"Sir, there are only three people inside, but..."

Today, in this quiet village, several buses suddenly appeared.

Breaking the tranquility of the village, those who are at home run out to see the liveliness.

"What's going on inside?"

"There were three men inside, but their limbs seemed to have been trampled on by something!"

"Okay, I know, since the people last appeared here, they must be nearby, you wake up the three of them and see if you can ask anything."

The middle-aged man's name is Huo Zhengyang, who is the person in charge of this operation.

Two hours ago, I received a call from an old friend in the capital, asking him to help deal with some minor problems.

"This young man, it's a little ruthless!"

When I entered the house, I looked at the three people who were woken up, and kept wailing.

"Hurry us to the hospital, what do you have to ask quickly!"

Seeing these people appear, each one was wearing a uniform.

They thought that everything they had done before was exposed.

"You guys are quite cooperative!"

Huo Zhengyang couldn't think that before he spoke, the three of them wanted to confess.

"Okay, then I'll ask you a question first!"

"Ask, sir!"

"Is there a young man who appears here."

Hearing Huo Zhengyang mention this young man was like a nightmare.

"Sir, that young man is not a man, he is simply a devil."

"Did I ask you anything else?"

Under Huo Zhengyang's low cold snort, the three immediately closed their mouths.

"What is he looking for you for? Don't try to hide it, otherwise if you delay this injury for a little time, I don't know the consequences.

"Sir, I said, he was looking for a little girl and a girl."

The pain in their limbs told them all the time.

This injury must be treated urgently, or it will be crippled for life.

"What about them?"

"Being ... We sent it away! "

Where to send it, tell me all at once."

"No, sir, you have to treat this injury first!"

At this time, Huo Zhengyang beckoned outside.

Immediately, several medical staff walked in.

"Doctor, save me first, I'm more serious."

As soon as they saw the doctor come in, the three of them were drowning, grabbing a wooden stick.

"Tell me where the two of them were sent by you!"

Huo Zhengyang knew that the young man must have a clue and set off early.

I have fallen behind before, and I can't return it now.

It is necessary to catch up with the young man, who at first glance is an accomplice.

How can one person resist, so many people.

If it can't be in time, then the old friend will explain his own affairs and mess up.

"I know, but heal us first!"

One of them said with a hard attitude, it was about his body, or tough.

"You think now, there is still a chance to bargain!"

As Huo Zhengyang spoke, the doctor cooperated and stopped.

"Okay, we say, but make sure you heal us!"

"Say it!"

"It's a bit remote, you need someone to bring it there!"

"Okay, just take us there."

Huo Zhengyang casually pointed to someone and said.

"Doctor, I have to trouble a few of you to keep up."

"It's okay, these are all work needs."

Originally, I thought that leaving the two of them would have a better chance of healing than the person who led the way.

I never imagined that the doctor would follow.

"So what about the two of us?"

"Just wait here!"

"I'm not staying here, we can lead the way!"

But Huo Zhengyang didn't pay attention to the two at all.

Looking at the staff who were far away, Luo Mingjun, who was standing in the crowd, slowly retreated.

Seeing these uniformed appearances is like walking over.

But after thinking about it for a while, he still followed Qin Mo's orders.

Stay where you are, don't go anywhere.

Just now, I couldn't help it, and then I got out of the car.

Mix in the crowd and observe the situation.

He didn't expect Qin Mo's move to be so ruthless, and the three of them couldn't bear to take a second look.

But after thinking about it for a while, I think it's good to step on.

As for why the taxi was not found.

It was because of the location where Qin Mo was parked, if you didn't have to look for it.

I really can't find it, otherwise Luo Mingjun wouldn't be watching the excitement in the crowd.

Instead, follow them along.

"Forget it, go back to the car and wait, you can't help yourself!"

Soon, under the leadership of the peasant woman.

The two stopped.

But at this time, the peasant woman suddenly became active.

His eyes rolled around, as if he was waiting for an opportunity to escape.

"You'd better not move this thought, or it won't be important for me to start later!"

Qin Mo was not afraid of her escaping, but he was afraid that she would give a warning to the people inside.

"No wonder I couldn't see it before."

Looking at the van parked in the yard, this is not the one I have been chasing.

The car is here, the man should be inside.


Looking at the fainted peasant woman, it is still a little less troublesome.

Qin thought for a moment, it would definitely not be possible to take the peasant woman in.

Staying outside, she was afraid that when she went in, she would yell out.

Just give her a neck and lie on the ground to be more stable.

"There are so many people!"

The main gate was not allowed to enter, and Qin Mo could not imagine that the other party's vigilance was so high.

There are people at the door.

Step on!

Since the main entrance can't be touched, then climb over the wall.

Qin Mo didn't believe that such a large yard could be taken care of by the other party.

Unsurprisingly, in a corner.

It was also the dead end of the entire courtyard, and Qin Mo jumped down gently over the wall.

Woo hoo...

Along the wall, Qin Mo touched the edge of the house all the way.

They never noticed it, and it seems that they feel that as long as they guard the gate, they are safe.

There just happens to be a window on this side, through the gap in the window.

Qin Mo saw that there were seven people in the room, and one of them was Yao Xiaoxia.

She was bound, her mouth was glued to duct tape, and her feet were constantly struggling.

"What about Shin Shin?"

I came to save my daughter this time, but I wasn't here.

"That was...

Seeing a weapon in the corner, Qin Mo couldn't help but gasp.

It's good that I didn't rush in just now, it was a shotgun!

The lethality of the shotgun is not small, and it is used against wild beasts.

Hit on people, the consequences can be imagined.

"What can I do now?"

If there is no one near the shotgun, you still have a chance.

But people only need to reach out, and give themselves only a few seconds.

Qin Mo calculated in his heart and found that within these seconds.

I can't do it myself.

The main thing is that there is also Yao Xiaoxia inside.

Even if you can, get rid of the person with the shotgun.

What about the two people around Yao Xiaoxia?

People won't blackmail her.

"Mine, hurry up and think of a way!"

If the daughter is inside, she can leave time to think slowly.

But Shin Shin is not inside, and I don't know where it is at present.

Every extra second of delay, Shin Shin is more dangerous.

"You guys look, I'm hanging out.

Fuck, when will it be.

If it weren't for the amount of money given, I couldn't help it. At

this moment, the man guarding the shotgun stood up.

But the shotgun by the wall, he did not forget.

He picked it up and walked towards the door.

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