Several wine bottles smashed on the body, faintly painful.

There was also an arm cut by glass, and blood dripped down the arm to the ground.

Qin Mo glanced at it, the wound was not big, so he ignored it.

Looking at the remaining four, as for the other person, he had just hit his head with a wooden stool, and now he had fainted to the ground.

"He's injured, go ahead!"

This time, the weapons of the four people were changed to stools.

Everything that can be smashed on the table is used up.

It was too late to go to the other tables, and the distance between the two sides was only three meters.

"Hit me hard!"

I didn't expect this manager Wang to be in such good health, and I don't know when he had stood up.

Just in time to see the four companions grab the stool, raise it high, and slash towards Qin Mo, who rushed over.

He didn't stand still, holding a fruit knife in his hand.

The position of the four people directly sealed Qin Mo's attack route.

If he continues to advance, this wave of attacks will hit the opponent at least one wooden bench on his body.

"I'd rather see who can get beaten!"

It is now clear that these are retreating there.

No wonder the attacks are so methodical and not alarmed at all.

Knowing the origin of the opponent, Qin Mo was relieved, as long as it was not a family practitioner, then everything was easy to do.

After all, he is not alone now.


A loud voice sounded.

Of the four wooden stools, Qin Mo dodged three.

But the last one was the same as I thought, and I couldn't hide it.

You can only take it with your shoulder!

The left shoulder became numb instantly, and there was no feeling for a while.

I took this heavy blow myself just to punch this punch.

A murderous inch punch fell on the strong man.

This time, for the first time since the start of the fight, Qin Mo used martial arts.

Before, I was afraid that the other party was just an ordinary person and used martial arts by himself.

If you are not careful, it will hurt people, now it is good, there is no need to worry about this.

"Ah..." With

a scream, Qin Mo's fist slammed into the opponent's chest.

Several sounds of broken ribs sounded, and the strong man fell to the ground under this blow.

The blood spilling from the corners of his mouth already showed that he was deeply injured internally.

Move your body a little, and a sharp pain will come from your chest.

"It's a hard idea, everyone be careful."

At this time, Manager Wang had already rushed over, but the fruit knife in his hand just now, I don't know where he was hiding.

Now seeing Qin Mo make two moves, the two of them lay down on their side.

At this time, I remembered the group of people in the night market, and it seemed that he was also the one who made the move.

Even without Manager Wang's reminder, the other three saw the problem.

Just now, Qin Mo's punch, in exchange for them, if they want to knock down the other party with one punch, they definitely can't do it.

"He's a trainer!"

This is the conclusion reached by the trio.

"Brother Wang, what should I do?"

This conclusion, let them not know, whether to continue next.

"What to be afraid of, he is alone.

Fence him up, and he's all injured, I don't believe it's really so good to fight! The

four of them all dispersed and surrounded Qin Mo.

Manager Wang also took this opportunity to build a wooden bench.

The current situation was that Qin Mo was empty-handed, facing four opponents holding wooden benches.

"Principal Qi, what should I do?"

Six people stood outside, not knowing what to do.

Go up to help, Qin Mo won't give it.

Because they came not to help, but to add chaos!

"Wait and see, Boss Duan should come back, he should know a lot of people, only rely on him!"

Qi Hanhai could only pray that Duan Jingming would come back early.

"What's going on?"

At this moment, Duan Jingming finally appeared.

However, he looked at it suspiciously, and there were a group of people watching outside the supper stall.

This is not the group of guests who were in the hall before, how did they all run outside.

Also, isn't that Qin Mo's friend Qi Hanhai?

The seven people were outside, but Qin Mo was not visible.

"What's going on?"

Duan Jingming hurriedly ran over.

"Wang Ziming!"

No need to ask, see the people surrounding Qin Mo inside.

Duan Jingming immediately recognized one of them.

"Wang Ziming, what are you doing?"

Duan Jingming shouted inside.

"Duan Jingming, I advise you to better not be nosy, let's not violate the river water!"

"Hehe, Mr. Qin is my guest, you let me leave it alone, you wait for me!"

Duan Jingming would not be stupid enough to rush over to help.

That's not to help, it's to get beaten.

"Do it all for me!"

Wang Ziming couldn't imagine that these people would be Duan Jingming's friends.

Seeing the cruel words, he picked up his mobile phone and walked out.

He knows what the other party is doing, what else can he do besides calling for help!

Wang Ziming picked up the stool first, but he did not rush over.

Instead, he smashed the wooden bench directly, and the other three rushed over.

Qin Mo also didn't expect the other party to be so cunning, and quickly dodged the wooden bench.

At this time, what the other party wants to see is just to delay a little time.

Both sides are within range of the attack.

This time, the three wooden stools were picked up at the same time and smashed towards the three places on Qin Mo's body.

Wang Ziming followed behind, holding something in his right hand.

Quickly approached Qin Mo.

At this time, Qin Mo only cared about fighting against the three, plus the wooden stool in Wang Ziming's hand was smashed out.

So I didn't take him to heart, only seriously faced the three wooden benches.


The first wooden bench was hit by Qin Mo's punch and fell apart directly.

Immediately after that, he kicked forward fiercely, and only grabbed two stool-footed strong men in his hands.

Quickly cross your hands and protect your abdomen.


But two ten-centimeter-long stool legs did not play any role.

Under Qin Mo's heavy feet, he directly kicked it out.


A cold light flashed, and Qin Mo wanted to avoid the other two wooden benches.

He didn't expect that in Wang Ziming's hand, it would be a fruit knife.

Just in an instant, the fruit knife stabbed into his abdomen.

A sense of crisis welled up in his heart, and he gave up resisting the wooden bench.

With his right arm in front of him, a sharp pain came.

The arm was cut through a ten-centimeter-long cut.

The flesh and skin were turned over, and blood flowed.


They didn't expect that these people would move knives and that some people would be injured.

"Boss Duan, what to do, Mr. Qin was stabbed!"

At this time, Duan Jingming came back after calling.

I just saw a terrifying wound on Qin Mo's right arm.

"Wang Ziming, you will die later!"

Duan Jingming hoped to make them afraid through the threat, and quickly fled now.

However, he underestimated Wang Ziming's determination, which was to stab Qin Mo a few more times.

For Duan Jingming's shout, he did not hear it.

"Keep smashing!"

The four did not notice that Qin Mo's eyes had changed now.

There was only icy cold light in his eyes.

"You make me very angry!"

An emotionless voice sounded in the ears of the four.

One of them suddenly found that Qin Mo didn't know when to stand in front of him.


Let the onlookers outside get bumps!

It turned out that a strong man was actually under Qin Mo's two heavy punches.

His arms were broken by a living punch.

And that's not all, one of the thighs has changed shape!

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