"Not bad, I believe Boss Duan has already guessed!"

"It's incredible.

There are really few people who want to find a famous painter who penetrates through several layers of rice paper.

It just so happens that the owner of this painting has this ability.

At this time, Qin Mo took off his gloves and gave Duan Jingming a position.

Duan Jingming picked up the tool again and began to observe inch by inch.

"Haha, seconds!

After Mr. Qin said this, I finally understood the previous doubts.

This painting is really the bottom layer of the one that was collected.

No wonder I kept wondering why the rice paper of the two paintings was only half of the other half, and the original truth was here. "

Before Qin Mo's explanation, everyone still half-understood.

Now that Duan Jingming said this, everyone had a feeling of opening up.

"Lying groove, in this case, wouldn't that young man be sent out, this is a million-level treasure!"

"This luck is really envious!"

"I don't think there's anything to envy, this painting has been there for more than half a year.

So many specialists, veterans passing by, who sees the problem?

If it weren't for Qin Mo's appearance, maybe it would have been disposed of as a fake in the end. Luo

Mingjun's face was still a little disappointed at first.

It wasn't that he wanted to blame Qin Mo, but he felt that this opportunity was a pity.

Make a little less money, and the capital he took out is still Qin Mo's.

He didn't think of another village, and the surprise was behind.


The first million in his life was born!

Luo Mingjun was now shocked and speechless.

"I have a million, hehe..." Luo

Mingjun shook Yao Xiaoxia's shoulder and smirked.

"I know, don't shake it, I'll be angry if I shake it again!"

At this time, Luo Mingjun didn't know how strong his hand was, and Yao Xiaoxia's head was dizzy.

"Xiao Xia is sorry, I'm so happy!"

Under Yao Xiaoxia's angry little eyes, Luo Mingjun kept apologizing.

"Hmph, it's really more popular than dead!"


Looking at everyone's envious eyes, Luo Mingjun knew what they were jealous of.

It's not just jealous of your luck, but you can only blame yourself.

At that time, I asked everyone, and finally saw that there was no one, so I went on my own.

"This kid's luck is really against the sky, how good it would be if it were me!"

"What are you thinking, first of all, you know Qin Mo, otherwise everything is free of discussion."

"It's true that these people are lucky, to have a friend like Qin Mo, they only need to follow behind and drink the soup once to be full!"

After confirming the painting, the same authenticity.

Duan Jingmingle took the magnifying glass and kept stroking on it.

It's like facing a peerless beauty.

"One million, cash or transfer!"

"Xiao Luo, which way do you want?"

"Transfer it, with so much cash, I'm afraid I won't be able to sleep for the next few days."

"Okay, give me your account number, and I'll transfer it to you now."

Ding, get rich treasure to the account, 1 million yuan!

The crisp lifting sound made Luo Mingjun feel refreshed as if he had eaten a ginseng fruit.

"Mr. Qin, it's so late, do you have time to go for a supper together?"

Duan Jingming was particularly happy today, and he only rushed Qin Mo and them tonight.

It can make him earn more than 200,000, and that's not including the painting.

If you can contact that collector, maybe you can earn another two or three hundred thousand.

"Okay, that's exactly what I had in mind.

It's late anyway, I'm hungry, go grab something to celebrate.

If any of you want to go back to sleep, wait for the taxi back.

"Xiao Xia, how about the two of us go back first?"

The purpose of this trip was achieved, and Bian Xixue just wanted to go back to sleep.

And someone has to go to the exam room tomorrow, so these have to be the best for subordinates.

"Don't rush back first, go pack some food, and then you can go back!"

"Okay, Mr. Qin just said so.

I knew a late-night snack stall was very nice, so I called the boss.

It doesn't take long, and if we pass, the packed supper will be prepared in advance!

"Okay then, that's it!"

Bian Xixue had no way to refuse, and she could see it.

It seems that he is the only one in the crowd and wants to go back to sleep.

Yao Xiaoxia doesn't know how much spirit he has now, and his income is more than 60,000.

Let her go back to sleep at this time, how can she sleep.

If she doesn't have to go to the exam room tomorrow, she will definitely be able to stay up all night today.

As for the bad things encountered during the day, under the joy of this income.

Yao Xiaoxia had long forgotten.

"Forget it, I'd better go back with everyone!"

When it came to the supper stall, Bian Xixue chose to go with the flow.

"Boss Duan, why is it closing so early today!"

The owner of the supper stall saw Duan Jingming coming over and asked curiously.

As usual, he won't close before three o'clock.

His shop closes at any time according to the time of the night market.

"I did a few distinguished guests' business today, and I will come out to take care of your business as soon as I am happy!"

Duan Jingming took out a pack of cigarettes, opened it and took out one, and threw it to the boss of the supper.

"So, Boss Duan is getting rich today."

"I dare not say that I am rich, this is all Mr. Tuo Qin's blessing, and I make a small profit."

Duan Jingming quickly introduced Qin Mo to the supper boss.

"This is Qin Mo, Mr. Qin, I believe that if you usually play a certain sound, you will know who he is!"

"Mr. Qin, this is Boss Lu!"

"Don't stand, I'll take you over and sit first."

Boss Duan, I'm sorry, there is no private room, I can't think of so many guests tonight!

Lu Jiantong led everyone to a large surrounding table, on which several dishes had been served.

These were all ordered by Duan Jingming in advance.

"You're welcome, I'll treat you tonight, what else do you want to eat, go ahead!"

"Several bosses, Boss Duan has spoken, don't save him money.

A little more expensive and take care of Lu's business.

"Boss Lu is based on your mind, it's hard not to get rich!"

At this moment, Duan Jingming stood up and said.

"How can there be no wine for supper, everyone wait for me!"

"Boss Duan, you don't need to be so polite, we still have things tomorrow."

"Just drink a little, Mr. Qin, you wait a minute."

Qin Mo's persuasion was ineffective at all, and Duan Jingming had already run out.

"Forget it, don't drink it.

It's so late, if you drink again, everyone won't have to get up tomorrow.

Just wait for me to drink with him!

Qin Mo also couldn't imagine that Duan Jingming was an alcoholic.

"Lu Jiantong, you still want to do business or not, let you add a few dishes, so far, you haven't put it on for us!"

From a private room, a man staggered out.

"I'm sorry, Manager Wang, there was an acquaintance who was in a hurry just now, so let's stir-fry a few side dishes first and give them a deal with it."

Seeing the man who came out, Lu Jiantong quickly apologized.

"Who is it that can make Boss Lu pay so much attention!"

"That's the table!"

Lu Jiantong saw Manager Wang's appearance, if he didn't answer.

Don't do business first.

"So it's them!"

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