"Leader, look!" their

vehicles were more conspicuous, all sprayed with logos.

Tan Zhengqing could only drive the car to the side, roll down the window, and let Lin Tongfu observe.

"Hey, these engineering teams are relatively famous, it seems that this thing is true!" Lin

Tongfu just glanced at it, and from the sign on the construction site car, he could know the company to which the project belonged.

"Go back, Zhengqing seems that next, you can't rest again!"

he sighed, not knowing whether to say himself or his secretary.

"It's okay, I can't be idle anyway.

"The young man is indeed in good health, but he can't stay up too much, and after this incident, I will give you a few days off to rest well."

Then the car became quiet again, and Lin Tongfu closed his eyes to rest.

"Mr. Qin, it seems that a big leader has come over!"

As soon as Lin Tongfu left, a middle-aged man walked out in the clearing.

He was Sun Wenrui, after selling the land to Qin Mo.

After learning that he still wanted to buy a few more, he came forward.

This purchase does not matter, it scares him as soon as it buys.

Where he fancy, he must buy it.

Some residents took this opportunity to raise the price, and Qin Mo also wanted to buy it.

Sun Wenrui didn't know what he was buying this land for, and it was all connected.

Even the construction procedures were also handled by him with his help in finding acquaintances.

During this time, there was nothing to do, so he often ran this way.

Just now, he followed Qin Mo to check the open space here.

Followed by a well-known designer, Qin Mo's orders were quickly recorded.

When he just walked to the side, Sun Wenrui's eyes were sharp, and he recognized the car.

"Yes, Brother Sun, do you say this is a good thing?" Qin

Mo stopped, just in time to see the vehicle far away.


Tongfu has been here for so long, and he wants to do a big thing.

It is best to be a people's heart project and the like, but unfortunately it has never been possible, and I don't know what the reason is.

"It's a good thing, I don't care about anything else, I just want to build this area as quickly as possible." Qin

Mo swiped his finger and circled the area.

"That's why Mr. Qin invited so many engineering teams to come over, in this way, it can cost twice as much as usual.

Sun Wenrui couldn't figure it out, what exactly was Qin Mo going to do

, as for being in such a hurry?

Wouldn't it be better to be later,

and it could save a lot of money.

"Brother Sun, don't worry about this, if you really want to help me.

When the time comes, I'll borrow your local connections.

I hope you don't have to ignore me when the time comes!"

As long as Mr. Qin speaks, I can help, and I will definitely not say a second sentence. "

Ning Feiyu, this area, I want to turn it into a staff dormitory, there is no problem handing it over to you here, right?"

said Qin Mo,

pointing to about ten acres of land in front of him.

"Just building buildings?"

asked Ning Feiyu suspiciously.

According to the signs of the community, there is greenery, and there is an activity venue.

There is only one requirement, that is, to make full use, the place is too small to waste!" Hearing

Ning Feiyu say this, Qin Mo quickly shook his head.

"So how many employees do you want to accommodate?"

is the heart of the conversation, and only then will you know how many buildings you need to build.

"One thousand employees, including two hundred single rooms, two hundred rooms for two people, and one hundred rooms for four people.

Qin Mo said what he had thought about before.

"Mr. Qin, according to the area you said, it is enough. "

These staff dormitories, unlike those real estate, have dozens of floors.

A few days ago, the construction was approved, and the maximum can only go to ten floors, and it must be equipped with elevators.

"More than a thousand employees, Mr. Qin, what are you doing?" This

number startled Sun Wenrui, according to this calculation, it is a big factory, or a large company.

But before I thought of people, there were more than 200 shops in big cities.

He was not surprised, no matter how he said that there were more than a thousand employees before people.

During this time together, Sun Wenrui finally understood the former glory of Qin Mo in front of him.

"These are all secrets, I will know in the future, I will keep a little mystery first

!" "Okay, I'll wait and see!" "

Ning Feiyu, these will trouble you!"

Qin Mo said cautiously as he looked at the young man in front of him, he was only a few years younger than himself.

You can make a name for yourself in the design industry, which is much more powerful than yourself.

"Mr. Qin, please rest assured, since you invited me over, it is a trust in me, and I promise to come up with a plan that will satisfy you."

"Okay, then you get busy first, we still have a little business to deal with."

After saying goodbye to Ning Feiyu, Qin Mo left.

Now he's running at both ends.

Because Ye Yin also got it there, I didn't expect her to take over five shops in such a short time.

"Brother Sun, you don't need to bring your grandson, follow me every day, and when the time comes, everyone in the family will think that I abducted you." Seeing

that Sun Wenrui was still following him, Qin Mo couldn't help but joke.

"I don't have to worry about this, the boss and the nanny can handle it."

And I want to be with you to know what you're doing for the first time.

"It's so reasonable, I think you're thinking about the meal your boss cooks." When

Ding Jianyi saw what he said, his face instantly turned red.

"Ahem, Manager Ding, how can you say that, am I like such a person?"

said Ding Jianyi deliberately looking him up and down.

"Like, very similar!" Since

eating a meal made by Qin Mo, this Sun Wenrui has often, under the banner of coming to help, just to rub and drink.

However, Qin Mo also had no opinion, anyway, one more person, not much more.

Besides, people eat more to be lively.

"Okay, I can't talk about you!" Sun

Wenrui hurriedly caught up with Qin Mo, and opened the back door and sat in.

"Brother Sun, if you don't drive a car yourself, won't you save this little oil money?"

"Now that the oil price is so expensive, if you can save it, it's a big deal that I'll bring the wine tonight." "


Drinking during this time almost broke my fortune.

These people are all specially selected famous wines to drink, and ordinary wine is not eye-catching. "

Famous wine, or I will go down and drive, I suddenly feel that the oil price is not expensive again!" Sun

Wenrui hurriedly made a gesture of getting out of the car, but Qin Mo had already started the vehicle.

"Brother Sun, you want to get out of the car now, it's too late, sit down!" Qin

Mo kicked the accelerator down, and the vehicle left in the dust.

The two were just talking and laughing, and how to account for this amount of wine money.

Besides, Qin Mo's cooking skills are even better than before.

Now it's almost harder to eat a meal he cooks outside than to climb to the sky.

Qin Mo planned that in the future, he would not personally cook in the restaurant.

Since the outbreak of the Qin Family Restaurant incident, the number of people who go to eat every day has plummeted.

Now all the rich people are looking for Qin Mo, and even quoted a high price, just to invite Qin Mo to come over and cook a table of food.

It can be seen from this that the wine provided by his Sun Wenrui is really far from comparable.

"Where are we going next?"

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