"Young man, are you a nine-pearl star?"

Ji Xiangming couldn't believe it, he saw it with his own eyes.

This has not been lost for thousands of years, when it is still passed down in the world.

Is it just similar, or is Qin Mo playing a trick!

"Yes, uncle, you know too?"

Just from the outside, you can recognize it, it seems that I guessed correctly before.

Ji Xiangming really has some skills, unlike what his daughter said.

"Is that the Nine Pearl Lianxing who is interested in speeding up the absorption of drugs and improving the recovery speed of trauma?"

He was still a little unconvinced, and confirmed it again.

If true, then this is a gem in the field of Chinese medicine.

"I can't think of my uncle, I don't even know this, it's not simple!"

According to the information in his mind, Qin Mo also knew that these nine pearls and stars had been lost for thousands of years.

Only in some of the more precious and unique books are there records.

"The original legend is true!"

Hearing Qin Mo personally confirm it, and he saw it with his own eyes.

Ji Xiangming felt his heart jumping out.

Nine silver needles all fell on the designated acupuncture points, and Ji Xiangming kept staring at the herbal paste on the wound.

Visible to his naked eye, the herbal ointment applied to the wound is gradually changing color.

"It's true, it can really speed up the absorption of medicinal effects."

I used to think that what was recorded in ancient books.

Some are unbelievable and have been seen with their own eyes until now.

Only to find out that my vision is really not broad enough.

"How's it going?"

It was not his own experience, and Ji Xiangming did not know the effect, so he quickly asked Qin Mo.

"There is a cool feeling in the wound, and there is an itching sensation that accompanies it."

"That's right!"

Finding that what Qin Mo described was exactly the same as in the ancient book, Ji Xiangming became excited.

He couldn't imagine that the young man in front of him had such a skill.

"Give me the stool, you will carry one yourself!"

Seeing her daughter move a stool, just wanted to sit down, but was snatched away by Ji Xiangming.

"Dad, you won't move it yourself!"

He was unwilling, but Ji Menglan returned to the house and moved out again.

Seeing her father like this, she was even more curious.

"What are you doing!"

The silver needle inserted in Qin Mo's right arm, even if he was used to it, Ji Menglan felt that his scalp was a little numb.

That's why she didn't want to practice medicine, otherwise her father would have passed on his skills to her.

"Guy... Ahem, why don't you introduce your friends! Ji

Xiangming also wanted to call Qin Mo the same as before.

I immediately found that it seemed a little disrespectful, so it was up to the hands of others.

It's not too much to shout a master!

"His name is Qin Mo!"

Unconsciously, he respected Qin Mo in his attitude.

"Mr. Qin, I don't know how you feel now!"

He wanted to know the effect too much, and if he could, he wanted to learn from Qin Mo.

As for whether people are willing to teach, in his opinion, if your skin is thick enough, the iron rod will be sharpened into needles!

"Ok, although it was a bit far from my expectations.

However, in this way, it can be shortened at least and the recovery time from the injury can be halved.

"Mr. Qin, are you sure?"

"In the early stages of the injury, that's the current situation.

The combination of the two, maybe the wound can be scarred in one day!

Qin Mo's words shocked Ji Xiangming again.

Recovering from injuries and speeding up by half is outrageous enough.

As a result, people still feel a little busy, which is the reason for brewing herbal ointment in the first place.

"It starts to scar in a day, what kind of immortal recovery speed is this."

"It turns out that Chinese medicine is so powerful!"

Ji Menglan, who was sitting next to her, heard her father's communication with Qin Mo.

Before I thought that my father was bragging, but I just wanted to fool myself into learning from him.

It turns out that these are true, and what I have seen with my own eyes can still be fake.

Black herbal ointment, under their own naked eyes.

After a while, the color has become half lighter.

"I regret it now, but it's still time to learn now!"

"Don't persuade me, no matter how good I am, I can't learn, I'm doing a good job now!"

He was so easily fooled by his father, and he had already resigned and returned home.

"It's a pity, if you have a brother or sister, I won't be so distressed!"

"It's no wonder I'm not going to blame for this, it's that you don't work hard enough, just my daughter!"

I'm still wondering, among my peers, I am an only child, what did you think at that time, dad.

"Just one of you is enough for us to have a headache, and if you have one more, you still want to live a few more years?"

"Don't mess around, I'll study these herbs first!"

Now if you want to study this aspect of acupuncture, there is no detailed explanation from Qin Mo.

It can't be seen, so it's better to look at the herbal ointment, what herbs are used.

The package that fell on the ground was still a little bit stained.

The combination of these herbs, I have never seen it myself, should also belong to ancient formulas and the like.

Now Ji Xiangming just wanted to see if he could learn a little from Qin Mo.

"Well, it's almost the same today, and I'll do it again tomorrow, and this strap hasn't been untied."

Qin Mo did not immediately pull out the silver needle, but continued to apply a little herbal ointment.

He didn't expect the effect to be so good, and originally thought that it would be enough to wipe it once.

"It seems that this herb needs to be bought a little more!"

The amount prepared by Qin Mo was twice, and now he will use it all at once.

The thought of running so many places furrowed his brows.

"Mr. Qin, what are you worried about?"

At this time, the expression on Qin Mo's face clearly told Ji Xiangming that he had something.

"It's nothing, it's just that these herbs are a bit troublesome, and it will take time to put them together!"

Still thinking of some excuse, follow the formula from Qin Mo.

Now as soon as he heard him say this, Ji Xiangming's eyes lit up, this is not an opportunity.

"Mr. Qin, I can do these for you.

You also know my line of work, and I know a lot of people.

All it takes is a phone call to get all the herbs you need.

"How embarrassing this is, I borrow your place and trouble you to help."

Even Qin Mo himself felt embarrassed, he had only known his daughter for a long time.

He thought about it for a moment and made a decision.

"I can't let uncle keep you busy, this prescription will be given to you as compensation!"

"Give it to me?"

Ji Xiangming didn't expect that he would get it so smoothly.

"Take out this prescription and sell it, maybe it can be sold for a lot of money, Mr. Qin, are you really willing to do it?"

"What is reluctant, this is all the property left by the ancestors, I feel that in the hands of my uncle, it can play its role more."

Qin Mo looked at the time and felt that it was almost the same, before removing the silver needle.

However, the nine silver needles just used were disinfected on the alcohol lamp before they were put away.

"Mr. Qin, where did you learn this nine-star Lianzhu?"

Ji Xiangming was really curious about this, but he was also a little cautious.

Able to master the lost thousand-year-old, traditional Chinese medicine treatment acupuncture.

It can't be an ordinary person!

It is very likely that he is a hidden master of Chinese medicine.

"As long as you get a little skill from the hands of a master, you can expand your business."

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