"It's arrived!" Knowing

that the boss is the Ben family, the chat on the road is not as restrictive as before.

However, Qin Hongyi's family, when he spoke, admired Qin Mo even more.

"If you want to eat seafood, hurry up and help!"

Qin Mo shouted as soon as he got out of the car.

No, some people who were chatting just now immediately ran over.

"Boss, did you buy seafood?"

"Wow, so much!" As

soon as the rear carriage opened, everyone looked at the neat pile of boxes, and they were stunned for a while.

There is only so much at present, you can't let everyone eat with an open stomach, and you have to prepare in advance next time!" It

is already half past five in the afternoon, and the remaining time is an hour and a half.

Chinese New Year's Eve, I want to have breakfast, and then we can chat together after dinner.

"Everyone can eat seafood, and thank Qin Hongyi a lot!" Qin

Mo pointed to Qin Hongyi next to him at this time.

"Hehe, big brother, you are too powerful. "

Yes, Xiaomei adores you too much, what so many people can't do, you can get it as soon as you get out!" "

Hey, dad and mother, you guys are also here, it's great!" At

this time, Qin Wanxiu finally saw her parents who had just got off the car.

Hurriedly ran over happily.

As for Qin Huamao and Yang Chuntao getting off the car, they were attracted by the luxurious villa.

"This is the villa where rich people live, how beautiful!" the

two couldn't help but think in their hearts.

However, he was soon interrupted by a cheerful and familiar female voice, and he saw that it was his precious daughter who ran over.

"Yes, your boss must come over us!" "

This is great, our family can have New Year's dinner together!" Seeing

that everyone was busy, only his family was standing and chatting.

Qin Huamao hurriedly said.

"We also went to help, but not just eat and not work!" A

few people walked over, wanting to help with seafood, which they were best at.

Time passes in everyone's busyness.

Until seven o'clock in the evening, the courtyard of the villa was already filled with the aroma of various delicacies.

Especially fresh seafood has just been baked, and the aroma makes people drool.

"Dad, Xinxin's stomach is so hungry, when can I eat!" Qin

Xinxin couldn't wait, but when he saw the adults, they hadn't eaten yet, and they had been watching from the side.

If it weren't for Fu Hetai, secretly peeling a crab for her, she would have fallen out a long time ago.

"Wait, it'll be soon!"

comforting his daughter's head, rubbing her hair, Qin Mo asked.

"Second uncle, second aunt, why haven't you come over yet

, dad, have you informed them?" Seeing

that they were going to eat, and before anyone came over,

Qin Mo had to ask his father.

"I said, but what's going on with the two of them?" "

Okay, I found out dad, you're not reliable now."

I'll go to the second uncle's house to see what's going on?" Qin

Mo walked outside, activated the big G, and drove out.

"You said what else you can do now, originally I wanted to help my son share it."

Things that let you notify, this can't be done.

It seems that I usually don't control your drinking, and my head is burned by alcohol, so I can control it more in the future!" Wang

Lanhui looked at her son who left, and said to Qin Anguo.

"It's that I didn't do it right, I'll talk about the wine later, okay?" "

No, I won't care tonight, I have to make a report when I drink in the future, and this matter is so happily decided!" After

Wang Lanhui said this, she no longer paid attention to Qin Anguo, she still had to go to see Xinxin.

"Wife, you are a happy decision, but I am not!" Qin

Anguo looked at Wang Lanhui who walked away happily.

"What's going on?" Parking

the car outside, Qin Mo looked inside the yard, the lights were bright, could it be that the second uncle and the two had forgotten.

"The door is not closed, there seem to be other people inside, is this because there are guests who came and forgot?" Everyone

on the other side of the villa should be waiting for the second uncle and the two.

So Qin Mo didn't waste time and walked directly into the gate.

"Second uncle, second aunt!" When

I entered the courtyard, I saw the two sitting on chairs.

"Xiao Qin, when did you come over?" Seeing

that it was Qin Mo who came in, Qin Anbang quickly stood up.

"Second uncle, it's not for you to go over to eat, why don't you go over now.

"Brother Mo!" Just

when Qin Mo was about to ask the reason, a familiar voice came from beside him.

A young woman sitting next to the second uncle only saw a familiar shadow on her face, but she couldn't remember who it was.

I thought it was a neighbor near the second uncle, so I ignored it.

"Xiao Qin, she is your cousin Qin Danyue. Seeing

the doubts on Qin Mo's face, Li Changjuan quickly explained.

"Are you Dan Yue?" "

It's me, Brother Mo!" Qin

Mo looked at the young woman in front of him, who turned out to be his little cousin.

She is not even thirty this year, but her current appearance, saying that it is more than thirty-five, everyone believes it.

Little cousin, this is devastated by life!

"Why did you come back?" It

stands to reason that during the Spring Festival, the daughter who married out.

Before the second year of junior high school, you can't go back to your mother's house.

But Qin Danyue came back, and beside her, what happened to the two children?

When Qin Mo thought of this, he didn't dare to think about it.

"She got divorced and was kicked out of the house!" Li

Changjuan was very sad when she said this.

When Qin Danyue got married, Qin Anbang strongly opposed it.

He also agreed, if at that time, he was the same as Qin Anbang, then this matter might not have happened.

No wonder the second uncle did not pass, this kind of thing is a shame to say.

When he was older, his daughter was kicked out of her mother's house.

Changing to the older generation of parents, it will definitely not be acceptable.

"Come here uncle.

Qin Mo squatted down and beckoned to the two children.

Both children are women, with feudal thinking over there.

Once gone, most of them are not wanted.

"What's your name?"

"Uncle, tell you to hurry up, it's not good again!" The

two little girls are a little younger, that is, younger than Xinxin.

"Uncle, my name is Chen Yiran, I am my sister, and she is my sister Chen Yixue. Qin

Mo held his two little nieces, it seems that his sister is outgoing, and his younger sister is more introverted.

"Let's go, since we're all back, let's go to dinner together

!" "What!"


three didn't dare to imagine that Qin Mo would actually say this.

The customs here, especially those who are driven out of their homes.

Only their own parents can accept it, but Qin Mo's family is different.

"I said, let's go over to have a Chinese New Year's Eve meal, hurry up, I'm waiting for you!" After

Qin Mo finished speaking, he walked out with his two little nieces in his arms.

"What to do?" the

three of them each glanced at each other, hesitating to follow.

But now Qin Mo carried his two little nieces to the car.

They were afraid that this matter would affect Qin Mo's family.

"Let's go!"

Qin Anbang thought for a while, and finally got up and walked out.

At this time, Qin Mo had already parked the car at the door.

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