[No wonder my son refused to eat the last few times, it turns out that the chef has changed.]

In this case, I will go to eat a fart in the future, MMD's, things are still expensive

!][Brother upstairs, if my brother has more money to invite us to the food stall to drink!]

[Not to mention cooking, based on this service attitude alone, I will go again in the future. [

A front desk is so arrogant, but think what will happen to their other managers!] This

matter broke out on the Internet, and the new manager of Qin's restaurant, Zheng Kaicheng, did not know.

He was still holding a meeting for the management, because Zheng Shao would come to inspect later.

The restaurant has been handed over to him for more than half a month, and Zheng Hexu also wants to see, after the Zheng family takes over, how is the business?

"Do you managers eat?" As

soon as he heard that Zheng Hexu was coming over, Zheng Kaicheng began to panic.

It is not that he is afraid of Zheng Hexu, but he found that the business and sales have been declining in the past few days.

Except for the first few days, sales have been rising.

That's because they changed the price of the meal and added half to the original.

After seeing that the price change did not affect the overall sales, Zheng Kaicheng felt that the reform was successful.

Next, some diners who were too lazy to line up approached him, looking for the back door.

In his opinion, just some people cut in line, which will not affect the restaurant, so he agreed.

Zheng Kaicheng did not know that his practice was seen by the people below.

Even if your manager does this often, it is to default to this rule.

Besides, the high wages of the restaurant, some of the employees in it have been replaced.

The front desk is one of them, a young woman with a very bad attitude and insatiable greed.

The first guest gave her two hundred yuan just to cut in line.

She just shook her head, and the other party immediately gave five Red Bulls.

At this time, she found that she only needed to replace the number of some guests, and the people on it would not find out.

There is also the prestige of the restaurant, who wants to come in and eat, and no one dares to offend.

With the first time, there is a second, a third.

For a week, her income turned out to be much higher than her income.

Now she couldn't hold back anymore, originally she only wanted to have a few a day.

So far, at least ten guests have been replaced by her.

As for Zheng Kaicheng, he did not know, he set a precedent.

He looked at yesterday's statistics in his hand, and his face instantly darkened.

"What do you say you do, a full thirty percent less sales!


After Fang Mixue changed bosses in the restaurant, she was lucky not to be demoted.

This is Zheng Kaicheng saw that she looked young and beautiful, and he moved a little crooked thoughts.

But after a month and a half, he couldn't get cheap at all.

No, take Fang Mixue at the beginning of today.

"Hehe, Manager Zheng, what is the reason, you don't know in your heart?"

"Now I ask you, you are a subordinate, you must give me an answer." "

Zheng Kaicheng didn't leave her face at all in front of everyone.

If you disobey me, I'll take you down later.

In the past half month, Fang Mixue found that she was very unhappy.

Every day in the restaurant, you have to worry about it.

Not only should you guard against your colleagues, but also pay attention to Zheng Kaicheng.

From the beginning of seeing her, he continued to harass.

"Yes, I refuse to answer!" "

Fine, I'll make you regret it." "

To fire a manager, he also has to obtain Zheng Hexu's consent, or let Fang Mixue get out of the way.

"I don't need you to make me regret, I will resign now."

Work under your old man, and worry every day.

When people are old, they should be safe and guarded, I can't afford to see things.

People's color centers are not decreasing, but getting bigger and bigger. Fang

Mixue seriously considered it last night, hesitating whether to continue working.

At this time, a former colleague, Zhang Ziming, gave her a message.

said that the boss was ready to return to his old business in his hometown, but it was a pity that she Fang Mixue did not follow.

She wanted to ask if the boss was still short of people.

But she couldn't open her mouth, and at that time, when the boss was in the most difficult time, she just thought about herself.

There was no option to find out to support the boss.

This morning there was such a troublesome thing, she finally made up her mind, resigned and did not work, and went to the boss's hometown.

As for whether the boss is willing to accept her, if she is willing, it is her luck.

If she does not agree, then she will go back to her hometown to open a breakfast restaurant and live a light life.

"Okay, you can leave, don't want this month's salary."

"Don't don't, don't, anyway, looking at your disgusting feelings, this money is not enough for me to take to treat psychology."

"Okay, don't regret it when you leave, then you will just kneel on the ground, don't even think about coming back!" In

Zheng Kaicheng's view, a Fang Mixue who only had a high Chinese.

After going out, it is more difficult to find a job with this treatment than to climb to the sky.

The monthly salary of 50,000, even outside, those white-collar workers in large companies do not have.

All of them are graduates of prestigious universities, master's students, doctoral students and so on.

"Don't worry, I won't be coming back. Fang

Mixue threw the work card she was carrying directly on the table, and she was about to turn around and leave.

"You go over, pay attention to her packing things, the company's things can't be taken away by her." "

Zheng Kaicheng is directly going to drive Fang Mixue out of the canteen dormitory.

"Manager Fang waits for me, I don't want to work under this old man, he harasses me all day long. Fang

Mixue had just taken a few steps when a young woman walked out.

"Ou Xiaofan, haven't you always envied this job, why don't you do it?"

Working under this old man, sooner or later he will be discredited.

After thinking about it for a while, between money and fame, I chose the latter!" Ou

Xiaofan's personality was grinning, and when he said these words, he pointed to Zheng Kaicheng's nose.

I have been putting up with it for this high-paying job before, but today I finally don't have to endure it.

"It's so cool!" Once

the depression in his heart was released, Ou Xiaofan felt that his whole body was like opening the meridians of his whole body.

"Hello, get out of here for me. "

The two most beautiful employees in the restaurant left two at once.

Zheng Kaicheng, who was angry, jumped on the spot.

When Fang Mixue and the two went out, they met a group at the door.

She just glanced at the other party and walked directly to the front.

"Fang Mixue, it's work time, where are you going

, and when I saw Zheng Shao, I didn't even say hello,

are you ready to do it?" It

turned out that this group was Zheng Hexu and others.

The one who spoke was a woman who followed him, and even Zheng Hexu knew about the middle level of the restaurant and above, not to mention the people around him.

"What's going on?" before

, when they traveled, these employees saw themselves, but they all slapped themselves on the.

"I'm sorry, three minutes ago, I was no longer your employee, who do you like to find, my aunt doesn't serve anymore!" Ou

Xiaofan didn't care who you were, she scolded unpleasantly.

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