"Who makes trouble in the night market, don't you want to mess around in the future."

Things were almost settled, and the night market manager finally appeared.

But what they didn't expect was that the result was not what they imagined.

Someone has already solved the problem in advance.

"No wonder these people are so rampant, it's not for nothing!"

This time, if the victim is replaced by someone else, it is a different situation.

Tourists are dissatisfied with the management of this place.

"Why don't you wait for dawn to come back!"

"It's just that I didn't think that the long-famous night market would be like this, and it seems that I will come here less in the future."

The manager, who was originally a little ugly, just brought a team of security personnel over when he heard the comments of tourists.

This time the mood is worse, drink tea in the office, come out to be angry, definitely not happy.

As for the five people who could get angry, they had already all been put to the ground.

"Tie them all up for me and leave them to the people above."

Walked over and gave each of the five people on the ground a kick.

Only then did the sulking in my heart be suppressed.

"I don't know who it is, help solve it?"

Hearing that he was looking for himself, Qin Mo responded directly.

"It's me!"

"Then trouble you to come with me!"

As soon as the manager finished speaking, he turned and left.

But after walking a few steps, he found that there was no one behind him.

"Why, you want me to invite you over!"

"Sorry, I don't have time."

Qin Mo looked at him when he spoke this time, beckoning everyone to follow.

After this delay, the time was even later.

"I said come back with us to help with the investigation."

The manager looked at Qin Mo expressionlessly.

"None of us are yet to blame, you have security here.

Now he is talking to his guests in this tone.

I'd rather see what happens if I don't cooperate tonight! "

The mud bodhisattva still has three points of fire, not to mention himself.

"It's the first time I've seen such bullish management.

This handsome guy is right, we are still in trouble with you.

Now it's good, I want to give people a horse.

Is there someone you know among these?

Or maybe it was instructed by you, otherwise it is obvious that the matter must be cooperated by the victim.

People have indicated that there is no time, and we have to ask for an explanation tonight, otherwise this kind of thing will be sent to the hot search. What

everyone didn't expect was an intellectual woman who spoke for Qin Mo.

Wearing glasses and a smart outfit.

The age is about twenty-eight years old, and the main thing is a beautiful woman.

"I advise you to better not be nosy!"

I don't know who gave him confidence, it's not enough to threaten one person, and now even those who help.

"I'm the most nosy person, by the way, I almost forgot to tell you that I am a journalist by profession, and I recorded everything you just said."

Isn't this man looking for death?

Threaten the journalist, don't expose you to death, don't be sorry for her professional ethics.

"You guys come and get her phone, bring it to me."

The tourists on the scene can also see that they are tired of cats at this time.

If he said that he had nothing to do with the previous five, no one would believe it.

Otherwise, explain why you are so nervous.

"If you dare to come over, I will call the police now!"

The beauty turned the phone screen towards each other, and the three numbers on it were very clear.

"Why are you still stunned, bring it to me."

Seeing the security guards standing still, he began to get anxious.

If what you just said is broadcast, then you will be finished.

What you did before will be dug up one by one.

"If you want to lose your job, go over!"

Seeing these security personnel, they did not rush over at the first time.

Tourists in the surrounding area are keen to remind them of what the security guards are hesitating about.

"If you don't want to lose your job now, get me your phone back."

After this period of delay, the beautiful reporter has retreated to the back.

At this time, if you want to go over and grab the mobile phone, it is too late.

Ten security guards faced thirty-four tourists.

And importantly, they can't do anything in the face of these tourists.

Seeing this, the ten security personnel couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

It is best not to offend either side.

"You guys... It's just rubbish! Watching

under the protection of the tourists, the beautiful reporter walked out dashingly.

At this time, he had already forgotten Qin Mo and the others.

The most important thing now is to protect yourself, and wait until you get your phone.

"Mr. Qin, then we..." There

are so many things that I encountered tonight, and each of them was thrilling.

The environment in which the seven people lived before, where have they encountered this situation.

"Come with me, quickly sell your things, and go back to sleep early."

Qin Mo took everyone back to the old place this time.

It was also disposed of last time, Luo Mingjun and others treasure shops.

"Hey, this is not Mr. Qin, long time no see!"

Qin Mo and the others just stopped at the door of a shop.

A middle-aged man came out of it, looking at Qin Mo in disbelief and said.

"Boss Duan, I'm sending you money again!"

Qin Mo pointed to the things in the hands of everyone around him.

"I just like friends like Mr. Qin and do what I say.

It's only been so long since I came back to take care of my business, no wonder the magpie kept calling this morning, it turned out to be Mr. Qin's distinguished guest coming. The

tourists who followed Qin Mo and the others before followed with more than a dozen people.

At this time, hearing Qin Mo talking to Duan Jingming, he finally remembered who he was.

This time is the second time to come to the night market.

"I finally know who he is, he is the god of leaks!"

This title is a bit exaggerated, but no one objects to calling Qin Mo that way.

If you can do the same as Qin Mo, seven shots.

Every purchase appreciates in value.

It can be said that there has been no miss.

Some people also say that he has only bought a few items, this time it is just his luck, waiting for the next time to definitely open the eye.

Now the opportunity came, whether he deserved the title or not, soon to know.

Some of the guests who were originally in Duan Jingming's shop called one after another and called for friends to come over.

"Boss Duan, this time is still the same as before."

With the last experience, Qi Hanhai and the others carefully put the treasure in their hands on the table.

Seeing everyone doing this, Yao Xiaoxia also followed.

This time she spent 10,000 yuan, almost spending all her savings.

If the thing is fake, then this time back to school, I will tighten my belts and live.

"Sister Xue, aren't you all nervous?"

Watching one by one like no one, put down the baby and enjoy the antiques in the store.

No wonder Yao Xiaoxia thought so, she spent the least amount of money among the seven.

Others are about the same, around twenty or thirty thousand.

"Xiao Xia, you are the same as the first time we started, you are also so tense and exciting!"

"Xi Xue is right, but don't worry too much, you may regret why you didn't spend a little more money later."

"Boss Duan, please look at it casually!"

Qin Mo's words were already indicating that after these things were checked, they would be sold to him.

"Old Duan first thanks Mr. Qin for his care in advance, the price will definitely satisfy everyone."

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