With a strong fist, this person received Qin Mo's blow head-on.

Although Qin Mo retracted some strength later, it was the moment when the fist hit his chest.

There was a shrill sound of bones shattering in everyone's ears.

"Wow!" plus

saw his companion with his own eyes, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

At this moment, everyone hurriedly stopped their steps.

Some of the quick ones were so frightened that they hurriedly took a few steps back.

"Don't even think about running!" This

time Qin Mo planned to stop forbearing, and came to kill the monkey.

Only by knocking on the mountain can the tiger be shaken, so that the opponent does not dare to strike as frequently as now.

"Bang!" Another

man was kicked out by Qin Mo and landed heavily on the ground.

I wanted to get up, but soon blood spilled from the corner of my mouth, and after letting out a wail, I fainted directly.

"Really I'm so annoyed, today I want you to walk in and lie out

!" "Bang!"

Qin Mo finished this sentence, under the surprised eyes of everyone.

An adult man was actually punched by him and flew several meters away.

At this moment, there were still hesitant gangsters, looking at Qin Mo's eyes, which were full of fear.

A man who flies more than 140 pounds with one punch, isn't this making a movie?

At this time, everyone hates that when their parents give birth to themselves, they don't give birth to a few more legs.

"Don't hit me, these are what Brother Yong ordered!" Almost

all of the people who were caught up knelt down and begged for mercy at the first time.

But they were faced with either a heavy punch or a whip!


"My leg is broken, hurry up and save me!" "

I vomited blood, please call an ambulance quickly!" After

putting down all the enemies, Qin Mo glanced around.

Every time his gaze swept over, he quickly lowered his head, afraid to come and punch him again.

"Give you five minutes, I don't want to see you alone!" Qin

Mo left a sentence and walked into the courtyard.

"Let's go, don't do it!" some

people who could move quickly picked up their companions and got into the car.

The last five cars, really drove away in five minutes.

"Son, will there be trouble?" "

Mom, don't worry, I'll take care of these!"

Qin Mo comforted everyone and let everyone rest a little.

"Okay, be careful yourself. "

I hope that after this time, the other party can converge a little!" Qin

Mo heard the sound of the vehicle starting outside, and he knew that these people were scared.

The next time they give money, they may not dare to come over again and find trouble with Qin Mo.


Shen City Qin's Restaurant, the imagination of the long queue in the past.

Now there are only a few dozen people lining up outside.

Compared with before, the number of people is at least more than 200.

In the past, in the morning, the long line outside was about 300 people.

"Finally it's up to me!"

a man in a suit got up from his stool excitedly.

Because the next place to eat will be your turn.

The first few times I came to line up, I don't know what the reason was, and I couldn't get my turn every time.

He just wants an ordinary white-collar worker with an income of about 20,000 a month.

In order to be able to take his girlfriend to a meal, he had to find a few friends to borrow a membership card.

"Roman, this time it will definitely be done, go, let's pass." "

Seeing a guest come out, the man walked over with his girlfriend.

"Hello, is it my turn.

"Show me your number, 058, it's indeed you." "

The receptionist spoke with no respect at all.

Every time she received a guest, her face showed a dissatisfied expression, as if everyone owed her millions.


, there are guests here!" Just

as the front desk let the two of them in, suddenly a middle-aged man hurriedly walked over.

He was followed by several people, walking directly to the front desk quickly, interrupting the conversation between the two sides.

"I'm sorry, your number is invalid!"

the front desk looked at the

two, his eyes radiating disdain.

"Why, it's obviously our turn, why should they cut the queue!" "

Why, just rely on our manager's words, what kind of stuff, you guys hurry up and fuck me out." "

The front desk was like a fly, pushing the two of them away.

"This is the service attitude of your Qin Family Restaurant?"

"You are absolutely right, it will be this attitude in the future."

And your membership card is confiscated, as long as it is received by me in the future, you don't want to come in to eat. "

No, you can't confiscate the membership card!" "

The membership card is borrowed by others, if it is confiscated, what will you take back to explain?

It's a pity that the other party doesn't want to give you a chance at all.

"Security, there are people making trouble here, hurry up and get me

out!" "

You guys, too domineering, I'm going to post these online!"

Roman had taken out his mobile phone when his boyfriend was arguing with the front desk and had been recording.

I followed my boyfriend to line up several times in a row, but I didn't get in line.

I didn't know what the reason was before, but today I finally know.

Once someone jumps in line, your number is voided.

The previous few times, she suspected that the front desk was the ghost, only this time it was their manager.

"Whatever, love to eat or not!

Our restaurant is still worried, and no one will eat."

Look at so many people lining up every day, and it's not bad for the two of you. "

The arrogant attitude of the front desk was all recorded by the mobile phone.

"Let's go, this kind of place, everything is delicious!"

Roman pulled his boyfriend away, not wanting to entangle with the other party.

And she wants to quickly publish this video on the Internet.

Let more people know what the current Qin Restaurant is.

After the two left, it was less than ten minutes.

A video that is constantly being pushed by everyone.

An hour to push directly into the trend.

This is half a month, and the topic of Qin's restaurant has once again attracted everyone's attention.

[Qin's Restaurant, worthy of its name, press the guests to the ground and rub it!]

This is the topic that is constantly pushed by everyone, and a video is attached below.

[Actually, I have already discovered this problem, but I can't believe it, because I am the only one who encountered it!]

[Similarly, yesterday I counted the time, and it was clear that it was my turn.

But in the end, he was told to come early tomorrow.

What's even more infuriating is that the guests behind me can still get their turns. [

It turns out that more than one person, encountering this problem

, it seems that the Qin Restaurant has cheated customers!]

[You are all wrong, I received a news from my side, that is, the Qin Family Restaurant has changed owners!]

As soon as this message was sent, it instantly detonated the netizens behind.

[No, why haven't I received any news, is it a rumor?

] [Listening to the upstairs, I finally found the reason.]

I've been to Qin's Restaurant a few times before, but these two last two.

I found that the taste was really not even half as good as before.

Another is that the price of their meals has risen by half. [

Lying groove, then this is big news, the Qin family restaurant has changed owners, this can shock how many people's eyes!]

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