"Qin Hongyi, you didn't lie to us, why hasn't your boss arrived yet?" Almost

half an hour passed.

Several fishermen asked anxiously.

Within half an hour, two more fishermen returned, and neither of them believed Qin Hongyi.

"My boss came from the county seat, wait a little longer and it's almost there, it's been waiting for so long, won't it be a few minutes?" Qin

Hongyi himself also knew that it would take an hour for the county to come over, but he couldn't understand why the boss only said half an hour, at this time, he could only choose to trust the boss.


Just when several fishermen began to hesitate.

The roar of a car engine was heard in the distance, which immediately attracted everyone's attention.

"It should be my boss rushing over!" Qin

Hongyi could only pray that at this time, the boss would appear in time, otherwise he would not be able to hold the scene.

Once these phenomena swing and those people scare two more words, then his previous efforts will be nullified.

"Hopefully it's true this time, or we'll sell it to someone else." After

waiting for another half an hour, several fishermen also felt unwilling, so they simply gave Qin Hongyi another chance.

"Look, that's our boss's car, I just said, how can I lie to you!" Several

fishermen were finally relieved to see the vehicles appearing in the distance.

"How is it possible, what he said before is true!" Some

fishermen who stayed to watch the joke now realized that the joke was their own, but the person watching it was someone else.

"The loss is great, in half an hour, there will be more than a thousand!" These

fishermen began to regret one after another, but the world did not regret medicine.

As for the people who acquired, seeing that everyone else was coming, it was useless to stay on their own, so they could only leave in ashes.

"Let's go, let's go back to hand over the goods, and then go back to spend Chinese New Year's Eve with our families!" Qin

Hongyi hurriedly waved his hands towards the vehicle.

"Boss, here. "

When the vehicle stopped, everyone just saw the vehicle and knew that they were waiting for the right thing.

And Qin Mo got down from the car, the fisherman's eyes lit up, is this a star?

"Have you negotiated the price?"

Qin Mo walked to Qin Hongyi and asked.

"All negotiated, this is the price that the few of them want, the boss is embarrassed, if I have money, I will pay first." Qin

Hongyi saw that he didn't even have a deposit of 10,000 yuan, and he was a little tearful.

"It's okay, I'm the same, you can stay, you've done a good job!" These

fishermen are up to date, all electronic payments.

"Kuang Xiuneng, work!" Qin

Mo called out to the security personnel.

"Here, boss, you just stand on the side, we'll do this!" This

kind of rough work, how can the boss come in person, Kuang Xiu can quickly take the fishermen to do it first.

"Qin Hongyi, let them come, I have something to tell you. Seeing

that he wanted to go over and help, Qin Mo hurriedly stopped him.

"What's the matter, boss?" "

Call your parents and go to the county town for a New Year's dinner together, there are many people."

"No thanks, boss, we've always lived like this, just at home."

Qin Hongyi hurriedly shook his hand, how could this work, take his parents to dinner.

"Needless to say, it's decided, you go back and clean up now, and just send me the location later."

Qin Mo didn't give him a chance to speak again, and gave him a serious look before turning to leave.

"Thank you boss!" he

knew why the boss did this, and his family was not reunited during the New Year.

The younger siblings refused to come back, so it was better to let him call his parents and follow him over for a New Year's dinner.

Qin Hongyi knew that the boss was in a hurry, so he didn't say anything more, and went back directly on his motorcycle.

Soon, with the help of fishermen, the seafood was repacked and moved to the back compartment.

Fortunately, it was a big G that drove over, and if it was another car, it really couldn't be installed.

Not to mention, there are people sitting down later.

"Boss here!"

Qin Mo quickly found Qin Hongyi's home according to the address sent.

I happened to see him standing in the doorway, and next to him stood a pair of middle-aged men, it was his parents, wearing clean clothes.

It seems that this is Qin Hongyi after rushing back, he ordered his parents to replace it.

If nothing else, this should be the new clothes to wear tomorrow.

It's just that this time because of Qin Mo's appearance, he put it on in advance.

Otherwise, as fishermen, they rarely wear new clothes, unless there is something happy or the like.

"Son, this, we don't dare to go up!" Looking

at the luxury car parked in front of the two, the two didn't know what to do for a while.

With his own identity, will he get dirty with his son's boss's car.

The two are very satisfied that their son can work with a rich boss.

But now they have to trouble their son's boss, which makes them overwhelmed.

"Two of you, it's okay, the car is for sitting, don't be afraid!" Seeing

Qin Hongyi's parents hesitate, he didn't know what the problem was.

After getting out of the car, they came over and they got in.

The boss who saw his son got out of the car and came over to invite the two of them.

They only promised to get into the car and sit in their seats.

The waist plate is straight, for fear that leaning back will stain the seat.

"Everyone sit down!" This

time, Qin Mo didn't drag racing, there were not only people on the car, but also seafood.

"Two elders, after you finish eating tonight, you will spend the night. "

Thinking of arranging apprenticeships, the five-story building seems to have a few spare rooms.

It happened to vacate a room for Qin Hongyi's parents to spend the night, so that they could sit with them and be in a solid mood.

"Leader, you don't have to do this, we can spend the night anywhere!" Hearing

Qin Mo talking to them, it was Qin Hongyi's father, Qin Huamao, who spoke.

However, he spoke too politely, and as soon as he opened his mouth, he honored Qin Mo as the leader.

"Boss, my father's name is Qin Huamao, and my mother's name is Yang Chuntao.

Qin Hongyi's eyes were not bad, and he saw the boss pause for a few seconds.

Immediately realized what the problem was, and quickly said the names of his parents.

"Uncle Huamao, I'm not a leader, you call me that, I can't afford it, you still call me by name

, Qin Mo, or Xiao Qin!" "Then it's still called Qin Mo, Uncle hasn't read any books, there is no culture, and where he says the wrong thing, please don't be surprised!"


Qin Huamao has no culture, his speech is quite level.

"It's okay, uncle, I'm out of here too. Seeing

that the two were still so restrained, Qin Mo finally said it.

"You are also from our Qin family village, I almost forgot, you are also surnamed Qin!"

Qin Mo's words surprised the three people in the car.

"Boss, you are too..."

Qin Hongyi now finally understood why the boss took such care of his three brothers and sisters.

The previous worries also vanished at this moment.

"Then your parents are?"

asked Qin Huamao carefully, he also wanted to know whose son was so good.

"My father is Qin Anguo.

"It turned out to be Qin Anguo, it's no wonder

, your father was my Qin family village,

the first college student at that time. "

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