Seeing the man walking out with a shotgun, Qin Mo quickly hid.

"There's nothing going on outside, is it?"

The man asked, guarding the two at the door.

They were not anxious at all, and they were drinking small wine while sipping peanuts and rice.

"Drink less, and when this transaction is completed, I'm afraid I won't have time to drink!"

At this time, he found that one of them seemed to be almost drunk.

"Nothing. It's okay, this kind of mountain calla, there is not even a bird, let alone a person!

"It's better to be careful, I'll go out and solve it first, I can't play it inside, it's really humiliating!"

Ignoring the two, the man walked out with a shotgun.

Qin Mo's current hearing can be heard within twenty meters.

"Do you want to go out and get rid of the man first?"

After thinking for a while, Qin Mo still gave up.

If the person does not return after a long time, the people inside will definitely raise their vigilance.

It won't take long to go out and solve personal hygiene.


When he really didn't know what to do, Qin Mo heard dense footsteps outside.

If I hadn't heard well, I wouldn't have been able to hear.

But the two were at the door, and they should be audible.

Could it be that alcohol numbed their vigilance?

This kind of footsteps cannot be personal.

At least five or more people have this effect.

"Could it be that the person they were waiting for came over?"

As soon as he thought of this, Qin Mo's mood was even worse.

If so, how else to save people.

Eight people have already made themselves helpless, staying where they are and waiting for the opportunity.

Now there are more than five people at once, maybe there are still weapons.

"That's not right!"

Immediately this idea was denied by himself.

If it is the other person, the footsteps will not be like this.

These footsteps are deliberately lightened, so that they can be like this.

"Could it be that support has arrived!"

In this kind of place, Qin Mo really couldn't imagine that a trained team would appear.

The people inside, and they are not selling those extremely dangerous things, there is no need for such a team.

So he concluded that support had arrived.

Qin Mo looked at the time, and it was indeed at this time.

"What's the matter, Lao Kong hasn't come back from going to the toilet for so long, is it an ash machine going!"

After about ten minutes, another person came out of the room.

His face was full of impatience, and he complained as he walked.

"You two waste still drink, hurry up and go out to see what's going on, whether Lao Kong stepped on shit, it will take ten minutes to pull shit."

The man who just came out walked to the door and smacked the back of the two heads.

"Why, Old Liu, come and have two drinks!"

The man was obviously drunk and happy to be beaten.

"Drink, drink mother, if anything goes wrong this time, you don't want to divide the money."

The man pumped out again in anger, and then rushed out angrily.


Under Qin Mo's eyes, this person just walked out of the gate and disappeared in an instant.

"It's really support!"

At this time, Qin Mo could be 100% sure.

"The next step is to wait for the opportunity!"

Don't think, the first person to go out is also controlled.

At this time, there were still five people left in the room, including Yao Xiaoxia.

The two concentrated around Yao Xiaoxia, and the other two scattered.

"Sir, what's next?"

"Did you find the young man?"

"He's hiding in the yard!"

"This young man is very bold and daring, and he dares to rush in single-handedly."

Knowing that the person he was looking for was inside, Huo Zhengyang relaxed.

"Sir, whether to storm in!"

The subordinate asked for orders again.

"Wait a minute, we cooperate with the people inside."

Until now, the young man has not been found.

Huo Zhengyang believed that he must be waiting for an opportunity, and he just needed to create opportunities for him.

If it weren't for the fear that the people inside still had shotguns, Huo Zhengyang would definitely choose to attack.

But he can't afford to gamble on this, wrong judgment, that is to die.

"Sir, those two people at the door can solve it!"

"Wait a little longer, the people inside will definitely send someone out."

Huo Zhengyang was also gambling this time, he wanted to solve one more person, and then there were two people at the door.

In the end, he chose to cooperate with Qin Mo's strong attack.

"Mother, it's flat here, you can't find a commanding height."

The manpower brought over was not useful at this time, and Huo Zhengyang must be depressed.

"Another one!"

"Old Liu, where did you die."

This person came out, even more cautious than Lao Liu before, and Qin Mo was almost discovered.

However, the man ignored the two drunkards and crossed their doorway.

Hesitated for a moment, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Why don't these two go, damn it, it's better to go out and see!"

In the end, he chose to take the first step.

What awaited him was a black muzzle.

"Don't move!"

"Damn, you dare to scream!"

Seeing that this person was not afraid of death, he still wanted to give a warning to the people inside at gunpoint.

A person next to him immediately rushed over and struck him hard at the back of the neck.


A group of uniformed people suddenly appeared.

The two people who let the door drink were in a state of confusion.

The paralysis of alcohol made the two react sluggishly for a few seconds.

The mouth has just opened, and the person has already fallen.


Huo Zhengyang made a gesture towards him, indicating that he was his own person.

Seeing that they finally came in, Qin Mo stretched out four fingers towards them, and then gestured to his neck.

After seeing them nodding, he pointed to Huo Zhengyang again, then to the gate, and finally pointed to the window.

Qin Mo let them attack head-on and paralyze the people inside.

Then slip in through the window yourself.

This window is facing away from the person inside, as long as the movement is light.

Plus the attraction of the main entrance, I believe they will not notice.

As for when to start acting, Qin Mo listened to them.

"Get in!"

Huo Zhengyang gestured inside, and he rushed in first.

While rushing in, be ready to dodge at all times.

"Do it!"

Huo Zhengyang looked clean and did not say any nonsense that was not allowed to move.

Of the four, three of them didn't even have a chance to react and were directly knocked down.

Only one person happened to stand next to Yao Xiaoxia and hid behind her for the first time.

At this time, everyone did not dare to continue the next move, and the man did not know when he was holding a dagger in his hand.

"Give me an exit!"

Seeing the hostage in his hand play a role, the man immediately made a choice.

"Don't move yet, there is something to discuss."

Huo Zhengyang could only delay time at this time, because when they started, Qin Mo covered it up with his voice and quickly opened the window and touched in.

"I said, give me an exit!"

The man suddenly became emotional, but he saw all his companions injured and fell to the ground, and he did not want to become a member of the ground himself.

"Okay, give me an exit!"

Huo Zhengyang first put on a hesitant look, and finally made a painful choice.

However, their withdrawal was slow, and Huo Zhengyang put his hand on his back and made a gesture.

At this time, Qin Mo was already only two meters away from the man.

As long as he moves faster and takes the dagger, the man behind him can't turn over any storms.

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