"I said Dad, that's it?"

"No, then you can think of a way for me?"

"Such a good plot, I told you before, give a little more money, you just say you have a way."

Now okay, the chicken beats the egg and flies, all at once it is yellow, this is the good way you told me.

"Hmph, I want to make a move, you don't give consent, can you blame me?"

"What era is it now, you still want to make a move, you look for death yourself, don't bring disaster to the family."

Well, that's the end of the matter, I'll think of a way to see where there is still suitable land.

Also, I tell you, don't provoke people, now he has someone to back him up.

"Okay, I know!

Thought it was a good thing and called me back.

It turned out to be another sermon, I won't eat this meal, you guys eat. "

A young man, angry, came out of a villa.

"Li Shao, where are we going next?"

It turned out that it was Li Jinglong who was just in the house and quarreled with someone.

"Go to Shangdai Hotel to eat, and then go for a massage and relax!"

"Okay, Li Shao, please get in the car."

After sitting down, wait for the surroundings to quiet down.

Li Jinglong will remember what his father said just now.

The more I think about it, the more angry I become, why should I listen to you.

If you do what I mean, this Shuijiang County is not our Li family's final say.

A group of old immortals, the older the less daring.

"After eating, don't go for a massage, gather people for me, I have a show to celebrate the festival!"

"Understood, Li Shao, after arriving at the Shangdai Hotel, I will arrange everything."

"You have someone to back up, don't I Li Jinglong have no one."

"The bird's eggs have faded these days, just looking for something to do!"

"Li Shao, you just have a good heart, it's time to show those people the color!"

The subordinates slapped the horse at the right time.

"You know a hammer, I didn't let you talk, drive your car well!"

The horse fart was not photographed, but it caused a commotion.

When Li Jinglong was annoyed, if he hadn't seen him driving, he would definitely have kicked over.

"Yes, Li Shao, I'm wrong!"

"By the way, wait for this matter, you find a little more eye-catching."

You really can't find anyone, then you go on yourself!

No matter who is in charge, I will take care of his family this year.

If you can't even do this, then isn't it so simple to take care of, do you understand?

"Understood, Li Shao!"

Li Jinglong is remembering that what his father said just now, even if he makes trouble, he will not stand in front.

"Okay, you can do the rest of the things, I'll go over later!"

When he arrived at the Shangdai Hotel, Li Jinglong asked his subordinates to leave.

"If you even say that you can't do it, then I will send someone over every day to disgust you!"

When he thought of being blamed by his father because of someone, Li Jinglong was very unhappy in his heart.

"It upsets me, don't think about it!"

"I hope those wastes can understand what I mean!"

Li Jinglong no longer paid attention to these, just handed it over to his subordinates, and began to drink a small wine.

Today is the third day of the Spring Festival.

The construction site is busy.

The location of the construction deviated from the residential area, and in order to catch up with the schedule, the workers were divided into two batches.

The big red envelope I got a few days ago made these workers excited, and it has not dispersed until now.

Because Boss Qin said that on the day of completion, a big red envelope was delivered.

When I meet such a good boss, the people who work below, where is it still not energetic.

"Who are they?"

At this time, some workers saw some people walking outside.

The brick moving workers had just sat down to rest for a while when they saw this scene.

"Quickly inform the foreman, this is a construction site, outsiders can't come in casually, once there is an accident, it will stop work, I don't want to waste time!"

"A few of you, just stand here today and don't move!"

The foreman, who had just rushed over, heard the man at the head speak.

"Guys, what's going on?"

This gate, but the only exit for vehicles entering and exiting the construction site, if it is blocked, today's progress will be affected.

"Nothing, we a dozen brothers, eat enough today, come out for a walk!"

"Walk, then please change places, this is where I invite you to drink water!"

The foreman walked over and stuffed something into the head man's hand.

"Send the beggar, the master is not inferior to your money!"

The man did not take it and threw it directly on the ground.

I saw five or six red bulls, fluttering in the wind.

At the gate, what happened has attracted the attention of the people inside.

Strangely, the security guard who was on duty at the gate today has not been seen until now.

"What happened?"

A man ran over from one side of the construction site.

He is Si Haosi, who is on duty today, and was named by Qin Mo as the captain of the security personnel.

On the construction site, after the construction of the wall, two entrances and exits were left, one large and one small.

The large doorway is for vehicles to enter and exit, and the small doorway is for employees to enter and exit.


After running over, Si Haosi just glanced at it and knew what was going on.

A few Red Bulls on the ground, obviously the foreman wanted to stop the matter, but the people did not buy it.

"Give you three minutes, if you don't get out of the way, you will bear the consequences!"

After saying this, Si Haosi took out the walkie-talkie.

He didn't call people directly, he really had to wait three minutes.

"Depend, dare to threaten Brother Hao!"

When the two sides were deadlocked, a brick was suddenly thrown outside.

The goal is to go straight to Shous.


Si Haosi hid over, but a security guard beside him was an ordinary person.

There is simply no extraordinary agility, this is not hit in the head by a brick.


After the brick landed, it was still stained with blood.

"Brother Yong, don't be afraid of our large number of people!"

A few more bricks flew over, and several security guards were smashed down.

But this time, it was all smashed on the body, not the point.

The security guard who was hit in the head just now, blood flowed!

"A few of you, quickly bandage him and send him to the hospital."

"Bring me all over the gate!"

Seeing that the other party was so rampant, under the leadership of the first person, he constantly picked up the bricks at the door and threw them towards them.

Si Haosi could only keep dodging, but he was still hit, and he was not Superman.

"Groove, which fool did this?"

The man at the head, at this time, became an outsider.

He watched in disbelief that things were beyond his control.

The person brought over was directly led by a brain wreck.

From disgusting each other, to brawling, the nature suddenly changed.

Thinking of what Li Jinglong had ordered him, his face turned pale all of a sudden.

"It's over!"

This matter was definitely carried by himself, and the security guard just now seemed to be seriously injured.

Li Jinglong must have been the first time, leaving aside this matter.

As soon as he thought of this Spring Festival, he squatted in the cell, and Li Jinglong no longer paid attention to himself, and the man was so frightened that he took a few steps back and sat directly on the ground.

Others, just when they were having fun, kept throwing bricks in their hands, and rampant laughter came out of their mouths!

"Haha, come here, let the master serve with a brick!"

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