"There are a lot of mixer trucks!" A

large number of construction site vehicles appeared on the county seat and provincial road.

"What's going on this year, why are so many engineering teams coming.

It's not the end of the year, I remember in the county, there should be no

engineering!" "

Have you counted, how many engineering teams are there?"

"Exactly five!"

"I don't know, my son doesn't even know in the department, let alone me." The

middle-aged man pointed to a young man next to him, Tan Zhengqing.

At this time, he looked at these passing vehicles and opened his mouth in shock.

"There are hundreds of workers, this is to build a large shopping mall?"


Some people who wanted to know the situation, followed the convoy.

"This is driving to the north of the county?" Tan

Zhengqing looked at the direction of the vehicle, even more puzzled.

In the north, there really is no project in the county, but why are these vehicles going there?

"Could it be that the project was recently established, and he doesn't know it?" This

is Tan Zhengqing's current thoughts, he will not think that these are private.

"What's going on?"

after stopping the car, he looked at the scene in front of him, he didn't dare to imagine.

There are two vacant plots here, one of which is 25 acres.

This land is known even to ordinary citizens, let alone their staff.

Unexpectedly, this land has been disputed for several years, and finally it was taken down.

"Won't it be the Li family?" The

first thought he had to see when he saw the start of construction thought of the Li family.

But soon Tan Zhengqing pushed down this idea, if it was really the Li family.

They will definitely not start construction first, but ask the county for a little benefit before starting construction.

As for the second plot, it is about ten acres of land.

It is only more than a hundred meters away from the first plot, separated by dozens of families.

However, most of them are vacant land, after all, the county seat here has not yet been developed.

Most of these households are mainly iron sheds, but these iron sheds are not available now.

Now all of this is simply fenced off, adding up to more than fifty acres of land.

"What's going on, taking more than fifty acres of land, such a big movement, I don't even know, and they don't need to apply for construction and so on?"

Although Tan Zhengqing is only the secretary of the leader, he still knows some things.

"No, I have to go back and ask the leader quickly. Thinking

of this, Tan Zhengqing quickly got into the car and drove away.

"What do you say is going on?"

asked the onlookers, standing in the distance and seeing the construction site cars constantly driving in.


it's true, now the county has three directions, but not in the north."

"I think not?"

someone questioned.

"Why not, such a large piece of land, not real estate, is it impossible to set up a factory and a company?" "

You say so, it is really possible, everyone in real estate knows, they will use large machinery, is there here now?"

After this person reminded, the surroundings carefully observed.

"It's true, it won't be guessed by you, if so, then our county is finally waiting for the development opportunity." "

In a poor and backward place, if someone comes down to invest one day, the citizens will definitely be happy.

Of course, there is also a premise, not at the expense of the environment, in exchange for local development.

"I hope it's a big city kind of factory, which needs to use a lot of labor, don't come to take up a place, just run away."

"Let's go, it's not our turn to worry, maybe it's already planned above."

"We still go to play poker, we are all retired, and we still care so much about why we

are young!"

the onlookers slowly began to disperse.

However, several of these people did not leave.

They took out their cell phones to make a call, not knowing who they were talking to, and kept nodding.

After the phone call, one of these people remained and the others left.

"Zhengqing, instead of letting you go home and rest for a day, today I won't go anywhere, just stay in the office, I don't need you to follow!" Lin

Tongfu, as a local leader, rarely has time to sit in the office.

Today was this exceptional day, and when he saw this, he asked his secretary to go back and rest for the day.

As the leader's secretary, he has no time to rest.

In this month, Tan Zhengqing did not have Saturdays and Sundays.

Seeing that his subordinates are working so hard, plus he doesn't have to go out today.

Lin Tongfu asked everyone to arrange a rest today, leaving a few people to follow him.

"Leader, I have something to report.

Tan Zhengqing said solemnly, usually reporting work must have a correct attitude, no child's play.

"Say, what can make you give up rest and run back."

Lin Tongfu put down the pen in his hand, crossed his hands, looked at him with a smile and said.

"Leader, do you know how many vacant lots there are in the north of the city?" "

Zhengqing, I know all what you said, and I signed my name, is there any problem here?"

"Leader, it's nothing, I just met a couple of engineering teams and drove there.

Construction has started, so I just came back and asked. Hearing

his secretary say this, Lin Tongfu's eyes lit up.


only been a few days since construction started, and I thought it would be a few months at the earliest.

Zhengqing, prepare cars, let's go out, this kind of enterprise is exactly what our county needs.

Lin Tongfu got up and picked up the coat behind the chair.

"You don't need to take these, just help me get a thermos cup!" Seeing

that Tan Zhengqing was going to pack up documents and the like, Lin Tongfu hurriedly stopped it, and this time he just went out to see and came back.

He picked up the thermos cup and went out, without saying anything extraneous.

These works have been deeply imprinted in the bones.

The time of the leader is very tight, and every minute must be considered.

No, he just drove the car downstairs when he went out, and Lin Tongfu just walked down.

Tan Zhengqing quickly got out of the car, opened the rear door, and waited for the leader to get into the car.

"Okay, let's go, I'll see if I really start construction!" These

businessmen who came to invest, their routines are all too familiar.

After all, he has been in this position for five years.

"Leader, are you worried..."

"Yes, I have been in this county for five years, and I have no achievements, and I can't get by in my heart!"

"Maybe, this time, it really can, I see hundreds of workers."

If it's just a show, there's no need to waste so much money at all. Indeed

, as Tan Zhengqing said, labor costs are sky-high now.

If you have a few hundred people, you have to spend 60,000 or 70,000 a day.

This is not counting other expenses, if you count it, it will cost hundreds of thousands.

"And a few hundred workers coming with me?"

"Yes, I saw this with my own eyes, not a local."

"That's really possible.

There are also preparations from the other party to start work during the Spring Festival.

What kind of project is this, it is so hurried, and it is necessary to go back to a meeting to discuss it properly. "

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