"Today at noon, when I passed Tong Shui Tao's classmate shop.

Do you know what I saw, now think about it with envy.

A newly opened shop with hundreds of people lined up outside.

Everyone may think that this is normal, and it is not surprising that the newly opened store is engaged in activities.

To your surprise, there was no activity at that store today.

Listening to others, the price has risen a little, and there is a long line outside, which has been like this since the morning.

Dear students, if I say something, everyone should understand what is going on. "

This time, all the students here know what is going on.

"In this way, our Tong Shui Peach Classmate Goat Porridge Shop was already closed.

But after being taken over by others, there is a phenomenon that is now hot, and they are still working for others inside, I don't know if I understand it so much, Tong Shuitao, did I say something wrong?

Lin Yonghao said his understanding and asked Tong Shui Tao.

"Lin Yonghao is right, that's pretty much what he meant."

"That's a shame!"

"Such a good business, if Tong Shuitao, you stick to the Spring Festival, maybe the person who makes money is your family!"

"With hundreds of people queuing up, how hot the business can be.

I have not seen this scene in so many years in a big city.

No, I can go out tomorrow!

I can't come back every day, lying in bed, but also to see my hometown, the changes in the past few years. Looking

at the regretful expressions on everyone's faces, Tong Shuitao said with a smile.

"In fact, you are wrong to think so, the reason why business is so hot is not because of the Spring Festival.

The most important thing is what you sell and how it tastes!

"You don't regret it now?"

"What's so regretful about this, I'm still thankful now, if he hadn't taken over, I probably wouldn't have come to the party now."

When Tong Shuitao said this, the classmates did not listen to her expression carefully.

"Seeing that you are so happy, then talk about how much salary people pay you!"

From the beginning of seeing Tong Shui Tao, she had a smile on her face, indicating that she was in a good mood now.

"It's not much, what is prescribed for us is, only commissions."

"Say, there are no outsiders here, besides, we can still rob you of your benefits!"

"Only commission, this is too risky!"

"No, now the business is so good, then only promotion, then isn't it, you have made a lot of money!"

Finally, some classmates connected the previous one, and they were immediately taken aback by their own ideas.

"Classmate Tong Shuitao, quickly tell me about people, how much commission will be issued to you?"

Lin Yonghao's words hung everyone's curiosity.

"Twenty percent!"

"What, Ercheng, do you still think it is, do you think it is less, or we will help in the past, only give us one achievement is enough!"

"Okay, don't talk about this, our squad leader has already arrived, almost arrived!"

Seeing everyone chatting and chatting, they all asked about people's income.

Yun Lin then interrupted the communication between the classmates and led the topic to Qin Mo.

"What, Qin Mo, this kid, is finally here, everyone is waiting for him, just let him drink a few more drinks!"

"Are you sure you want to pour our senior class leader's wine, you forgot about the last time so quickly?"

"Ahem, last time there were few people, this time there are so many people here, everyone works together, I don't believe it, I can't lose to him."

Lin Yonghao thought of how drunk he was before, and now he blushed when he thought of it.

"You want to drink yourself, and you don't know the amount of alcohol of the class leader, last time a dozen people, you can't get drunk on him, it's not the same now!"

Feng Xiangchen's meaning was obvious, the extra few people were all female classmates.

You want to rely on them to pour Qin Mo wine together, don't you think too perfectly.

"I'm sorry, students, I'm late for this party again!"

Yun Lin was right, and within a few minutes, Qin Mo appeared in the box.

"He is our senior squad leader, Qin Mo?"

Some of the classmates who did not come with them at the last party looked at Qin Mo in surprise.

Not only these students, but also previous classmates.

Thinking about how long it had been, it seemed that Qin Mo had changed again.

"Yes, he is our senior class leader, are you starting to regret it now, why didn't you pursue him at that time!"

"Lin Yonghao, roll your calf, we have all started a family, and our mouths are still so annoying.

No wonder I'm still alone, I see in this life, you still play single, save to harm people.

"What is everyone talking about, so happy!"

"Senior class leader, they are discussing how..." A

female classmate wanted to tell him what Lin Yonghao had just said, but was covered by the person next to him.

"We said, if the senior class leader is late, he will be punished for three cups!"

"But, I'm late after all!"

Qin Mo sat down on the main seat, and now he did not shirk this, he was used to it.

"I'll warm everyone up first!"

Picking up the wine bottle on the table, Qin Mo filled himself with a glass.

After drinking three glasses in a row, he put down the wine glass.

"The big class leader is the big class leader, and the face will not change color after three glasses of wine!"

"Just rush this amount of wine, we are ashamed of ourselves!"

"He also said that he wanted to get drunk with the squad leader, isn't this a moth to the fire!"

Just three glasses of wine, but two glasses.

Qin Mo drank three cups in one breath, that is, six taels.

But now looking at his face, there was no change at all.

From this, you can probably guess that it is really difficult to rely on his classmates to intoxicate him.

"Lin Yonghao, the lesson last time is not enough, look at your appearance, are you fooling your classmates into pouring me wine again!"

For his high school classmates, there were no bloody scenes.

Qin Mo is very happy, everyone can still maintain the innocence of the student days, this is very rare!

"I, Lin Yonghao, dare to be bold, I just want to intoxicate you once!"

"Haha, Lin Yonghao, in your life, the second eldest is decided!"

One classmate couldn't help but laugh.

It doesn't matter when I was a student, or now.

Where there is Qin Mo, he Lin Yonghao only loses.

The only time I won was my previous family background.

Now that there is not even this sense of superiority, you can imagine how depressed Lin Yonghao is.

"Hehe, you don't have a chance if you want to be the second old!"

Lin Yonghao was not angry because of this, but smiled very happily.

"Handsome man Qin, listen to our Yunlin big beauty, you are now back to Shuijiang County to develop?"

For his hometown, Lin Yonghao is very welcome to be able to come back to an old classmate.

Especially Qin Mo, in this way, he will have a companion for drinking in the future.

"You all know?"

"Got it, Yun Lin told everyone in the group."

"Senior class leader, this time, will you stay in your hometown in the future, or..."

"The foundation will be on the hometown side from now on!"

"Haha, good, this is a good statement, root!"


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