number is Beijing 5428G, and it is a yellow taxi."

"Hurry up and tune out the video for me, someone will do this on my first day in office!"

A middle-aged man with an olive branch and two four-pointed star flowers on his shoulder wears a standard white shirt.

The expression on his face at this time was expressionless, he was the person in charge here, Tan Mingyuan.

"Find this car for me right away, I'll see who can't get by with me!"

Toot ——, vibrate!

Just then, the phone in his pocket vibrates.

At work, it is generally muted to vibrate.

"Hey, it's the old man, are you free to call me at this time?"

Seeing that it was his father's call, Tan Mingyuan did not dare to have the slightest hesitation.

Answer the phone slowly, even if you sit in this position.

Go back or be scolded!

"Old man, what's going on?"

The relationship between father and son is not very good, mainly because of the small age.

Tan Honghou wanted to train his son to become a scholar, but unfortunately he ended up in politics.

"Are you chasing a taxi now?"

Before Tan Honghou could finish speaking, he interrupted his father.

"How do you know?"

"Stinky boy, don't care how I know.

The license plate number is Beijing 5428G!

Don't give me the whole useless, quickly remove the people, or don't give me back! "

Toot toot....

did not give Tan Mingyuan a chance to continue talking, and the other side had already hung up the mobile phone.

This was the first time I had heard my father speak so seriously.

For what his father just said, he would not suspect that he was amusing himself.

So he quickly ordered to go down.

"Hey, Shao Xingfa, you didn't even drive today, this is the sun rising from the west!"

A young man who had just come out of a taxi.

While whistling, greet familiar people around you.

"Driving for people for so many years, or the first time to take someone else's taxi, it is really cool!"

It was his neighbor who spoke to him.

That day he left the car, not at six o'clock in the afternoon, and did not come back to change shifts.

There is still half a day left, and there is still no car to be seen.

"It's rare to finish work so early today!"

"What kind of work, I'm going to take a break before driving."

Running a car for twelve hours a day is at most one day off a month.

Is it that people can't stand it, or it will be a few years at the beginning.

"Yo, you are rich, and you talk in such a big tone?"

"Hehe, it is indeed a small fortune, show you?"

After speaking, Shao Xingfa took out his mobile phone and brought up a page.

"Two hundred thousand! Are you going to rob? "

See if it's a threatening transfer, or a huge amount of 200,000.

The man couldn't help but be taken aback, with an expression of disbelief.

"Robbery, that's not it.

It's just that I met a local tycoon and bought my taxi

Damn, rich people are really willful!

"Then you won't be a sports car in the future?"

The neighbor looked at the money enviously, and his broken car was at most 100,000.

Even if you buy one more now, you can still earn 100,000.

Earning 100,000 a day is equivalent to picking it up for nothing, can you not be happy.

"The car hasn't been transferred yet, maybe when the time comes, people won't want it, then I'll hehe..." Shao

Xingfa was startled by his own thoughts.

With these 200,000, my life can be greatly improved.

"I didn't sleep well last night, go back to catch up on sleep first, I'll treat you tonight!"

Before leaving, Shao Xingfa smiled and patted his neighbor's shoulder.

"Well, this is what you said, see you at night!"


"How to go next!"

Now the taxis that Qin Mo drives are no different from airplanes.

Along the way, it caused the anger of everyone, no less than a few.

"Drive five hundred meters ahead, turn left at the first intersection!"

At the beginning, Luo Mingjun grabbed the handle above the window with one hand.

Regret how you have to keep up.

This is not driving, Qin Mo is playing with life.

Seeing that there were still tens of meters left before he collided with the car in front, he did not slow down.

The moment before he thought he was dead, he quickly dodged.

The phone almost flew out!

There were cars all the way, but it scared Luo Mingjun to cry.

Fortunately, in the direction behind, it is towards the outskirts of the city.

At this time, he dared to put his other hand down.

"How much longer?"

Qin Mo asked in a calm tone.

At this time, I can't be out of proportion.

As for waiting for the relevant departments to come, it was too late at that time.

Don't survive to pick up the pieces, that's for sure.

"Dare to move my daughter, catch you, I unload your third leg!"

Qin Mo had never been so angry.

Even before, when I went out of the house, I accepted it quietly.

"There are still more than ten kilometers to go, but the road is a bit difficult, it seems to be out of the scope of the capital."

Luo Mingjun looked at the map and said worriedly.

They have been out for more than three hours, and the map shows that they are going to reach their destination.

The front passes by some rural roads and the like, which are relatively small.

He is now a little glad that he drove a taxi.

Taxis are usually filled with gas, not necessarily if they are private cars.

"It's okay, as long as there is a way!"

After his car skills, the other party can pass.

If you can't get by yourself, that's a joke.

"Mr. Qin, what should I do next?"

Luo Mingjun could not have imagined that the old man who looked at Wen Crepe would be so capable.

After Qin Mo made a phone call, someone kept contacting him.

And send the route from time to time.

"Don't wait then, you can just be in the car, I'll go down first to find out!"

Let Qin Mo sit and wait, how is that possible.

They are almost chasing each other, and then talk about their own skills.

Ordinary people really can't get close to him, unless it's firearms or the like.

"You wait for me in the car!"

According to the information, the other party was in the courtyard not far away and stayed for a while.

After that, it disappears!

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