"Senior class leader, don't forget us old classmates in the future!"

"Yes, one day our class president becomes a rich man, just leave some soup for us to drink!"

Students, I didn't ask Qin Mo why he came back.

Everyone hopes that he will succeed when he comes back, and maybe he will really be asked to help in the future.

"Okay, today is a party, all consumption will be the responsibility of our senior class leader, don't save money for him!"

After knowing Qin Mo's property, Yun Lin mentioned it to him.

In the future, the reunion between classmates, can he sponsor a little.

Yun Lin wanted to call all the classmates up, so that it was lively enough.

You can also take this opportunity to help those poor students.

"I will be responsible for all consumption in the future, but you will pad these accounts first, and come back to me to reimburse them."

This is Qin Mo's original words, and it is also the main reason why this time, four more classmates can come to the party.

"Listening to our Yunlin big beauty say this, our senior class leader is really rich!"

All consumption has a person out, so many holidays throughout the year.

There are also small gatherings on weekdays, which is not a small amount for ordinary people!

"Qin Mo, I want to invest a sum in you now, I don't know if I can."

The money Lin Yonghao is spending now is all given by his family.

He is a small rich second generation, but after a while.

I still think it's best to spend the money I earn, but I can't lie down like this all the time and let the family raise it.

"It's not good to be a rich young master at home, why do you want to come out and make money."

"People, in this life, there is always a goal, and it is not good to always be a salted fish!"

"For the project, I do have it here, but I am very tired, I just don't know if you can stick to it, and I will tell you first, the future work place is not in Shuijiang County."

Hearing Qin Mo say this, not only Lin Yonghao was interested, but the other students also pricked up their ears.

"Squad leader, are you serious?"

"It's not in Shuijiang County, it won't be far away, right?"

"In the near future, it will still be within the city, and then it may be decided!"

"Wait, you just said that you will develop outside the city in the future, and you want to engage in such a big battle?"

"Hehe, I'll talk about this later!"

Qin Mo didn't respond to everyone's words, just laughed a few times.

"Senior class leader, what I just said is true, I really want to find something to do!"

Lin Yonghao said with a rare serious expression.

"I'm also telling the truth, it's not just you, the students here, no matter who they are, as long as they can endure hardships, they can find me at that time!"

In Qin Mo's opinion, in the future, the bun shop managed by Ye Yin cannot only nest in Shuijiang County, and he will also have to fight back.

It's definitely going to be going to be out, and then you're going to have to hire some staff.

In that case, cheap outsiders, it is better to give this opportunity to these students.

"Then let's thank the senior class leader in advance!"

Whether it is true or not, everyone is very happy, after all, classmates have earned money and have not forgotten themselves and others.

"Let's toast the class leader and thank him for caring for us!"

"I wish our senior class leader, the business is getting bigger and bigger!"

Qin Mo's appearance made the party really enter a climax.

Some classmates who originally had low self-esteem found themselves at this moment that they had actually integrated into this big family.

"Tong Shui Tao, let me ask you a question?"

When everyone was looking for Qin Mo to drink, several classmates also found Tong Shui Tao.

"What's the matter, you ask!"

Tong Shuitao looked at several classmates, all of whom had a good relationship with him when they were students.

It's just that after that, the connection was broken because of factors such as work and family.

"The boss you just mentioned, is it our senior class leader?"


She didn't expect this classmate to be so powerful, just through some information, she was able to speculate and draw conclusions.

"Looking at you, I knew I had guessed.

Sure enough, it's still our big class president, no matter when I was a student.

Or now they have made a lot of money, and they still haven't forgotten us!

Several students sighed with emotion.

"Don't worry, you didn't say it yourself just now, and a few of us won't say it."

Seeing Tong Shuitao's expression, several people immediately responded.

"Okay, let's go and salute the senior class leader separately!"


This time, the gathering was all arranged by Qin Mo and Yun Lin, so they all chose the most suitable place.

From seven o'clock in the evening until twelve in the evening.

Even Qin Mo couldn't stand it, it might be a factor of atmosphere.

He actually felt a little drunk.

"Please send them home!"

After the scene, Qin Mo asked his subordinates to send the drunk classmates to their doors.

"I should go back too, it seems that I have to speed up the progress next!"

Back home, everyone had woken up.

One night without words!


Beep ——, vibrate!

Qin Mo, who had just returned from morning exercise, changed his clothes and his mobile phone rang.

"Brother Lin, Happy New Year!"

It turned out that this call was made by Lin Tongfu.

"Haha, Happy New Year, I know that at this time, call Brother Qin, I will definitely answer it!"

The last time he came to visit, Lin Tongfu knew that Qin Mo had the habit of exercising in the morning.

As we all know, once a habit is formed, time has regularity, and everything is fixed in nothing important.

"It seems that nothing can be hidden from Brother Lin."

"Brother Qin, if there is nothing to do now, come and accompany me for morning tea?"

After the last in-depth exchange, the relationship between the two can be described as excellent, and there is a feeling of hatred for seeing each other.

"Okay, Brother Lin, I haven't eaten breakfast yet, I'll go over now!"

Qin Modu had not yet started the vehicle, and Lin Tongfu had already sent the address.

"It's good that it's not inside the big yard."

Inside the big yard, there are many people!

I believe that Lin Tongfu is also considering this problem.

He chose a tea house, but Qin Mo didn't know about this tea house.

"Mr. Qin!"

As soon as the car was parked, I saw a young man approaching.

Qin Mo saw that it was Tan Zhengqing.

"This job is not easy to do, there are no holidays in the New Year!"

As he left, Qin Mo patted him on the shoulder.

Now I communicate with Lin Tongfu as peers, so there is nothing about these.

"Thank you Mr. Qin for your concern, but these are all things we should do!"

Tan Zhengqing didn't, because he didn't feel unhappy without a holiday, and there were many people staring at this position.

This position is tired and hard, and you have to sleep half asleep.

Sometimes the leader sleeps, and he has to rush the materials in the middle of the night.

As long as he makes a slight mistake, it will affect Lin Tongfu.

However, as long as you survive a period of time and do not make mistakes, you will improve faster than your peers.

"Do a good job, young people have opportunities, maybe I will find you for help in the future!"

"Mr. Qin, you said and laughed!"

Tan Zhengqing took Qin Mo's words as comforting himself.

That day, I didn't hear the specific content of the conversation between the two.

However, afterwards, he consulted a lot of Qin Mo's information.

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