"When will our senior squad leader arrive!"

"Yunlin big beauty, you should give a clear answer, it won't be fooling everyone!"

"I haven't eaten for a day, but keep your stomach and eat tonight!"

"You person, what else will you do, look at your belly, it is twice as big as seven months ago, and people who don't know think that you are six months pregnant!"

At this time, it was already half past six in the afternoon.

The sky had begun to darken, and several classmates glanced outside from time to time.

"Yunlin big beauty, are you sure the squad leader will go home for the New Year?"

Lin Yonghao asked again, he now began to regret why he didn't pull Qin Mo into the class group last time, it was really a drinking mistake!

"I'm sure our squad leader has returned."

While everyone was talking, Tong Shui Tao, who did not come over at every party, actually spoke.

After graduating from high school for so many years, except for the previous years, Tong Shui Tao has participated in parties.

However, since she started a family, she has not participated again, and no one has forced it, even if she is in the class group, she acts as an invisible person.

Unexpectedly, she came over by herself at this party.

None of her classmates notified her, but only sent a notification message in the class group.

And everyone also found that Tong Shui Peach who did not speak before.

After meeting my classmates, I also added it, and occasionally said a word or two.

So now she said that Qin Mo had returned, which shocked everyone even more!

"Tong Shuitao, how do you know, wouldn't it be that you heard Yun Lin say this, and you yourself are also chaotic?"

"Or before you, you have had contact with the class leader, so you know in advance."

At this time, everyone's attention turned to Tong Shui Tao.

Originally, tonight, she didn't have time to come to the party.

What they didn't expect was that on the second day of junior high school, there was no lottery, and the passenger flow was even more terrifying than the previous day.

From the moment the doors opened in the morning, there were long queues outside.

Some people looked at the front line of hundreds of people because they were late.

I guess that when it is my turn, I may have lunch.

But breakfast has not been eaten, so I can only let my companions go elsewhere to buy some snacks.

Be prepared to eat a little when you are hungry, so that you can ensure that when the time comes, you can eat more in the best condition.

"We can handle it here, you better go to the party first!"

If Xu Xiuwen hadn't explained the situation to Fu Hetai, she would still be busy in the store now.

"Want to know?"

Tong Shui Tao suddenly wanted to tease these classmates.

"Well, I want to know, say it quickly!"

"Yes, yes, I would love to know about it too!"

At the table, more than twenty students nodded quickly.

This time, there were more people at the gathering than ever before.

"Oh, I don't know!"

"Tong Shui Peach!"

Lin Yonghao shouted out word by word, he was very depressed now.

"What for, Lin Yonghao, it's too late for you to chase me now, I have several children.

And when will you get married, classmates, it seems that there are only a few left who are not married, you are one of them, I am still waiting to drink your happy wine? "

Today's Tong Shui Peach, compared to before, has changed a lot.

Mainly because there is no worries about life, the daily income of the store I am in charge of is equivalent to the total income of several months before.

"I can't imagine that Tong Shuitao classmates will joke, it seems that recently, is there any happy event!"

"Where there is any happy event, it's just that you don't need to, go out to work, and now the store is starting to improve!"

For the doubts of the classmates, Tong Shuitao did not choose to hide it, because it was known sooner or later.

Everyone also knows that his husband has a lamb porridge shop and used to visit it often.

"Wait, Tong Shuitao-san, you're really just getting better."

At this time, a male classmate stood up and said.

"Ding Xinghe, what do you want to say?"

Everyone looked at the surprised expression on Ding Xinghe's face and asked one after another.

"Yes, I'm not wrong, it's an improvement!"

"Customers are outside the store, there is a long line, from morning to night, do you think this phenomenon is just an improvement?"

After hearing what Ding Xinghe said, the students finally understood what was going on.

"Tong Shuitao's husband didn't open a lamb porridge shop, if the business was as good as you said, wouldn't she have said that the family went out to work a few years ago?"

"That used to be, but it's not now?"

When I thought of passing by the goat porridge shop today, I still had some doubts.

This is still not Tong Shui Tao's shop, because he saw that the name of the store has changed.

At that time, he wanted to go in and help, but after seeing the long dragon outside, he chose to give up.

Using half a day to queue just for a breakfast was not worth it in his opinion.

"Tong Shuitao, I'm serious to ask you a question, is that store still yours?"

It wasn't until Tong Shui Tao's reminder just now that he remembered.

This is the issue he is most concerned about at present, how much money can be made in a day with such a hot store!

"Sort of, we're still working in it."

After hearing these words, not only Ding Xinghe was puzzled, but also other students.

"Forget it, what do you mean, that goat porridge shop has not been your husband's family for more than twenty years."

"The shop is not our family anymore, now we work for others!"

"It's a pity, such a good business, if it is still your family's, how much money can you make!"

"What are you talking about, why I don't understand at all."

Some students who work outside do not understand the situation in their hometown.

"Everyone knows that Tong Shuitao's husband runs a lamb porridge shop."

"We all know this, you still tell us what we want to know."

Hearing Ding Xinghe say something useless, some impatient classmates quickly interrupted.

"You haven't changed at all, or this kind of impatience, you listen to me first."

Ding Xinghe couldn't imagine how this kind of acute child could be mixed for so long outside.

"I just said, this store doesn't know what happened?

After the name of the store was changed, the business immediately became hot.

If there are classmates who go out shopping these two days, they should be able to see a shop with a long queue outside!

After Ding Xinghe's reminder, the classmates who went out before finally remembered.

"Tong Shui Tao, should I say that you are still in the original store?"

"Classmate Lei Xiangming, you said and laughed, if I am not there, the family lives on what to eat!"

"No, Tong Shuitao, I didn't mean that..."

Lei Xiangming quickly explained, the ambiguity in his words was unclear for a while.

"Okay, we all know what you mean, let's get back to business."

"Ding Xinghe, you continue!"

Lin Yonghao stopped everyone from talking, and he also wanted to know what happened.

Because a few days ago, I was not in Shuijiang County, so I definitely don't know what happened.

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