"There is only one day left tomorrow, and if you can't do it, you have to follow to the deep market!"

Tan Honghou looked at Qin Xinxin through the live broadcast, and made a choice in his heart.

"Elder Tan, Xinxin has handed over the rolls!"

Just when Tan Honghou thought of some way to get Qin Xinxin to agree, time kept passing.

A student following him interrupted his thinking.

Under the live broadcast camera, Qin Xinxin walked out of the classroom.

It seems to be aware that he is being watched.

Qin Xinxin suddenly turned to face the back, put two fingers up, and grimaced.


It's a child, simple naughty movements.

At this moment, Qin Xinxin gained a large number of fans.

[No, my heart melted at this moment, and Shin Shin will be my mascot in the future!] [

Candidates in the same examination room as Xinxin are really under great pressure, and when they are still burying their heads in hard calculations, everyone Xinxin has finished the questions. [

Feel sorry for these candidates for a few seconds, be old and happy, and be abused as a dog! ] [

This time it is no accident, Shin Shin classmates are the first again, and the brothers and sisters in high school are in danger! ] "

Clean up and go see Shin Shin!"

After Tan Honghou finished instructing the students, he walked out first.

"Teacher, wait for me, your current identity represents Huaqing, so in the past, will other colleges and universities misunderstand!"

"It's better to misunderstand, let them retreat in the face of difficulties, Xinxin is my inner apprentice, even Mr. Qin has no opinion, they can have an opinion!"

Tan Honghou was afraid that they would not misunderstand, and it was best to misunderstand even his relationship with Qin Mo, which would save him a lot of trouble.

"Master, why didn't Xinxin see Cao Xin?"

After coming out of the examination room, Qin Xinxin began to look for Qin Mo.

But after looking around, I didn't see it, only Zhang Qianlei and a few people.

"Xinxin, your father is in the restaurant, give you something delicious!"

"Master, is it true? You didn't lie to Shin Shin, otherwise Shin Shin would have ignored you in the future!

"Ahem, how could Master lie to Xinxin, now we will go over, and Xinxin's favorite roast duck leg, your father has prepared a few!"

"Really, that's great, Shin Shin decided to forgive Cao Xin!"

Zhang Qianlei also learned about last night's events this morning.

I can't imagine that accidents can happen in this capital, or twice a day.

This made him begin to wonder if Qin Mo was not satisfied with the water and soil of the capital.

"Xinxin, didn't you see Grandpa Tan?"

Tan Honghou, who rushed over, saw Zhang Qianlei and several people get into the car.

Hurriedly currying favor with Qin Xinxin.

In front of his son is the old man, and seeing Shin Shin is like a grandson.

"Grandpa Tan, are you going to eat?"

"Go, how can I not go, Xinxin said that he must follow, Lao Zhang let Jean, I sit with Xinxin."

Tan Honghou dropped the students and quickly squeezed into the car, occupying Zhang Qianlei's place.

"Old Tan, you sat in my seat, where do I sit?"

"If there is not a car in the back, you are crowded in the car!"

Seeing Tan Honghou's appearance, Zhang Qianlei knew that as long as Qin Xinxin did not worship him as a teacher, this matter would be endless.

"Let's go, let's go to the back car, we can't let Mr. Qin wait for a long time!"

As he came into contact with Qin Mo for a long time, the more Zhang Qianlei respected him.

Last night's incident, he really wanted to use the relationship.

But in the end, he still asked Qin Mo what he thought, so there was no movement.

"Dad, how did your arms wrap up!"

Qin Xinxin, who was bouncing in front along the way, pushed open the door when the waiter pushed open.

I saw Qin Mo sitting inside, but it seemed to be different from before.

After Qin Xinxin saw it clearly, he quickly ran.

I looked at the white bandage with distress, and there were red blood stains.

"Dad, why did your hand hurt!"

After getting closer, Qin Xin smelled the smell of disinfectant and immediately understood that his father was injured in his arm.

"Xinxin, don't worry, it's just a small injury, it'll be fine soon!"

Qin Mo's left hand, which was not injured, stroked Xinxin's hair.

"Cao Ceng, did you have an arm injury, so you didn't come to send Xinxin to the competition!

Your arm still hurts, Xinxin punches you.

It's Xinxin's mistake to blame it, and it will never be like this again. At

this time, Qin Xinxin's tears were rolling in his eyes!

"Xinxin don't cry, crying is not a good child, you see grandfather, uncle and aunt are watching!"

"Well, Xinxin doesn't cry, you can't be like this in the future, you see Xinxin crying a few times, your stomach is hungry!"

It's really ten sentences and eight sentences that don't leave food, and when I hear that my father doesn't have it, I think of eating.

"I know that Xinxin feels sorry for her father, so today's father, prepare food for Xinxin."

Qin Mo was afraid that his daughter would worry about his arm injury.

So I ordered some more of what my daughter likes to eat, and now it's just a different way of saying it.

"Really, huh!"

Qin Xinxin happily jumped onto Qin Mo and kissed his face.

"Be careful!"

Qin Mo hurriedly hugged Xinxin with his left hand, this crazy girl, did not look at his father who was still injured.

"Dad, didn't Xinxin touch the wound!"

Seeing that he raised his right arm away from him, Qin Xinxin quickly jumped down, wanting to take another look at the injured arm.

"It's okay, as long as you are happy, Dad's hand won't hurt."

"It's so good to Xinxin!"

"Xinxin, come and sit here with Grandpa Tan!"

After Tan Honghou sat down, he pointed to the roast duck leg in front of him.

In order to accept this apprentice, he didn't want his old face at this time.

The roast duck legs on the table were all concentrated in front of him.

"Dad, Xinxin has passed!"

She said that she was reluctant, and her eyes glanced at the plate of roast duck legs from time to time.

"Go, hurry over!"

Qin Mo quickly agreed.

"Dad, Shin Shin has really passed."

At this time, Qin Xinxin turned back three times in one step, and his reluctant appearance made everyone laugh.

"Hurry over, or the roasted duck legs will be eaten."

At this moment, Qin Xinxin heard that someone wanted to say.

Quickly ran up and climbed into the children's chair, without the need for help.

Quickly pick up a roast duck leg and eat it.

"Woo hoo, it's still roast duck legs delicious!"

"Xinxin, if you want to eat, you can't just eat this!"

"Got it, Dad, it's verbose!"

Although she was reluctant, she still took it, and Yao Xiaoxia gave her a bowl of white porridge.

"Thank you, Sister Xiao Xia!"

"Mr. Qin, I already told an old fellow about last night!"

Chen Wenshi pulled away the chair and sat next to Qin Mo.

"Thank you Elder Chen, you can't drink today, you can only replace wine with tea!"

Qin Mo raised the teacup and drank it.

"Haha, don't worry about getting drunk this time!"

When everyone saw the teacup in Qin Mo's hand, they laughed heartily.

"Congratulations to Principal Qi, I just received the news.

Qin Xinxin's examination paper was the first to be corrected, and it was a full score.

If nothing else, it should be the first place in this round.

This time, your Shenzhen City No. 3 Primary School is famous in China.

Maybe this time when I go back, Principal Qi will move the position!

As soon as everyone sat down, Tan Honghou announced the good news.

"These are all the hard work of Shin Shin students, and we are just staining a little light."

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