
The strong man's miserable appearance frightened the onlookers to flee the scene.

Only the bold ones are still watching.

"You're ruthless enough!"

Seeing what happened to his companion, Wang Ziming tightly held the fruit knife in his hand.

Only in this way can he feel safe.

"Doesn't this guy have feelings!"

Looking at the blood that kept dripping from Qin Mo's arm, the other party did not stop the bleeding and kept letting it flow.

Icy eyes stared straight at the remaining three.


A wooden stool landed heavily on Qin Mo's back, and he didn't feel anything.

Turning around quickly and whipping the enemy is a blow.

This strong man was hit hard by his right leg at the waist, and the whole person flew out a few meters away before landing heavily on the ground.

Like the previous ones, they lay on the ground and covered their waists and wailed.

"I'm going to kill you!"

Qin Mo's ruthlessness made Wang Ziming afraid.

At this time, he couldn't manage so much, rushed over, and stabbed towards Qin Mo's abdomen.

Once inattentive and let yourself hurt your arm.

How is it possible to make a second mistake!

Qin Mo only dodged slightly to the side to avoid this knife.

The right hand quickly grabbed the opponent's wrist and clasped it tightly.


"Let go!"

During the struggle, the fruit knife fell to the ground.


Qin Mo's right hand couldn't care about the pain in his arm, and twisted it hard.

Wang Ziming's arm was violently twisted and broken by him.


Qin Mo's left fist hit his chest.

"Crunch..." the

sound of several ribs breaking could be heard even by outsiders.

"Who's making trouble here!"

At this time, someone finally appeared.


"Boss Duan!"

Duan Jingming led people to rush in at this time, but it seemed that only two people were standing at the scene.

One of them was Qin Mo, and the other was an enemy.

"Don't do it, I'll get on my knees!"

Seeing that the other party had so many more people at once, this strong man was so frightened that he knelt directly on the ground.

"Mr. Qin, you have to go to the hospital first!"

Looking at Qin Mo's bloody arm, Duan Jingming trembled.

"Okay, but they?"

"I arranged for someone to send them back, tonight's incident was caused by me, if I hadn't asked Mr. Qin to eat a late-night snack, there would be no such thing!"

Soon a luxury car drove over, Duan Jingming followed and apologized to Qin Mo in the car.

"Boss Duan, this time is an accident, no wonder you!"

"However, my wound reached the hospital..." Qin

Mo knew that the security of the capital was very strict, and like his current situation, it would definitely be a little troublesome at that time.

"It's okay, this is a trivial matter, Mr. Qin doesn't need to worry about this matter, just leave it to me."

When it came to this kind of thing, Duan Jingming said confidently.

So far, Qin Mo did not know his other identity.

However, if Duan Jingming didn't say it, he wouldn't ask rashly.

By the time Qin Mo had finished treating the wound, it was already half past one in the morning.

This is still a doctor who knows the hospital, otherwise you will have to queue up.

What Qin Mo didn't expect was that there were still many fights in the capital.

In the hospital, I saw more than a dozen people with broken arms and legs.

There were also uniformed staff standing beside him.

Because there had already been an explanation, no one bothered about Qin Mo's appearance.

"Mr. Qin, next time I have the opportunity, I must personally make amends to you!"

Sending Qin Mo back to the hotel, Duan Jingming apologized again.

Originally, he wanted to open a presidential suite for him, but Qin Mo refused.

"Thank you Boss Duan for sending me back, we will have another drink in the future when we have time."

Glancing at the bandaged arm, Qin Mo frowned.

"Fortunately, Xinxin followed Elder Zhang tonight, otherwise how to explain this arm?"

"It's easy to mess around tonight, but tomorrow!"

As soon as he thought of tomorrow, Qin Mo was annoyed.

In order not to let my daughter see it, can't you not see each other for a few days?

"This is not!"

If this is done, then Shin Shin will be even more worried!

The next day the exam started, and Qin Xinxin had not yet seen her father come over.

She was very unhappy!

"Stinky daddy, it must have been another run to drink last night!"

In Shin Shin's impression, only if he is drunk, he will not appear until now.

She has seen a lot of drunkenness.

For example, grandpa is often seen, and every time he is scolded by grandma.

And Aunt Ye too, slept until noon.

"In the future, Xinxin will ignore him, and go back and let Aunt Ye ignore him as well, hum!"

With a stomach full of resentment, Qin Xinxin walked into the examination room.

However, as soon as she entered the examination room, she quickly calmed down.

From the moment she picked up the signing pen, she forgot all the previous unhappiness.

Only the exam paper on the desk is in mind.

This was a habit of hers, and even Qin Mo didn't know how to explain it.

Although Qin Xinxin is young, once he gets serious, he looks like this.

"Good morning, everyone before the live TV broadcast!

The second of the National Junior High School Mathematics Competition has just ringed the bell of the competition.

Let's take a look at the demeanor of the contestants this time.

From a thousand contestants at the beginning, to two hundred left.

They are spread across five examination rooms, and now we have to observe who will be in the examination room? With

the livestream worker, point the camera at an examination room.

Qin Xinxin, who had calmed down, entered the camera range.

"I didn't expect us to be so lucky, and the first live broadcast was our little genius Qin Xinxin.

Guys, did you see the expression of the little genius?

So quiet, so serious!

God, what do we see, the little genius has already begun to answer the questions.

Did she not even need to think about the questions, when the other party was still taking the questions.

The previous questions have been completed! "

Everyone doesn't know, what is Qin Xinxin thinking?

She was thinking about finishing the topic quickly and handing in the papers in advance.

Go back to the hotel and find my father and ask him why he didn't go to accompany Shin Shin for the exam.

She forgot the teacher's instructions at this time, and did not lag behind her speed of doing the questions, showing it in front of TV and netizens.

[This is the so-called little genius, so fast to do the question, will it be scribbling?] [

Please upstairs, you don't have brains, you give me scribbling to win the first place, I will give you a squat pit.] [

This is Qin Xinxin's true strength!] [

I found myself now not only in love with Qin Mo.

Even his daughter is the same.

Why, their two fathers and daughters are so powerful, is it a genetic factor? [

Is this still an elementary school student competing with a group of junior high school students?]

How do I feel like a group of elementary school students, giving green leaves to a junior high school student! The

people outside talked about it, but did not block Qin Xinxin's speed of doing questions.

On the contrary, with entering the state of doing questions.

Qin Xinxin didn't even use scratch paper on some topics, and directly calculated it by mouth.

This can shock some scholars in the field of mathematics!

"Haha, I didn't think my good apprentice would hide it.

It turns out that this is her real strength.

If that's the case, wouldn't next month's high school competition be the same result!

Tan Honghou was taken aback by his thoughts.

I was cheeky this morning and followed to accompany the exam.

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