"Want to go, let's see the people around you first?"

The five men were caught up in the ruse and wanted to slip away, or wait for the management to come over.

That's what will happen to them.

But they are now doing their own thing, attracting onlookers and blocking the way.

These onlookers are not stall owners, so they are not afraid of them.

Seize this opportunity, otherwise the person who will be blackmailed next time will be yourself.

"You all get out of my way!"

Seeing that the road of himself and the others was blocked, the five people became anxious and began to speak viciously to each other.

"Any of you, tell us to let go!"

"They have to be handed over to the night market manager.

I'd rather see how it's handled.

I heard about such a thing before, but I can't imagine that there is still one now. "

Such things have caused the anger of some tourists.

"If you don't get out of the way, don't blame us for doing it!"

As time passed, the five began to panic.

Push up against the tourists around you.

Some tourists did not expect that five people would make a move, and one was pushed by the other without noticing.

The body fell backwards, if not someone behind it.

It must be the back of the head to the ground!

"Damn, you dare to push me!"

The tourist who was pushed was a grumpy young man.

After standing up straight, the young man rushed over and punched the man just now.

"Dare to hit me, brothers do it!"

People who are beaten are not good people.

They have never been the only ones who bully others, and they have not suffered losses on others.

This time the conflict broke out!

"You guys back off!"

Qin Mo protected Bian Xixue's seven people and resisted the other party's attack.

Seeing that both sides were like this, the five people held even more grudges towards Qin Mo.

Immediately, two people turned around and shot at him, rushing over with a kick.

Seeing the two like this, this is how ordinary people fight.

I don't have a martial arts foundation at all, just dare to be so arrogant, I really don't know where the confidence comes from!

"This is your strength!"

It seems that the other party is looking for some outsiders in the night market with a cross face.

Seeing the other party kicking over, Qin Mo couldn't help but laugh.

The same kick out!

Compared to the other party's disorderly kick, Qin Mo's was simply fast and ruthless!

Take the lead and kick the opponent's ankles.

A crisp sound of bones shattering sounded, followed by a miserable cry.

"Ahhh... My foot is broken! "

I didn't feel it when I was kicked, when his right foot hit the ground.

A sharp pain spread from the ankles to the brain.

I saw the man's body fall to the right side.

"Brothers, this stinky boy dares to injure Brother Tiger and maim him for me!"

Seeing that he fell to the ground, he was holding his right leg and wailing and rolling.

The other three abandoned the surrounding tourists and ran towards Qin Mo one after another.

He joined the other person and surrounded Qin Mo.

As for those tourists, see each other give up.

They also stopped, but everyone consciously got around.

"Aren't we going over to help?"

"Take a look first, they can't run away anyway!"

There were a few enthusiastic tourists, worried about watching Qin Mo face four people alone.

But some knowledgeable people persuaded everyone down.

Observe the situation first, and if not, go up and help.

In short, these five people have caused public anger today, don't think about leaving easily.

"Why don't you help, how can one person deal with four strong men!"

"If you look at it, this young man is not simple."

Seeing Qin Mo standing still without knowing whether he was dead or alive, he obediently let the four of himself surround him.

This made them feel insulted and very angry.

"Damn, smelly boy, you kind of don't run.

I really thought you were a master, think one against four.

If you don't break your legs later, how can you relieve Brother Hu's resentment! The

tiger brother who was kicked and injured his ankle saw his companions surrounding Qin Mo.

The flesh on his face was almost squeezed together, and he roared angrily: "Beat him to death for me!" "

Do it!"

The four of them shot at the same time, although they did not believe that Qin Mo was a master.

But it's still a little cautious and doesn't want to follow in Brother Hu's footsteps.

If more people can win, then everyone does not have to practice martial arts.

Just fill it with the number of people.

The attacks of four people without order, dense together, are easier to deal with than one person.

And even if they kick Qin Mo, the most they can do is massage him.

But thinking about it makes your clothes stain.

Qin Mo had to wronged them, and it was a heavy punch to meet the soles of a person's feet.


With a dull sound, I saw this person's left foot, and after jumping back a few steps, he fell to the ground.


It was too similar to the appearance of Brother Hu before, holding his right leg and wailing.

The other three attacked Qin Mo with their fists, so they fell behind.

After Qin Mo injured the first person, the fists of the three fell on Qin Mo at the same time.

Feeling the fist hit the real place, the three had smug smiles on their faces.

But soon it felt that something was wrong!

The fists of the two were tightly clasped by five fingers, and only one of their right fists landed on Qin Mo's chest.


Two sounds of misaligned bones sounded one after the other.

It turned out that Qin Mo grabbed his arm, but just pulled it forward hard.

The right arm of the two was directly dislocated!

Qin Mo did not end there, and his right leg was quickly raised.

Towards the two of them is a second consecutive kick!



After two screams, two figures flew towards the surrounding tourists.

The tourists who are always watching the changes in the field can use these people as meat mats.

They all dodged to the side, watching the two of them, falling heavily to the ground.

"This kick is so handsome!"

"I didn't expect this young man to be so powerful, what you said before was right!"

"I remembered it, isn't he Qin Mo, a master who has been on the hot search!"

Finally, someone remembered that some time ago, Qin Mo finished the competition of abusing the people of Hancheng.

"It turned out to be him, then these five people are really unlucky enough, who is not good to mess with, it is Qin Mo!"

"Then we can watch the play with confidence!"

Let these tourists go up and fight these five people, and they don't want to.

After all, everyone is an ordinary person, and if one accidentally has some tragic injury, he will not know who to cry with at that time.

Now that Qin Mo alone was able to clean them up, they all breathed a sigh of relief.

"You still want to beat me!"

At this time, there was one person left, who just raised his fist.

Just as he was about to move towards it, Qin Mo's head was a punch.

But I found that I was still standing next to two companions just now.

I don't know when, I have flown a few meters away, fell to the ground and wailed.

The raised fist was stared at under Qin Mo's eyes.

He didn't know what to do next, whether to fight over or take it back.

"Haha... It's hilarious!

"Isn't this man frightened?"

"Beat, you beat it over, and finally people were kind enough to fight back!"

The change in mentality turned to watching a play, and tourists began to make fun of this man.

"Damn, you guys are so bully!"

Listening to the smiles of the people around him, this person finally couldn't help it.

The right fist continued to punch Qin Mo's head.

Qin Mo just slightly tilted to the side and dodged this punch.


Originally, I didn't want to make this kick, but the other party didn't cooperate!

Since that's the case, it's a little heavier!

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