"What do you say, you still want to buy land?" "

Yes, bigger is better!" Sun

Wenrui looked at the man in front of him, what was he doing?

Today, on a whim, I told myself that I wanted to buy another piece of land.

What kind of joke, even if the county has land, but to meet his requirements, there are already very few.

"Are there any other requirements?" Seeing

that Qin Mo kept looking at himself, Sun Wenrui had no choice but to ask the requirements first.

"Nothing is required, just be near the county seat.

"Well, I'll help you ask, it seems that it is really difficult to eat your food!"

Sun Wenrui responded with a wry smile as he got cheap and sold well.

"You wait for me, I'll call and ask, if there is no good wine and food tonight, I will be at your house for the rest of the time." After

a few minutes, Sun Wenrui hung up the phone and walked over.

"I found Mr. Qin, your luck is very good, if you really think about anything, you will have something!" After

Sun Wenrui said this, he began to look at Qin Molai.

"This means that there is!" Qin

Mo laughed when he heard this result.

"Nine acres of land, just close to the edge of the county!" "

This area, almost enough!" Hearing

Sun Wenrui's land area, Qin Mo was very satisfied.

Of course, bigger is best, but it's hard to find at the moment.

"Enough, the meaning is not satisfied!" Hearing

Qin Mo's calm tone, Sun Wenrui was helpless.

"Satisfied, how can you not be satisfied, Brother Sun, you do things, I will rest assured!" "

Let's go, look at Mr. Qin, you attach so much importance to this matter, go over and take a look

now!" "Is the other party free now?"

"As long as Mr. Qin has your money in place, you can complete the transaction today!"

So what are you waiting for, hurry up, just before the Spring Festival!" Under

Sun Wenrui's guidance, Qin Mo drove the car out of the county.

This time, the land I used to see was in the east of the city.

"You are Mr

. Qin?" As

soon as Qin Mo and the two got out of the car, they saw a middle-aged man walking over.

"I am Qin Mo, are you the owner of this land!" After

stopping the car, Qin Mo first looked around, this place has a good environment, just in line with the ideal in his heart.

"Mr. Qin, hello, I'll take you to see it!" From

the middle-aged man's performance, he seemed to be in a hurry to sell the land.

"What's going on?"

Qin Mo asked Sun Wenrui next to him in a low voice.

Although this land is far from the county seat, it has a good geographical location and is on the east side of the city.

"Mr. Qin, isn't it strange why am I in such a hurry to deal with this piece of land?" The

middle-aged man walking in front didn't turn his head, and he guessed Qin Mo's thoughts.

"Ahem, what is the reason?"

Discussing behind his back, being said by others, Qin Mo quickly coughed a few times.

"Something happened at home, and the money was urgently used, otherwise it would not have been sold." The

middle-aged man's face showed a regretful expression, and he looked reluctant.

As for why he needed the money, Qin Mo did not continue to ask.

The other party didn't say anything, but he was curious about what needed so much money.

"Mr. Qin, how is it, are you still satisfied?"

the middle-aged man asked worriedly after taking the

two around.

Seeing Qin Mo so young, he was worried about whether he could come up with so much money.

That's not a million-dollar thing.

Based on the age of the young man in front of him, he is worth millions at most.

"Very satisfied!" "

It's good to be satisfied, it's just that I need to pay the full amount of this transaction in one lump sum, I don't know if Mr. Qin can do it!" Finally

, the middle-aged man still voiced the worries in his heart.

"Okay, we'll go through the formalities now!" Seeing

Qin Mo so crisply, there was no ambiguity at all.

The middle-aged man was even more shocked than before, but it was only shock, as long as the other party had money.

Ignore the rest, just get the money in place.

"Mr. Qin, happy cooperation, you will be its owner in the future!"

with Sun Wenrui's help, more than an hour later.

Qin Mo transferred a sum of more than 26 million to the middle-aged man's account.

The deal was officially completed, and both parties got what they needed.

"Now let's say, what do you buy this land for?" "

The playground, I want to play in the future, I don't have to run so far."

"You told me that I bought this piece just to build a playground for your




Yes, why should I buy it?" "

Mr. Qin, do you still lack a daughter?"

Your big brother Sun, when you asked this, you didn't feel humiliated?" "

Ahem, it's not okay to be joking!"


How much

does such a big place cost to build a playground?"

Qin Mo bought this land, and there was a hill next to it, which was the reason why he liked it here.

"Depends on the situation, I don't understand these, wait for the next year, find a professional to come over, I guess it should take hundreds of millions!" Sun

Wenrui, who had just calmed down, was shocked again.

"A toy of more than 100 million, Mr. Qin, you are really willing to give it!"

"If the money is not available, you can continue to earn, besides, it will not be open to the outside at that time, maybe it will not take long to return the book."

"You have money, you are arrogant!"

Sun Wenrui said at this time.

People don't care about money at all, they only care about their daughter, Gao is not happy!"

"Isn't there a playground in the county, as for wasting this money and using it to invest in other unpleasant things?" Sun

Wenrui didn't quite understand, could this be the thinking of rich people, he is also a rich person, why don't he think so?"

It was because I had a playground in the prefecture that I had this idea. "

Thinking of that eighth woman's face, if the other party is not a woman, he will really destroy her on the spot.

But in other ways, it's the same.

If people like this cut off their financial resources, it would be equivalent to killing them.

"Wait a minute, Brother Sun, shouldn't you know what's going on in the county playground?"

seeing the expression on Sun Wenrui's face, Qin Mo asked suspiciously.

She couldn't imagine that a native would not know about this.

There is only one possibility, that is, Sun Wenrui has not touched the playground since then.

"What can be wrong with the playground in the county, there has never been an accident!" It

turned out that he really didn't know, Qin Mo did not continue to discuss this matter with him.

"Even you don't know, how do you know about it, it seems that someone really interfered."

"I'm sorry, Mr

. Qin, what did you just say?"

Sun Wenrui, who was momentarily distracted, did not hear clearly, just now Qin Mo said to himself.

"Nothing, I mean, it's already noon, let's go back to dinner before discussing anything else." "

This kind of thing, he still said a little less, Qin Mo quickly diverted Sun Wenrui's attention.

"Eat, if you don't say, I haven't even realized that I'm hungry, and I've been with you for a long time." "

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