"What are you going to do!"

Huo Zhengyang, who had withdrawn, suddenly stopped, as did the others.

Seeing this, the man vigorously waved the dagger in his hand.

What Qin Mo needed was this little time, and Huo Zhengyang had already created it for him.


Qin Mo instantly burst out and punched the man's dagger-holding arm.

This punch can be described as a hateful strike, and a harsh sound of bones breaking sounds.



The dagger fell to the ground with a metallic sound.


Seeing Qin Mo save the hostages, Huo Zhengyang rushed over with the centaurs.

"Hello, you are Qin Mo!"

Huo Zhengyang stretched out his hand and shook hands with Qin Mo.

"Sir, there's a little girl who isn't here!"

Hearing this, Huo Zhengyang knew that the worst thing had happened.

He knew what he was here for.

"Mr. Qin, leave this matter to us."

Seeing Qin Mo walking towards the man under control, Huo Zhengyang quickly stopped him.


With Huo Zhengyang and the others there, he couldn't ask questions himself.

Then it's better to ask Yao Xiaoxia if she knows some clues.

"Mr. Qin!"

Seeing Qin Mo walking towards him, Yao Xiaoxia, whose mood had not yet stabilized, became excited again.

He lost his daughter, and in the end, Qin Mo saved herself, and she really didn't see him at this time.

"What's going on?"

"Mr. Qin, I'll ask about something later, this girl is still emotionally unstable."

As soon as Qin Mo came over, he was blocked.

"It's okay, let Mr. Qin come over."

Yao Xiaoxia knew that as a mother, she must be worried about her children.

I still don't know where Shin Shin is, how can he listen to what you say.

"Xiao Xia, who did you meet?"

He did not believe that this was a fortuitous event, and the other party must have come prepared.

"Mr. Qin, this matter was all done by the man outside the winery last time."

"Darao Chen?"

"No, it's the tall, strong man."

"It's him!"

Qin Mo quickly remembered who it was, and angrily slammed a punch on the wall.

I saw that the dust on the wall of the house fell one after another, leaving a fist mark on it.

"Mr. Qin, ask over here!"

After bringing people out to ask questions, Huo Zhengyang walked in next.

"There are still people on the other side, they will come over soon, and your daughter was sent to that group."

"If you want to mitigate the crime, cooperate with us!"

Huo Zhengyang said towards the last man, whose arm was broken.

"I cooperate!"

It is impossible to escape at this time, only hope to cooperate to mitigate the crime!

"Well, you don't have to do anything, just let him sit here and don't move, the doctor will treat his wound first, I believe he will know how to talk later."

Information obtained from torturing the other party.

The people waiting for the next person should be about eight people.

Huo Zhengyang can only make arrangements in advance and make a plan.

"You replace Yao Xiaoxia, and everyone else hides for me."

Time is running out and it's too late to make a perfect deployment.

However, as long as the man is there, I believe that other loopholes can be filled.

Less than two minutes after stopping, the sound of vehicles was heard in the distance.

"Here it comes!"

Everyone stood in their place and waited for these people to enter the courtyard.

"What about people?"

The person who asked the question spoke in tongues, and fortunately this person also spoke in dialects.


It was almost exposed at the beginning, but it's okay!

The person who came in did not suspect and took the lead and walked in.

The people in the back parked the car in front of the door, and the driver also got out of the car and walked in.

"Lao Zhang, what's going on, it's only been a day since I saw it, and you hung the lottery!"

As soon as the leader walked in, he saw the man sitting on the chair.

"That's not right!"

The leader looked at the people around him, except for Lao Zhang, they were all strangers.

Combined with Lao Zhang's injured arm, a strong feeling of bad luck surged into his heart.

"It's not good, Lao Zhang, you dare to lie to me!"

Someone started earlier than him, and Huo Zhengyang kept paying attention to the leader's expression.

As soon as he saw his expression change, he immediately started in advance.

"Do it!"

Huo Zhengyang really deserved to be trained, and he took the lead himself.

He saw the other party reach into his pocket, and at this time, he still maintained this movement.

You don't have to think much to know what the other person is going to do.

Huo Zhengyang took the lead and gave up hand-to-hand combat.

Hit the opponent's arm directly.



Sure enough, the guess was good, because the arm was injured and I couldn't grasp steadily.

A hard object that falls out of his pocket.

These people are obviously rabble, and it doesn't take a minute from the start to the end.

"It's all done, is anyone injured, did you miss it?"

Huo Zhengyang came out of the house and asked his subordinates.

"No, it's all here!"

At this moment, everyone saw a black figure flying in at the gate of the courtyard, as if it was a person.

"There's another person here!"

It was Qin Mo who had just walked out outside.

Just now I saw a person sneakily, and quickly chased after him.

At a glance, the anger was sky-high, isn't this the man on the plane?

It was he who kidnapped Shin Shin.

Without saying a word, he directly struck the chest.

Among them is with anger, and the attack can be described as very heavy.

At the moment of the hit, the sound of bones breaking can be heard.

This is not even known about how many ribs were broken!

"Lying groove, who are you!"

Suddenly attacked, the injuries on the body have not yet reached the brain.

He was still cursing, but soon began to wail.

From time to time, blood spilled from the mouth.

Qin Mo directly grabbed him by the collar and walked with one hand like this.

When he reached the door, he heard Huo Zhengyang's voice in the courtyard.

With the force of throwing it inside, this just appeared the scene.

"This man will be handed over to you, and my daughter was taken by him."

Qin Mo was angry now, if he handed it over to himself for interrogation, one careless person could kill someone.

"Okay, Mr. Qin, you wait a moment, it's right to hand it over to us."

Seeing Qin Mo so cooperative, he did not lose his mind, Huo Zhengyang was extremely appreciative, and he really deserved to be the person explained by his old friend.

Five minutes later.

Huo Zhengyang walked out, his face a little ugly.

"Ask it, but..." Seeing

that Qin Mo didn't ask for the first time, Huo Zhengyang could only say first.

However, seeing his face, Qin Mo knew that it was not a good result.


The hands were clenched into fists, bringing out a sound of bone rubbing.

"But what, after you say it, I accept it!"

"People are no longer in their hands, they have been traded."


Under Huo Zhengyang's surprised eyes, Qin Mo slammed a punch on the gate of the courtyard.

Only under his heavy punch, he was interrupted by a punch.

If this punch falls on people, the consequences can be imagined.

Fortunately, he cooperated just now and did not participate in the interrogation.

Who this young man is, so powerful, he should know.

"Mr. Qin, don't be nervous yet, the good news is that this person is in a nearby town."

Huo Zhengyang no longer swallowed slowly, and finished quickly.

Because he found that Qin Mo was about to lose control!

"Well, I've got to trouble you again!"

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