"Hehe, see if you're still drunk tonight!" Ding

Jianyi looked at Qin Mo, who was surrounded in the middle, and laughed successfully.

Just now, he was the first to take the lead, which suddenly stirred up everyone's emotions.

"Everyone has to work hard, your boss is known to be not drunk in a thousand cups, whether you can break his title this time depends on whether everyone gives strength!"

"Yes, your boss also said that who can get him drunk will be rewarded." "

This must have been said by Ding Jianyi, isn't this adding fuel to the fire?

Originally, everyone wanted to get drunk on Qin Mo, and now I heard that there is a reward.

This is not more energetic, the boss's reward for taking out his hand is definitely a good thing in their opinion.

"Manager Ding, don't you drink it yourself?" Qin

Mo, who was surrounded in the middle, saw him standing outside laughing.

"If any of you can get drunk Ding Jianyi, tomorrow I will seal a big red envelope for everyone." "

Originally, I was going to give everyone red envelopes, which is not just a borrowing of the topic.

Who do you Ding Jianyi mess with, you provoke the boss.

"Okay, boss, you have a good proposal!" Now

everyone is about the same and knows the boss's drinking.

Just now, many people have gone to toast, if you count carefully, no less than thirty glasses.

"Don't come over, go to the boss!" Seeing

everyone shift their targets, Ding Jianyi said quickly.

"Manager Ding, don't worry, when we get you drunk, we will toast the boss, rest assured, none of them will be left behind."

Everyone laughed one after another, and the wine bottles in their hands kept filling, filling the wine glass in Ding Jianyi's hand.

"Okay, drink it again, I'm really going to get drunk!" Quickly

poured a cup by more than a dozen people, Ding Jianyi's face began to turn red.

"Talk so sober, what drunk, keep coming, don't try to lie to us." "

These security personnel, each of them is an old churro, how can they be deceived, this moment is like returning to the old life."

"No, you don't mean to respect the boss, how can you all sit there and eat vegetables!" Ding

Jianyi looked at his target, and now he was quiet, sitting on the dining table eating food.

Now he is beginning to regret it, how can he talk too much just now.

Now it's good, I can't eat such a good dish, and I was poured with wine.


, can I admit defeat?" "

How can you admit defeat when drinking, rest assured, Manager Ding will be helped back to the room when he is drunk, you can rest assured!" For

tomorrow's boss's big red envelope, how to get Ding Jianyi drunk.

Five minutes later, Ding Jianyi began to speak fluently.

Ten minutes later, he saw that everyone was twins.

He said a drunken word, a few more drinks, and believed to lie down immediately.

"Okay, let go of Manager Ding, tomorrow he promised, and he will also send red envelopes to everyone, now that you drunk him, can he get out of bed tomorrow?"

Qin Mo said a word, making everyone turn around and return to their seats.

"Or the boss has insight, Manager Ding has not eaten until now, drinking like this is not good for health."

"Yes, such a hearty New Year meal, it's really a pity not to eat a little, everyone eat more!"

At this time, everyone had automatically filtered what Ding Jianyi said before.

Drunk the boss, who will give them red envelopes tomorrow?

You guys!" Ding

Jianyi was almost so angry that he ascended to heaven! He

really lifted a stone and smashed his own feet

!" "Si Haosi, you are not in good health, drink less alcohol, otherwise it will hurt your body!"


turned out that Si Haosi had been discharged from the hospital, after checking it again.

It's just scary on the outside, and there are no injuries inside other bodies.

"Don't be afraid, my own body knows that I am so happy today, this is not more to drink

!" "This time, the things you do, the boss will definitely look at you differently, please develop in the future, don't forget us brothers!"

"Yes, I heard that the boss is very affectionate, and you saved his precious daughter."


don't know how many red envelopes the boss will send tomorrow, I'm really looking forward to it."

I fancy a mobile phone, but I haven't had the money to buy it.

I still use this old man-machine to watch you smart phones one by one.

I decided

that tomorrow the red envelope sent by the boss will be used to buy a mobile phone!" Si

Haosi quickly changed the topic of everyone, but did not want to talk about the boss behind his back.

"Take the money from the red envelope to buy a mobile phone, Si Haosi, you don't have a fever?" "

Yes, your mobile phone, even if it is old, how can it cost three hundred yuan."

Do you think that the boss's red envelope is big, and it wasn't the boss who made us happy just now?"

"You are wrong, the boss said that the big red envelope, with his identity, I think the minimum is five hundred."

"Five hundred per person, that's a lot!

And I heard that the security guards also have red envelopes, and even the workers at the construction site.

How many of these people are there?

There are more than 400 workers on the construction site alone.

Add us and those security guards, at least six hundred people.

This is 300,000, do you think it is possible?"

"Yes, Brother Li's analysis is very comprehensive, our salary is 20,000 a month, this is almost fifteen more people to come over."

Everyone still don't think so beautiful, but I think there should be two or three hundred, as for the above words, really don't think about it!"

"I don't agree with what you two said, I think the boss will send red envelopes separately."

That is to say, we wait, those security guards wait.

There is one class for the workers on the construction site, and one class for the apprentices accepted by the boss.

I guess the highest rank is the person who follows the boss.

Our words, the minimum is five hundred yuan, maybe a thousand is possible!" These

security personnel began to guess how many red envelopes Qin Mo would send to everyone tomorrow.

"Don't guess, such a delicious meal is not often eaten."

Don't hurry up to eat more, but I heard that even if it is a meal made by the boss's apprentice.

It can be sold outside for tens of thousands of tables, which is still a normal dish.

If the food at this table is calculated, it will cost at least about 50,000.

"Old car, you just blow it, this table of meals costs fifty thousand."

I really believe 10,000, but as for the number you say, I don't believe it. The

old car found out what he said, and his colleague did not believe it, so he quickly took out his mobile phone and handed it over.

"Don't believe it, then see for yourself, did I lie



When did you kid take it?"

"Just before the meal, now you believe it, quickly return the phone to me!"

Soon, ten security guards at this table passed the mobile phone of the old car.

"It's really worth fifty thousand, so if you calculate it, ten of us, won't one person eat five thousand yuan." "

Everyone was taken aback by their algorithms.

Because what they see is an old car a chef, very famous kind.

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