"These are all trifles, are there anything else?"

Ji Menglan was busy finishing what Qin Mo ordered.

Only then did he squat down and watch Qin Mo begin to take the herbs out of his backpack.

These herbs had already been divided, and Qin Mo threw these herbs into the medicine jar in batches.

Ji Menglan didn't notice that she was squatting like this.

The body was exposed in front of Qin Mo, fortunately, Qin Mo did not notice at this time.

"Big handsome man, what are you doing here?"

Ji Menglan looked at it for a while, Qin Mo didn't seem to be cooking medicine at all.

I am very familiar with boiling medicine.

I don't know how many times I cooked it since I was a child, and every time I came back from school, I was used as a child laborer.


Qin Mo continued to increase his firepower, and the herbs in the medicine jar were steamed for half an hour.

The water inside continues to evaporate and slowly turns into a vinyl shape.

"Forget it, you can only use it first!"

Looking at the contents of the medicine jar, Qin Mo shook his head in dissatisfaction.

However, now the conditions do not allow, and they cannot meet their own requirements.

Although the things that are brewed only have a few medicinal effects.

Being able to do it under such circumstances, Qin Mo knew that he couldn't ask too much.

"Ointment, this is the first time I've seen someone boil it like this, but no matter how you look at it, it's like in TV, using sugar cane to boil white sugar."

"The principle is the same, but this one is a little more demanding."

While brewing these herbal ointments, Qin Mo patiently explained to Ji Menglan.

"What are these herbs used to make plasters for?"

Ji Menglan was still very curious about this.

"Used to recover from trauma!"

Qin Mo pointed to his right arm and said.

"If you say so, handsome man, you understand Chinese medicine!"

Half an hour later.

Ji Xiangmingdu pushed the old guest and returned to the back.

Just saw Qin Mo and poured out the contents of the medicine jar.

"Young man, what are you doing?"

Ji Xiangming walked over curiously, smelling a faint fragrance in the air.

If you smell it carefully, a black ointment emanates from your eyes.

"What is this?"

Ji Xiangming is not as ignorant as his daughter, if he is not mistaken.

The black ointment in front of you is not available on the market.

The most important thing is that from the fragrance emitted, this medicinal effect will not be too bad, I just don't know what to use it for?

"Dad, don't ask, these black ointments are used to treat trauma, and I heard that they also have an effect on scars."

Watching Qin Mo little by little, he made these ointments into thumb-sized pills.

Ji Xiangming dipped his finger a little, put it next to his nose, and sniffed it seriously.

"Young man, you are familiar with the medicinal properties of these medicinal herbs!"

"I understand a little bit or two!"

Qin Mo said modestly, and began to untie the straps on his arms.

"I'm going to help you!"

Seeing Qin Mo, it was difficult to untie himself, but the nurse helped tie it up.

I was afraid that it would fall halfway, so I tied it a little tightly.

"This girl, she is not so enthusiastic about her own father!"

Seeing this, Ji Xiangming felt a little sour on his lips.

"It's hurting so badly!"

When the two saw the ten-centimeter wound, they couldn't help but gasp for air.

At first, I thought it was a normal scratch, but I didn't think that it was not only long but also deep, and I suspected that I was boneless.

"You don't hurt?"

Ji Menglan herself just glanced at it, and she felt a numb scalp.

"It doesn't hurt!"

After Ji Menglan's reminder, it seemed that in addition to the time, he felt severe pain when he was injured, and

after treating the wound,

the pain was much reduced.

Only when swinging the arm, there is a stinging sensation, and it doesn't look like a knife wound at all.

"Is it because of the lottery physique?"

This was the reason Qin Mo gave to convince himself.

"What a weird thing!"

"Young man, this is the silver needle you want, why do you want this?"

Through the herbs that had just been brewed, Ji Xiangming knew that Qin Mo knew a little bit of Chinese medicine.

I just don't know, what does he need this silver needle for?

Is it used to unblock the meridians, this is not to aggravate the degree of wound deterioration.

What is most needed now is to prevent secondary bleeding from the wound, and if silver needles are used, wouldn't it speed up blood flow.

In this way, the degree of wound recovery will be slower.

"Speed up the recovery of wounds!"

For Ji Xiangming's question, Qin Mo did not choose to hide it.

"Silver needles still have this effect?"

This is the first time I have heard it in my decades of practicing TCM.

Don't be Qin Mo himself, come up with it.

"If it's really just a silver needle, it can't be done, if you add these herbal ointments."

Qin Mo pointed to the herbal paste that had all been poured out.

And spread the silver needles on the table.

"I'll do it anyway!"

Seeing Qin Mo working with one hand, he always felt strange, and Ji Menglan took it.

Spread out a set of silver needles in front of Qin Mo.

"Do you still need alcohol lamps!"

Ji Xiangming knew what Qin Mo was looking for, and it seemed that he was really going to do it.

"Young man, wait for me!"

I also want to see what Qin Mo wants to do.

"Help me apply all these herbal ointments to the wound."

There is someone next to him who can instruct, why do it yourself.

"I'll do this myself!"

Seeing that Ji Xiangming wanted to help him disinfect the silver needle, Qin Mo refused to help.

After the hands of others, does this disinfection still work?

"Still have some skills!"

Just a glance, Qin Mo's gesture of holding a silver needle.

Ji Xiangming knew that he might have to look away.

Holding a silver needle on an alcohol lamp to disinfect, his hand was too steady.

Nine silver needles were sterilized in a row, and Qin Mo was neatly placed on top of the gauze.

"Need nine?"

Ji Xiangming seriously recalled, in the allusions he had seen.

There are no treatments, there are nine in total, but after thinking about everything I can, I still have no clue.

At this time, Qin Mo had already picked up the first thinnest silver needle.

Before the two of them could react, the silver needle in his hand disappeared.

"What a speed!"

Ji Xiangming was shocked, and his eyes couldn't keep up with the speed of others' hands.

And that's not all, after the second silver needle is picked up.

Disappearing into Qin Mo's hands again, this was a ray of sunlight shining down.

Just shining on the two silver needles that had disappeared before, Ji Xiangming finally found its location.

It turned out that Qin Mo had been inserted near the wound on his arm.

"This can't be!"

After taking a serious look, he found that the position of Qin Mo's needle was not bad at all.

It is a hidden point in the human body, and ordinary people really don't know.

There is also this acupuncture point, which changes depending on each person's body.

But the speed at which Qin Mo dropped the needle just now, so fast, he didn't even have a chance to find confirmation.

That is to say, the moment he puts the needle down, he knows the specific location of the acupuncture point in his heart.

"Wait, this is..."

As Qin Mo dropped the needle, Ji Xiangming saw a little difference.

At the sixth stitch, the problem is seen, and it seems that the needle was dropped according to something.

"Nine stars..."

Ji Xiangming finally remembered, which he saw in an ancient book.

"This is the Nine Pearls and Stars!"

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