"It turns out to be grafted, this technique is too clever!"

Qin Mo's words made the onlookers curious.

Someone couldn't help but ask: "Handsome guy, do you see what the problem is!"

"It's a pity, it could have been sold for a million."

Now it is only worth 10,000 because of this, which is fifty times the depreciation!

I have to thank this brother for giving me a path, otherwise I would have lost half a million in vain.

You are a very good person, you must see that I don't have much money with me today.

Qin Mo looked at the man who was already pale, and did not forget to sprinkle a few more handfuls of salt on his wounds.

I believe that after this lesson, the people behind do not dare to make an easy move.

You only need to buy three items yourself.

By the time they came back to their senses, they didn't need to go any further.

All that's left is to find a storefront to ship.

"Are we still following?"

"Forget it, I don't follow, I didn't see that brother was pitted and jumped off the building."

"Damn, coward, as long as you still want to get rich, let's hurry up!"

It was almost eleven o'clock, and it was late.

Qin Mo didn't want to shop anymore, and then visited three stalls in a row.

He took them all, and each one was around 20,000.

There is no way, if you want to find a better one, you must get rid of the people behind.

But this is obviously not possible, this time can only be done first.

"I finally remember who they are, I regret it!"

Seeing that Qin Mo and the others stopped shopping, they went straight to the other side of the commercial street.

Don't think about it, these people must have shipped.

There are fixed shops, and the rent is too expensive for these stall owners to afford.

"Who are they?"

Hearing a sudden scream around him, someone couldn't help but ask.

"Some time ago, wasn't there also a group?

They walked around the night market, where valuable things were picked up. After

this man's reminder, the others finally remembered.

"Why can't we remember and miss an opportunity in vain!"

"I had doubts at the beginning, but it was in the crowd at the time.

There was a little girl who was always being held by the young man who took the lead.

I can't believe it without seeing it.

"Brother, you are missing the opportunity to make a fortune in vain.

Or at the beginning, take a step ahead of the curve.

Not to mention that you can earn hundreds of thousands, if you are lucky, millions are possible!

The man regretted his forehead and slapped him a few times.

"What a fucking fuck!"

"Hey, what's going on, this is not the route that the group of people just passed!"

The person who had been following Qin Mo just now stopped after seeing the other party and not continuing to stroll.

"It seems that something has happened, let's go over and see!"

"How do you hit someone, break something, and want to walk away like this!"

Looking at the five men who blocked him in front of him, Qin Mo's face suddenly became gloomy.

This is a bureau for himself and others.

Just felt strange, four meters wide road.

There was no one else in front, and a man hurried out.

Or go straight to your side, head down and hit you.

I didn't think much about it at the time, so I avoided the side.

He avoided it, but there were seven Luo Mingjun people behind.

No, when he met someone, he let out a scream.

Something fell from his arms.


After landing, just smash it!

Looking at the fragments on the ground, Qin Mo's eyes shrunk.

"It's true, but how can it be broken so much!"

I didn't figure it out at first, but I figured it out quickly.

Suddenly there were four more men on the side of the road.

It seems that they are curious people who are attracted by sound.

"It's over, my family heirloom, you have to make compensation, you can't go!"

As soon as he saw this, Qin Mo knew what was going on.

So he ignored them and continued to walk forward.

But the four men who appeared behind immediately surrounded them.

And yelled.

"Come and see, these people hit people.

He also broke people's treasures without even saying an apology.

I want to leave directly, everyone come and judge! Soon

the passers-by around stopped and came towards this side.

At this time, it was really good that Qin Mo wanted to leave.

The road ahead was blocked

, "Mr. Qin,

what should I do?"

Seeing more and more people watching over, everyone looked at Qin Mo.

"This is not the group of people just now, how did they be stopped?"

"Just look at the porcelain tiles on the ground, I heard that this is a treasure!"

"No, how do I think these fragments are so familiar, this is not..."

"Shh, you know, just talk..." The

man was just about to speak, but was immediately covered by his companions.

"Do you see who those people are?"

The companion saw him quiet and pointed to the five men who were blocking Qin Mo in front.

"It's them, why did they appear here again, doesn't it matter to the night market?"

"Yes, it will definitely be, but they have all exploited loopholes, I think this group of people is going to suffer!"

Some stall owners saw the appearance of the five men and turned away.

As if they were very afraid of them, most of the onlookers who stayed behind were passers-by.

"You're relying on us!"

In the face of such people, there is no retreat at all.

Qin Mo took two steps forward and stood directly face to face with a man.

"With your attitude, you can't leave today if you pay reparations!"

Seeing so many onlookers, the momentum of the five men suddenly rose.

"Don't you have a count in your hearts, what are you holding in your hands?"

"You won't look at anything, this is Tang Sancai, millions of family heirlooms, all broken by your people, you still mean to say what!"

The man's performance is very in place, if it is an uninformed person, he really believes it.

"It turned out to be Tang Sancai, I said how to feel a little familiar!"

"These people don't know if they can afford to lose, this is a million!"

The weather vane of public opinion was quickly transferred to Qin Mo and others.

These people are too skilled in the operation, it seems that this is not the first time.

"You want me to say it, don't you?"

Seeing Luo Mingjun behind him being accused by everyone, Qin Mo couldn't bear it anymore.

He crouched down and picked up a piece of porcelain.

"This piece of porcelain is indeed Tang Sancai's, but do you know why, I said they were blackmail?"

Qin Mo held the porcelain piece and looked at the five men with disdain.

"These porcelain pieces are all a piece of Tang Sancai?"

"Yes, it's just one piece, or my family heirloom."

As a victim, Qin Mo could not feel any misery from him at this time.

"Thank you very much for your affirmative answer!"

Qin Mo laughed at this time, and squatted down again to pick up a piece of porcelain.

"It turns out that there are two identical places in one piece of Tang Sancai!"

After Qin Mo showed it like this, everyone took a serious look and was surprised.

"Excuse me, how many places are you running to get enough debris on the ground."

"Lying groove, it turns out that we were all deceived.

Dare to take the fragments out and blackmail tourists as a baby.

Where is the night market administrator, who has not yet come out to clear the scene, someone is making trouble! "

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