"Take him!"

Huo Zhengyang ordered, and got into the car.

"Mr. Qin together?"

"Okay, you send me to the courtyard before, I have someone waiting there!"

Hearing Qin Mo say this, Huo Zhengyang looked at him in surprise.

When I came over, I didn't see a single vehicle nearby.

If you see it, definitely ask it.

He didn't know because of the location given at the end.

It was only displayed in an approximate location, and Qin Mo was afraid of alarming people.

Just park the car not far away, and then touch it.

"Good! Bring him to me! "

Ordered to get the driver, quickly start the vehicle and leave.

Only a few people were left on site, and it was enough to wait for new support.

Besides, these people are incapacitated and want to resist you and stand up first.

"Well, this is it!"

Knowing the direction, in the case of a car, it is several times faster than before.

"Mr. Qin..." Seeing

Qin Mo returning, he couldn't see anyone.

Luo Mingjun asked anxiously.

"Get in the car and sit down!"

Qin Mo didn't say any extra nonsense, and after Luo Mingjun got into the car, he followed the vehicle in front of him.

Just listening to Huo Zhengyang's meaning, Xinxin will not be in danger for the time being.

But before seeing his daughter, everything was fake.

Seeing Qin Mo silent, Luo Mingjun sat quietly.

It's still some distance from the town, and it took half an hour to drive into town.

No wonder they chose to be there, it's really remote.

"This is it!"

Stop in front of a large household.

Just the outside portal, you know that this family has good conditions in the local area.

It should be one of the best characters.

No, Qin Mo's group appeared, and immediately gathered a group of people.

You can't rush away.

"Ignore them, go in and see if anyone is inside."

When everyone is seen entering, only one person is left to guard the door.

Only then did these masses outside dare to start talking.

"Is something wrong with this Sun family, why are these people coming to the door."

"It shouldn't be a big deal, but they have a good reputation!"

"People know their faces but they don't know their hearts, otherwise how would they make so much money."

"You are an unreasonable person, you can't make money yourself, you think of others so dirty, why didn't you find you such a person before."

The appearance of Qin Mo and others made the surrounding people express their opinions about what happened to the Sun family.

But it is a mixed blessing, some people admire the Sun family very much, after all, there are donations for road construction and the like.

As for the jealous person, it is obvious that the person is better than himself and is uncomfortable in his heart.

"Mr. Qin, I hope you can calm down later!"

Entering the courtyard, Huo Zhengyang looked at this family, obviously a rich family.

And he almost guessed why his daughter was here.

"I'm calm now!"

Soon to see his daughter, Qin Mo was also relieved.

Hope Shin Shin was not frightened!

"Grandpa, I'm not playing, I'm going back to my dumpling."

Everyone walked inside, and there was a small garden not far in front of them.

At this time, a little girl's reluctant voice came from inside.

"Grandpa, isn't it good here, there is food, drink and play!"

"It's not good, I still want to be with Dumpling."

"You said before that you don't hate Cao Ceng, this does not allow you, and that does not allow you!"

"That's just Shin Shin's talk, Shin Shin wants to be a scorn now."

Hearing his daughter say this, Qin Mo finally smiled.

"It didn't hurt in vain!"

The appearance of Qin Mo and the others was quickly detected by the people in the garden.

So many people walking, footsteps can be heard from afar.

"It's a dumpling!"

Qin Xinxin still thought that he was dreaming, and after confirming it again, he wanted to run over, but he was quickly stopped by this old man.

"Shin Shin, don't go over."

Qin Mo, who was originally in a good mood, was so by the other party.

His face instantly turned gloomy!

"Let go of me, you're the bad guy!"

Qin Xinxin began to struggle desperately and wanted to run over.

"Mr. Qin asked me to come, you dissipate your qi first!"

Huo Zhengyang knew Qin Mo's lethality, and this old man was punched, and he couldn't take half his life.

"This uncle, do you know what you are doing?"

Walking towards the old man, Huo Zhengyang spoke in a low tone.

After seeing Huo Zhengyang's uniform, the old man was stunned.

Qin Xinxin had been struggling all the time, just broke free from his hand and ran towards Qin Mo.

"Dad, Shin Shin missed you!"

As soon as she ran over, Qin Xinxin hugged her father's thigh and coquettishly coveted.

"Is there anything wrong with Shin Shin?"

Holding his daughter with both hands, Qin Mo asked with concern.

"Those uncles and aunts are all big badasses, they are all fierce, you have to teach them a lesson."

"Chief Huo, I'll leave first if it's okay!"

Qin Mo also knew Huo Zhengyang and didn't want to stay here by himself.

"Okay, I'll contact you later when I have time!"

"This is my business card, you can find me if you have something, and I can usually help."

Qin Mo took out his personal business card and handed one to Huo Zhengyang.

"Then I'll cheekily accept it."

Until not long ago, Huo Zhengyang was Qin Mo's industry in the deep market.

This business card will definitely not be used by themselves, but the children's descendants will be of great use.

"You can't take Shin Shin away!"

Seeing that Qin Mo was leaving, the old man wanted to rush over, but was stopped by Huo Zhengyang.

"Boss, we haven't settled your affairs with you, why are you?"

This old man is not like an illiterate person, and it is impossible not to even know this.

"What can you give her if you take away Xinxin, what do I want here!"

But Qin Mo didn't want to listen to him at all, so he walked directly outside.

What I can give to my daughter, you will definitely not be able to give it.

If you have money, hehe, I Qin Mo is now poor and only has money left.

"Boss, don't shout, it's very good that Mr. Qin doesn't pursue this matter."

Huo Zhengyang began to persuade a few words.

"He's a smelly brat, what can he do?"

There is also a good life that can bring Shin Shin.

Hmph, I don't believe it anyway.

My grandson can't spend enough money, just our courtyard.

Give him this money that he can't earn for hundreds of years, this is 200 million! Seeing

that Qin Mo could no longer see the figure, he began to talk to himself, but it was obviously to the people around him.

"Boss, you are wrong, Mr. Qin can build more than a dozen such courtyards casually, do you know how much his assets are now?"

Hearing this, Huo Zhengyang finally understood.

Isn't this old man just looking down on people and saying that Mr. Qin is poor, but he still tells him the truth and makes him die.

"Bragging doesn't need to make a draft, there are still a dozen, how much money can he have!"

For Huo Zhengyang's words, he still disdained.

"The current data published on the Internet is more than 20 billion, which is still the data a few months ago."

After Huo Zhengyang finished speaking, he stopped talking, but looked at the old man seriously.

"It can't be true, you must have lied to me!"

"Boss, if you don't believe it, you can look it up on the Internet to know that his name is Qin Mo."

"And don't do this kind of thing in the future!"

"It's really him, how is this possible!"

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