"Uncle, this is your car, it's so beautiful!" Put

the two little nieces on the car, and the two immediately became lively.

"Yiran, Yixue, you two like this car?" "

Well, uncle, we like it so much!" The

two little guys quickly nodded when they heard Qin Mo ask.

"Well, in the future, when you grow up, my uncle will give each of you one, okay!"

This sentence happened to be heard by the three people who got into the car.

"This is unacceptable, this car is worth millions no matter what, or two!" Qin

Anbang knew that his nephew was rich now.

Millions are small amounts of money in his eyes.

So can the things he buy be cheap?"

"That's it, let's get in the car quickly!" Seeing

what the three people still wanted to say, Qin Mo directly stopped talking.

Now he is serious, and the momentum of his speech, others dare not look at him directly.

"This is it!" Ten

minutes later, Qin Mo walked in front with his two little nieces in his arms.

The second uncle and the two followed.

Only Qin Danyue couldn't believe it, looking at everything in front of him.

This is not the third uncle's home, why did you come here?"

Qin Mo walked a few steps before he found that Qin Danyue did not follow.

"Okay, Brother Mo!" was

an expression on the outside, and another one after entering.

This time, the three had shocked expressions on their faces.

They could not have imagined that there would be so many people, three or four hundred square meters of yards, side by side with dining tables.

"Boss, you're back, hurry up, I'll wait for you!" After

seeing Qin Mo return, Ding Jianyi quickly got up.

When the others saw this, they also stood up.

"Everyone sit down, don't engage in these formalisms!" Qin

Mo quickly asked everyone to sit down.

"Master, you sit, let's sit there." "

Now Fu Hetai is getting more and more powerful.

This was not the case, but I saw that the master was holding two little girls in his hands, and he saw that there were only three empty seats.

Immediately got up and pulled Zhang Ziming off the table.

"Boss, I'll just follow Hetai to that table. "

Before, because there was still a vacant seat at the main table, the two of them sat down closest to each other.

Now there are two more people in the family, and they just look at it and know that it is Qin Mo's family.

"Second uncle, second aunt come and sit here.

Qin Mo pointed to the two vacant seats before, and only then put the two little nieces on the two seats that had just been vacated.

"Everyone is hungry, hurry up and eat, thank you very much for staying and accompanying Qin Mo this year, not drunk tonight!" Under

Qin Mo's order, everyone began to lively.

Faced with this sumptuous meal, it has not been tried.

I don't know how many times I swallowed my saliva.

But the boss did not come back, and everyone could only pass the addiction.

The next time they heard that they could eat, they all moved their chopsticks towards their favorite dishes.


"I finally understand now that Big Brother Liu is because of every time they miss it.

It turns out that it is here, such a delicious meal, after eating it once, it will be unforgettable for life

!" "

Big brother, this time I stayed for the New Year, and this meal is enough for us to respond!"

"No wonder on the Internet, for our boss a meal, can be proud of millions, it turns out that the secret is here." "

These first-time eaten, Fu and Tai cooked meals by security guards and apprentices.

He began to constantly raise Qin Mo in his mind.

"Dad, who are these two little sisters!" Qin

Xinxin discovered the New World at this time, and stared curiously at the two little girls on the opposite side.

"You said Yiran, Yixue

, they are your sisters!" "

Dad, you say, they are my sisters?" Hearing

Qin Mo say this, Qin Xinxin's eyes lit up.

"Yes, they will play with Xinxin in the future, is Xinxin willing to take two younger sisters?" In

Qin Mo's opinion, this time the cousin came back, it should be impossible to go back.

The marriage is divorced, and you go back to be angry?

If so, then live in your hometown with two children.

Besides, as an older brother of others, his sister is in trouble and must help.

Now she also has the ability, just looking for a job, she is several times stronger than going out to work by herself.

"Great, after that, Shin Shin has a playmate, Cao Ceng, we sit with my sister."

"Yiran, Yixue, don't hurry up and call Sister Xinxin."

"Hello sister Xinxin, my name is Yiran, and I am the eldest sister.

"Sister Xinxin, I'm Chen Yixue.

After Qin Danyue said a word, the two daughters greeted Xinxin one after another.

"Hehe, Yiran, sister Chen Yi.

In the future, Sister Xinxin covers you, who bullies you.

Whatever you want, tell Sister Xinxin, I promise to do it for you!" Qin

Xinxin patted his small chest and said confidently.

"Thank you Sister Xinxin!" "

Thank you Sister Xinxin!" At

this time, Chen Yiran and Chen Yixue finally no longer resisted the surrounding environment.

"Here, eat this big crab, sister Xinxin will peel it for you!" Qin

Xinxin picked the largest crab and wanted to peel it by himself.

As far as her little arms and legs are concerned, it is difficult to peel them off.

"Grandpa, you peel Xinxin off.

"Didn't Xinxin say that he would personally peel off the two sisters?"

"Xinxin also thought ah, but this crab was not willing, Xinxin was angry." She

said hello when she said this, pouting her little mouth.

This look made the people around them can't help but laugh.

"Hahaha..." "

You are all big badasses, Xinxin will ignore you in the future!" originally

wanted to show it in front of the two younger sisters, but he couldn't peel it off, and let his grandfather help be laughed at by adults.

Qin Xinxin blushed all of a sudden, and her appearance became even more cute.

"Xinxin obedient, grandpa peels you off, don't pay attention to these bad guys.

"Hmph, that is, only grandpa is Shin Shin's favorite person."

As soon as he saw someone supporting him, Qin Xinxin smiled on his face.

"Come on, everyone drink the first drink!" Qin

Mo first teased his daughter to enliven the atmosphere, so that everyone would not be so nervous.

Only then did he raise his glass and greet everyone.

"Okay, let me all toast

the boss together!" "I wish the boss a happy family and a prosperous career!" "

Everyone is the same, the family is happy, there are fish every year

!" "Dry!"


!" "Dry!"

The last sound, the surrounding neighbors can hear it, I don't know what do you

think you think, but from this moment on,

the New Year's meal has entered a climax.

After three glasses of wine, everyone each found a toast with a good relationship, but most of them chose Qin Mo.

Hundreds of people, as long as everyone toasts a glass of wine.

Qin Mo was about to drink a hundred cups, and at this time, it was the time to really test his amount of alcohol.

Before the most, that is, a dozen people.

"Boss, I haven't toasted this glass of wine yet, don't push it!"

some people who couldn't squeeze in shouted loudly as they stood outside.

"And me, don't squeeze, come one by one, you have to get the boss drunk tonight!"

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