
Hearing Manager Wang's sneer, he turned around and walked back to his box.

Lu Jiantong was relieved to see that nothing had happened.

Getting busy, he is now the boss and a part-time cook.

That's why his business here is so hot.

He used to be a chef, but he felt that working for others would not make a fortune!

If you come out and do it alone, you dare not say that you will make a lot of money.

But at least it's better than taking a dead salary.

So far, my own previous guess is good.

The work is a little more tiring than before, but the income is more than five times higher.

"Hey, what are you going to do?"

"Why, of course, it's to find a beautiful woman for you to drink!"

Lu Jiantong, who had just stir-fried a small dish, heard a scream outside.

The most feared thing in business is conflict between customers.

Hurriedly turned off the heat, and the dishes in the pot did not have time to serve.

I could only instruct the cook: "Xiao Zeng, serve the dishes to the guests, I'll go out to see what's going on?"

After explaining, he hurried out.

Just looking at it, it's not good.

Isn't this Manager Wang them?

It turned out that instead of going back to the box to drink, he went in and shouted for someone.

Looking at the table of guests they were looking for, Lu Jiantong knew that this was obviously going to make trouble.

Because this table of guests was Qin Mo's table, how could he point it out just now.

"Manager Wang, if there is anything, please go back to the box, and I will send a case of beer to everyone."

"Fuck off, what a thing, I really thought it was a character to give you face.

Today I want the two of them to go in and accompany the drink, and it is useless for anyone to come today!

Manager Wang stretched out his hand and pointed at Yao Xiaoxia and Bian Xixue respectively and said.

What happens here is perceived by the guests at the very beginning.

Some were afraid that they would implicate themselves when they started fighting, and they ran out long ago.

There is no way not to run, just watch, five men standing together.

Each one is more than one meter eight meters tall, and they all have tattoos on their bodies.

The appearance is even more murderous, this kind of person usually does not dare to approach.

Not to mention all drunk now!

"Boss Lu, it's none of your business, they're looking for trouble on purpose!"

Lu Jiantong, who stepped forward to persuade for the second time, was directly pushed away and almost fell.

After Qin acquiesced to the other party's leader, he stood up.

Blocking Lu Jiantong from coming over, he found that no matter where he went, it was difficult to drink quietly.

"If I say no!"

Others are afraid of them, but Qin Mo is not afraid.

Is it still less to beat such people yourself?

"Damn, you dare to scold me!"


Manager Wang suddenly threw out the wine bottle he had been holding in his hand, targeting Qin Mo.

Qin Mo just dodged to the side, and the wine bottle smashed on the wall behind him.

"Cao, I'll let you dodge, everyone give it to me!"

After Manager Wang saw Qin Mo dodge away, he felt that he was insulted

and angrily commanded the other five to rush over, and

the first thing he did was lift the table.

"It's over!"

This time, the guests who were still watching the excitement just now all ran out.

Lu Jiantong looked at all this with a pale face, and tonight's loss must be borne by himself.

If the people on Qin Mo's side were injured, their losses would be even greater.

As for letting him go to Manager Wang to compensate, unless he doesn't want to open a supper stall here.

"You guys stay away!"

This time is not like before, there is only one person.

If you fight in a melee, you will definitely not be able to protect everyone.

Because the weapons here are really easy to pick up.

Just like wine bottles, you can look at them at a glance at the supper stall.

Each of these people grabs a wine bottle and throws it over.

In addition to themselves, the other seven will definitely hang the lottery.

"Did I let you go?"

Seeing that under the leadership of Luo Mingjun, the seven people slowly withdrew.

Only Qin Mo was left at the scene, staring at him.

Although Manager Wang drank a little more, his thinking was still there.

Quickly commanded everyone to go over to block, Manager Wang casually picked up a wine bottle and threw it over.

"Ah..." The

wine bottle did not hit anyone, it exploded at Yao Xiaoxia's feet.

Frightened, she screamed and hurriedly accelerated her steps back.

Some people who came out to watch in the box quickly ran back inside and closed the door.

"Find death!"

He just delayed a little time, and Yao Xiaoxia was almost smashed.

"Smash me!"

Seeing that this method works, under the leadership of Manager Wang.

The others picked up the plates on the table next to them, and the bottles were about to be thrown out.

If it is thrown out this time, someone will definitely be hit.

Qin Mo was angry, and a stool under his feet was pumped out by him.

At the same time, the footsteps did not stop, rushing towards these.



The six people who only cared about smashing people didn't put Qin Mo in their eyes at all.

But as soon as they raised their hands, a sunspot flew over quickly.

Two of them were hit by black shadows, which was a wooden stool.

A big man was directly hit on the head and broke the blood.

"Smash him for me!"

Manager Wang didn't know which industry he was engaged in before, and his response was very fast.

If you see that your companion is injured, immediately change the target of the attack.

The two wine bottles in his hand smashed towards Qin Mo one after another, and the others also threw them over.

Facing the seven or eight wine bottle plates, Qin Mo couldn't dodge.

You can only protect the point when rushing over.

"Bang bang!"

Two wine bottles in succession, and a plate fell on him.


. Qin..." The

seven people who had already run outside, as soon as they stood up, they saw Qin Mo who was hit in the body.

Hurriedly shouted with concern.

"Keep smashing me!"

Seeing that the method was effective, Qin Mo's clothes were cut several times under the sharp glass.

Manager Wang hurriedly picked up the wine bottle again, and he was about to continue to smash it.

But this takes time, and the two sides are not far apart.

Plus just now, Qin Mo had already begun to rush over.

"You..." As

soon as he raised the wine bottle, Qin Mo had already rushed in front of him.

"Find death!"

The wine bottle in his hand changed from throwing to smashing, and his reaction speed was very agile.

He is fast, Qin Mo is faster!

The body just flashed to the side and dodged.

At the same time, the right fist quickly punched out and landed heavily on Manager Wang's abdomen.


With this punch, Qin Mo was attacking with all his strength.

Manager Wang suddenly had a cramping in his abdomen at the moment of fist contact.

Under this punch, the body took several steps back.

Then he bent over with his hands on his abdomen and began to wail.


The drink that had just been drunk for a short time could no longer help but spew out.

The enemy is so ferocious, it is not at all the ordinary people I met before.

As long as they still have the power to fight back, they will find opportunities to retaliate.

Manager Wang, who had just bent down and vomited, immediately felt that he was flying.

It turned out that he was rushed over by Qin Mo and kicked directly on the butt.

This time, because of the cramping pain in the abdomen, the reaction slowed down.

The whole person flew out, and he only had time to protect his face.

Fell heavily from the air.


The mouth squirted again, this time no longer alcohol, even the food eaten was spit out.

When Qin Mo attacked Manager Wang, the others did not stop.


Instead, he continued to pick up the nearby wine bottle and smashed it towards Qin Mo.

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