"Manager Ding, what's wrong with the arrangement over there at the construction site?" Today

is already Chinese New Year's Eve afternoon.

For workers who stayed on the construction site and did not go back for the New Year.

Qin Mo asked everyone to start stopping work in the afternoon and arranged a hearty dinner for everyone.

Today many hotels are full, and people who don't want to cook at home are out.

At this time, to make dinner for nearly a thousand people, it is difficult to put together the chefs needed.

However, under Qin Mo's heavy gold, there are still warriors in battle.

"Boss, everything is arranged, don't you worry about me doing things!" Ding

Jianyi patted his chest and spoke.

"Just arrange it, we can't, chill the hearts of these workers."

People can't go home and reunite, we have to send warmth here!" Qin

Mo said with a serious expression, without the previous playfulness.

"It's still good boss, and the subordinates are all intimate!" Ding

Jianyi slapped a horse butt over, making Qin Mo couldn't help but roll his eyes.

"Okay, don't

, I don't have anything for you!" "

Hehe, you don't need anything, just remember to seal a big red envelope when the time comes!"

I almost forgot about this, how do you say it's a leader. "

At this time, Ding Jianyi can't steal the chicken and lose the rice

!" "What, I also want to seal the red envelope?" "

Yes, are you a manager, if not, then you don't have to!"

This is a big loss, how much money can be stuffed with a red envelope.

One in and one out, how much do I want to post backwards, my mouth, let you be greedy and cheap!" Ding

Jianyi gently slapped his own mouth.

"Okay, don't cry with me poor, hurry up and work, otherwise tonight's meal, but you can't rush out!"

This year, the dinner place of Qin Mo's family has changed, and it is in the villa that he arranged for everyone to live in.

There is no problem setting up a dozen tables here, not to mention that there are not many of them.

Even with the fifty security guards, it is not much.

Security personnel can do it with five tables, and four tables on their side.

There were also thirty apprentices, which added up to exactly twelve tables.

As for those security guards, Qin Mo let them go home for a reunion dinner, tonight is a holiday, and no one needs to go to work.

"Come out with me to buy ingredients, or you and Tai won't be busy."

"Wait for me!" As

soon as Qin Mo finished speaking, he walked out, and Ding Jianyi hurriedly followed.

But he didn't forget to call a few more people.

"You guys hurry up and follow!"

Ding Jianyi ordered a few security guards at random.

"Hurry up, if it's late, you won't be able to buy ingredients, and today's shop will definitely be earlier than before!" At

this time, Qin Mo had already started the vehicle, considering that there were many things to buy.

"I'll drive my car out too!" They

drove two cars out, and now Qin Mo's car has always been the nurse's car.

"By the way, I almost forgot!

With so many people today, there is plenty of wine.

You go in and find Wu Yueyi and ask him to go with you to buy wine.

Two hundred cases of beer, buy the most expensive, run a few if one is not enough.

Qin Mo, who was about to drive away from the vehicle, remembered something important.

If you go now, most of the people at today's dinner are the Lord who can drink.

If you don't prepare more wine, you won't know where to buy it at that time.

"Understood, boss, I am. "

When they heard that they were going to buy a hundred cases of beer, this person was shocked, let alone others.

He is a northerner, and when he is fine, he has to drink a few bottles to sleep.

This is about himself, he must be positive, and quickly responded and ran back.

"Boss, you must be crazy, two hundred cases of wine, who can drink it!" Hearing

what Qin Mo said, Ding Jianyi stretched out his head and said.

"I'm afraid it's not enough, just fifty of them, guess how much you can drink?" Ding

Jianyi knew what Qin Mo was talking about, those security personnel.

"I don't know!" No

one can guarantee the amount of alcohol these people have, especially beer.

Some people drink beer like plain water, go to the bathroom, and start over.

"Well, don't say it, it's time for us to act.

Qin Mo started the vehicle and drove in front.

However, while driving, he first contacted Fu and Tai.

See what you need to prepare.

Fortunately, when he asked this, the most important one was gone.

In Shuijiang County, you can't buy fresh seafood, and it's a joke to say it.

But this is the case today, when only a little bit of low-quality seafood remains on the market.

It was far from what Qin Mo had explained, and Fu Hetai was preparing to finish these and tell the master again.

No, as soon as he got busy, he also forgot.

Fortunately, Qin Mo called this time.

More than a hundred people eat, but there is a lot of seafood needed!

"Master, what should I do?" Fu

Hetai couldn't imagine such an important dinner, and he forgot about it.

"I think of a way, you are busy with yours!" Now

if you can't even help yourself, let alone Fu Hetai.

Thinking of this, Qin Mo parked the car on the side of the road.

"Brother Sun, trouble you for one thing!" Qin

Mo took out his mobile phone, and the first one was to call Sun Wenrui.

Tonight was Chinese New Year's Eve, so he didn't come over for dinner, but to spend time with his family.

"Seafood, I smell it, I can't guarantee it!" This

time, Sun Wenrui did not pat his chest to assure.

At this time, it is really difficult to get a lot of good seafood.

If it's frozen, I know some people.

But Qin Mo's first sentence is not to freeze.

"Mr. Qin, I'm sorry, I can't help this time.

Sun Wenrui also knew that this dinner was a big move by Qin Mo to care about the employees.

Unexpectedly, he has always been shrewd, and he also made a mistake one day.

"It's okay, I'll ask someone else!"

Qin Mo said on his lips, but at this time, who else could help.

In his hometown, so far, only Sun Wenrui has known him.

"Unless it's ..." Just

when he couldn't help it, a flash of light flashed in his mind.

"Even if not, just call and ask, maybe it's really possible." Thinking

of this, Qin Mo looked it up on his mobile phone.

Many people on his mobile phone only stored in it, and they have never been contacted.

"Qin Hongyi, are you at home now?" It

turned out that he contacted the eldest brother of the three siblings of the Qin family, Qin Hongyi.

Tonight, Qin Hongyi was worried about his parents and was lonely at home for the holidays.

Seeing that my younger siblings wanted to stay, I went back alone.

"Boss, something, I'm at home now!" At

this time, the boss called himself, there must be something urgent.

"You look at the village now, there is no seafood. "

At this time, the people who went to sea have not yet returned.

Everyone wants to take advantage of the best price and go to sea to earn a little more.

"Boss, I'll wait, I'll go now!" After

hanging up the phone, Qin Hongyi didn't have time to talk to his parents.

Immediately mounted the Wuyang brand motorcycle and rushed towards Houhai.

"Manager Ding, you go and do the rest, and give me your car!"

Qin Mo calculated, it would take two hours to go back and forth.

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